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LucasFilm sold to Disney



  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Snowwhite and the 500 Ewoks: The Gangbang

    Ah wait, not Disney, Bangbros...
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Disney's first task.
    - Release an unedited original trilogy bluray...

    Fans swoon.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Kingdom Hearts just got more interesting :)

    I hope episode 7 follows some of the interesting stuff that happened after 6. I'd love to see Kyle Katarn with an old Luke Skywalker in the flesh.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Personally I don't know what to make of this. I'm hoping we'll get a new trilogy like the original but on the other hand I'm expecting goofy Phatom Mence crap such as jar jar and the dump talking battle droids to name a few. Then I remember how good Tron Legacy and John Carter was so its put me in state of "we'll see".

    I just wish this changing of hands will not effect the new dark "in production" tv series as I want more boba fett :P
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Oh god please dont kill 1313.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, Star Wars is all well and good (If they gave it to Genndy Tartakosky to make in 2d I might be more excited), but I think there's some other interesting possibilities that may arise from the consolidation of IPs here.

    For example, how about Pirates of the Caribbean - The Secret of Monkey Island? That's probably something that could conceivably happen now - both franchises are now under Disney's banner; both have a lot of similarities; Monkey Island is old enough and has sold enough copies in various forms at this point for the money men to take notice; Disney will likely be looking to reboot Pirates after the rather dismal 4th film and they've had a crack at a big budget game translation in the past in Prince of Persia. It didn't go very well for them, but the Pirates tag might be sufficient for them to look past that.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Snefer wrote: »
    Oh god please dont kill 1313.

    Fear not Snefer!!! Read here.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Give it some time. I love how quickly people respond to news like this on the internet. Some very positive, some very negative. Personally, I have faith that Disney won't make the franchise any worse than Lucas already has.

    As for theme park stuff, they have a section of their parks already dedicated to Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Hopefully it will expand :) And I think they've really respected the franchise at those sections of their park btw. They also have Star Wars weekends at Disney World, in May/June, where they invite actors, and do parades, and guests where costumes. They really do understand and respect the franchise.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    What's with people and their obsessions with 1313?

    If I wanted to play Uncharted with Mass Effect, I would do just that. It's great that it's not getting canceled, because why would it? However, the obsession with "OH NOES! EVEN IF DISNEY HAS A GOOD TRACK RECORD OF GAMES THAT HAVEN'T BEEN PUT IN THE HANDS OF TERRIBLE DIRECTOR'S, WE'RE STILL GOING TO MOURN ABOUT IT" is starting to really get itchy.

    And yet, once the game comes out, people will still find a way to say "OH NOES! DISNEY RUINED A PROJECT THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH!".

    Damn drama Queen's...
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    I hope Dark Horse continue to make Star Wars comics.
  • Mark Dygert
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    What's with people and their obsessions with 1313?

    If I wanted to play Uncharted with Mass Effect, I would do just that. It's great that it's not getting canceled, because why would it? However, the obsession with "OH NOES! EVEN IF DISNEY HAS A GOOD TRACK RECORD OF GAMES THAT HAVEN'T BEEN PUT IN THE HANDS OF TERRIBLE DIRECTOR'S, WE'RE STILL GOING TO MOURN ABOUT IT" is starting to really get itchy.

    And yet, once the game comes out, people will still find a way to say "OH NOES! DISNEY RUINED A PROJECT THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH!".

    Damn drama Queen's...
    Well a few months back Disney canceled a few titles and I think even closed a few studios down. They said they where going to focus on smaller budget social and mobile games instead of big budget console/PC games.

    So that's probably why some people where nervous, the one thing that Disney said it didn't want to do anymore, just landed in its lap.
  • slipsius
    Ya, they went there.... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUbH1SEsqiE"]Darth Vader: What Are You Going to Do Next? - YouTube[/ame]
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    What's with people and their obsessions with 1313?

    If I wanted to play Uncharted with Mass Effect, I would do just that.

    can I borrow your game mixing console? I want to try out Borderlands mixed with Just Dance.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    slipsius wrote: »

    I'm fairly certain that ad aired last year. It is not new by any means.
  • Overlord
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I hope you were being sarcastic...

    If you define a couple of fictional universes to be part of our culture (instead of more real-life achievements that actually have value and changes on a socio-chronic scale of things), then we do have dark days indeed ahead of us.

