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When a developper make a game alone ...

polycounter lvl 6
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Shudrum polycounter lvl 6
Hi all !

I'm trying to make a little game alone, the developpement is clearly not a problem for me and I have a working prototype. But I have never achieve some correct 3d models.

I try something new, with few assets, and I would like to show you, step by step all of my work. If you could help me, critic me and give me some tips, I will be very grateful !

Thank you !

I've take two screenshots to show you 75% of the models I need :



As you can see, there was a recursive octagonal form, this is a battery slot, the player have to manage the energy on this game. The difficulty for me is to find a correct size for this slot to make towers and other stuff with.

Ok, for this will be stupid, but I've started by a simple ground tile. This is the first time I've baked a high poly model to a low model, and I have used a cage to bake the rounded corners, and here is my result :


This is also a test, the holes are too big, I think I'll just remove them.

Thank you for reading, and I'll post all of my work, see you soon !


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