I am working with a friend on a Norse and Celtic inspired design for Skeleton King.
Really not sure what to do for the shoulder and arm yet; working on that now.
Might also add some dirt/moss on it so it looks like he really found this stuff in a burial mound.

Has anyone been able to replace SK's items in the test client? I've been trying to, but his items just disappear.
I noticed the has material files named "masks1" and "masks2", but also one simply called "skeleton_king_cloak_masks.vtf". What is that one?
@Gajun: Thanks. Good point about the sword. It could definitely be spiced up a bit.
Change your system units to cm, and reimport the body (fbx) as reference. You can use .fbx files to import into the client. That's a lot easier. Scale your model at the correct size and before skinning it, use a xform modifier. That should do the trick!
Swapping the textures work, but as soon as i swap the model it disappears.
EDIT: The workshop also outputs .dmx and .qc files. Should I put those somewhere?
EDIT2: Somebody in another thread mentioned you actually have to recompile the mdl using the .qc so you can change the relative paths. Can anybody outline how to do this, or is there an easier way to get all the items in the game at the same time?
Any guesses?
I used the .vmt from the workshop compiler and changed the file paths.
EDIT: Even with the original textures it shows up like this, so it's gotta be something to do with the model compile?
We didn't have good ideas for the pauldron. So building on our Norse theme, I got the idea of using Odin's ravens Hugin and Munin as a design element - one being the cape, the other the pauldron, and each furnishing different materials and personalities.
I'm not sure what this means lore-wise. It could imply that SK is a form of Odin (as he is known to shape-shift), or that he murdered Odin's pet birds and put them on as armor. Probably shouldn't over-think it.
We also realized that we had to exaggerate the shapes more to compete with the other over the top items and heroes in the game. This time we put it up to 11, and could probably tone it back a teeny bit in the end. He looks more menacing now.
Suggestions and critiques are very welcome.
We redesigned the sword and made most of the geo, and almost everything sculpted and baked. Now we're trying to figure out the colors, which are all over the place at the moment. The trickiest part is not deviating too much from the original.
(disregard maya viewport errors)
I still need to tone down his saturation and play with the contrast overall, but what I'm really uncertain about right now is whether the dark blue cape is too much of a departure from his original color scheme. My gut tells me it might be, but I like the blue better aesthetically.
Anyone care to chime in on this?
great and unique-looking set dude!
Been learning more of how to work Zbrush, so I sculpted a new and improved helmet. 95% finished with textures - playing with masks now - and will post final images tomorrow after some polish.
Good point about the blade, I might adjust it depending on what valve's policy is on changes after contest submission.