    I'm not being sarcastic in the least and I'm not just talking about Marvel and Lucas Films. I'm talking about their entire catalog of works. They are all appropriated works either from the public domain, licenses, or out-right purchases of the rights. They haven't created anything wholly original since "Steamboat Willy" (a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much). Look it up, Disney's catalog is built on the works of others almost entirely (the Grimm bother's compilation for one). Disney is a company that is notorious for acquiring our culture, repackaging it, and selling it back to us with little transformation, if at all.

    This is just their latest acquisition and I'm sure they'll try to extend copyright again, as they always have, just so they can own it for another 80 years beyond what they are granted today.
  • Mark Dygert
    CordellC wrote: »
    I'm fairly certain that ad aired last year. It is not new by any means.
    Yep that was chopped from the commercial that they used when "Star Tours 2.0" opened.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4_dZPVg8KI"]Star Tours: Darth Vader goes to Disneyland - YouTube[/ame]
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    Read the press from the IGN link again and see if anything in particular stands out:
    "For the time being all projects are business as usual. We are excited about all the possibilities that Disney brings."

    Their choice of wording doesn't instill me with loads of confidence. How would you feel if you were in an airplane and the pilot said, "For the time being, the wings will stay on the plane."
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Here are a few ideas that Disney could run with... If anyone from Disney runs across this post, these are freebies.

    1. Hire Kenneth Branagh to direct a Star Wars spin-off movie about a young up-and-coming officer in the Imperial fleet. (around the same time that the original trilogy was taking place) The film's story would focus on the moral turmoil the officer experiences over some of the questionable orders he is expected to carry out, and his growing disillusionment with the government he has sworn to support. All-British cast. Guest character cameo by captain Thrawn. (before he became a grand admiral)

    2. Sam-and-Max themed Disney World ride. Just make it happen.

    3. Hire Joss Whedon to write/direct a Star Wars spin-off about Rogue Squadron.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Read the press from the IGN link again and see if anything in particular stands out:
    "For the time being all projects are business as usual. We are excited about all the possibilities that Disney brings."

    Their choice of wording doesn't instill me with loads of confidence. How would you feel if you were in an airplane and the pilot said, "For the time being, the wings will stay on the plane."

    It wasn't like Lucasarts was in the best of conditions before the Disney buyout - the announcement of 1313 was such a surprise after all the layoffs and talks of cutting back on internal development.
  • Magnas
    Wait wait wait.

    Isn't Warren Spector still with Disney?
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    McGreed wrote: »
    Snowwhite and the 500 Ewoks: The Gangbang

    Ah wait, not Disney, Bangbros...

    This sounds so awesome..
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Disney is eating everything!!! Soon they will buy Playboy and making a disney version of it.
  • Mark Dygert
    Magnas wrote: »
    Wait wait wait.

    Isn't Warren Spector still with Disney?
    Junction Point, they just wrapped up Epic Mickey2. I can't remember if they are owned outright by Disney or if they just are under contract. But either way he is working for "The Family" and will probably stick around so long as they keep making good games. I just hope they get to make the games they want and don't get locked into being a franchise factory.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Junction Point are owned by Disney.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Also...Pixar Star Wars? That could be cool.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    How long before Disney guts the bay area studios and sends everything overseas?

    ILM and Lucas already have in-sourcing studios in Singapore. Plus we did some outsourcing of studios involved in Disney. I don't expect that high-level work, deep-specialization work and R&D will move any time soon. What's moving currently is asset outsourcing - same as in games where building blocks (models, levels, animation) are outsourced already, but with the assembly, polish, gameplay, vfx, UI, coding, final-QA staying at the client's studio.

    Modelers, animators, texturers are easy to find in other countries. What's harder to find are people with very specialized skills such as VFX, pipeline design, render optimization, etc. There's a better market for that in the US.

    I think Disney is interested mostly in the IPs and any synergies technology wise. If both Lucas/ILM and Disney do okay, why change too much?
  • slipsius
    As long as they do something good with indiana jones, ill be happy
  • notman
  • Octo
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, that article was a bit harsh on him. I may not like Jar Jar, and several elements of the 3 new episodes, and the new indy, but that weren't THAT bad. Geez.

