I was wondering one thing, was hoping someone can help.
Lets say i'm sculpting rocks, and i sculpt in some cracks and such. I then apply "sketchShaded3" material, and it gives nice shading, almost like Ambient occlusion.
Now, my question is, is it possible to bake this material (shading etc) into either texture or polypaint, so that i can use it as a base for painting texture, since it already has highlights and shades and stuff.
So, is there a way to bake material straight to polypaint or texture?
Cheers and tnx!
If i paint cracks, for example, is there any way when i'm using polypainting, that brush somehow detects depth to paint? For example, if i only wanted to plaint surface itself and not where the cracks are?
Here's test image:
If you see,i get some artefacts, because even the lowest subd level, the one which i use for baking, the mesh still doesn't seem to be totally flat, but instead, at places where there are cracks on high poly, on lowest subd, mesh is still distorted, because of hte influence of high subd mesh.
But if i smoothen lowest res mesh, i update also high res mesh, and in a bad way, so i can't use that.
Any other ideas what i can do to smoothen lowest subd level, for displacement map generation?