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[Dota2] - Dazzle - The Dark Side


"In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow.... Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before, with the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his gift to cut down his enemies and mend his friends."

- For my idea im going to play off the darker/destroy side of dazzle. after reading the bio i thought he could be somewhat of a battle priest... in the Nothl Realm he needed to defend himself in close combat along with casting spells, thus the need for armor.."a special type of armor".
I've sketched out some armor ideas just some basic shapes and such. I also want the armor to have some type of glow to it... but i havent really worked that out yet, maybe like glowing designs carved into the armor or something. :)
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