    Anyway, my wife told me about that yesterday, and I guess some people are pissed about who's benefiting from the money (going to education, rather than other things). People need to cool their tits. That's a lot of money to give away, and it's great of him to use it to help others, no matter how he uses it.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    slipsius wrote: »
    As long as they do something good with indiana jones, ill be happy
    Disavow Crystal Skull and swaddle the rest in a thick blanket of legal red tape so that anyone who so much as thinks about making another sequel will find themselves sued into oblivion? Yeah, I agree.
  • slipsius
    I actually enjoyed crystal skull. I thought it was a good sequel. Except for the ending. Didnt like the ending in the slightest. But with all those crates in the warehouse, they could easily do prequels.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    So i heard from work that Lucas is giving most of that money to charity... i guess i'll look that one up and make sure its true. But that is pretty awesome.
  • Mark Dygert
    Octo wrote: »
    That's really harsh...

    The charity is one he started, Edutopia and one he really believes strongly in so I don't think he is trying to curry favor with nerds. I honestly think that the nerd rage burned him so bad he is dead to Star Wars or just largely apathetic to the franchise now. I really have to wonder if nerd rage is just a way to build geek cred and if any of them really are fans or just a roving band of trolls that roll from IP to IP trying to burn each village down...

    I'm not a fan of some of the things he has done, I think he let Hollywood get the better of him and he bought into his own hype, its probably hard not to. But I think he made a course correction about 10-15 years ago after he was routinely beaten up by every nerd in the universe.

    I think he or some of his kids had learning problems growing up and was labeled with learning disorders but what he found was that almost everyone learns differently and if we modernized and changed the teaching style then people like him (or his kids) could more easily adapt and not have to suffer through being labeled "slow" because they didn't fit the only teaching method being taught. I also think that he found making a few changes to education engaged more students and pushed them to excel farther than they would normally.

    I had a feeling he was going to dump a lot of cash into Edutopia and I'm glad he did.

    Or he thinks everyone is stupid and if you where better educated you would appreciate his genius.
    I personally think the repeated punches to his nut sack have humbled him and trained him to focus on what's important and that isn't giving nerds blow jobs.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    That's really harsh...

    The charity is one he started, Edutopia and one he really believes strongly in so I don't think he is trying to curry favor with nerds. I honestly think that the nerd rage burned him so bad he is dead to Star Wars or just largely apathetic to the franchise now. I really have to wonder if nerd rage is just a way to build geek cred and if any of them really are fans or just a roving band of trolls that roll from IP to IP trying to burn each village down...

    I'm not a fan of some of the things he has done, I think he let Hollywood get the better of him and he bought into his own hype, its probably hard not to. But I think he made a course correction about 10-15 years ago after he was routinely beaten up by every nerd in the universe.

    I think he or some of his kids had learning problems growing up and was labeled with learning disorders but what he found was that almost everyone learns differently and if we modernized and changed the teaching style then people like him (or his kids) could more easily adapt and not have to suffer through being labeled "slow" because they didn't fit the only teaching method being taught. I also think that he found making a few changes to education engaged more students and pushed them to excel farther than they would normally.

    I had a feeling he was going to dump a lot of cash into Edutopia and I'm glad he did.

    Or he thinks everyone is stupid and if you where better educated you would appreciate his genius.
    I personally think the repeated punches to his nut sack have humbled him and trained him to focus on what's important and that isn't giving nerds blow jobs.

    Couldn't agree more.

    I for one dislike the direction he took with the franchise but whatever, I'll live another day.
    People behave like nothing short of burning him at the stake will right these supposed wrongs he has enacted on them.

    He's probably already done more for humanity through his philanthropy than all the rage-geeks combined will do in their collective lifetimes.

    I think people might be losing sight of the fact Star Wars is entertainment...

  • l.croxton
    Pretty sure Disney bought marvel and those films are pretty good, well atleast I think they are. Star wars has got some really die hard fans, honestly I have never met anymore protective fans than StarWars, well maybe some nintendo fans... but ignoring that I think Star Wars may prosper from a new direction, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before AH I GOT YA!! inb4 dats star trek, I know ;).

    However seriously it couldnt have got anyworse of a situation between him and his "fans". He would never release the original cut so it was always a lost cause, also I get the feeling, what he created was bigger than what he was, and for some people when that happens, it goes beyond their control.

    I think it will be interesting to see what comes of this. Its a great universe with masses of potential. I would like to see what happens a few hundred years after or something like that.
  • Mark Dygert
    l.croxton wrote: »
    ... I think Star Wars may prosper from a new direction, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before AH I GOT YA!! inb4 dats star trek, I know ;).
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    slipsius wrote: »
    I actually enjoyed crystal skull. I thought it was a good sequel.
    We shall just have to agree to disagree. and that you're crazy.
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