Hi all,
I will be going over the entire process on how to sculpt a creature for a game. Base mesh, sculpting, painting, retopo, rigging, and then putting it in my favorite game, Left 4 Dead 2. This will be a new model from scratch. I am currently working on the concept design now, and when I finish with that, I'll show post it.
Let me know in the comments below what Creature you'd like to see. I am still playing around with ideas and haven't committed to one yet.
Please check out the intro video.

aand this seems like a great idea, will pledge later when I have time but I'm on the run, great idea! I would love to see another juggernaut like creature such as the first one you showed off in the video. Or a dragon, cuz i luv me sum dragonz.
So like when she hobbles around, the vag. creature sort of drags on the ground(?)
Oh! And when you pop her, the secondary creature thrashes around a bit and then tries to murder you?
Damn! How did I get so twisted?
*just pledged. can't wait.
2 legs (Jumping and running)
large mouth
many eyes
I'm all better now and intend on starting that concept art now. Keep the ideas rolling in!
Got the first WIP pic for ya! Progress is going smooth, so I might have this out sooner than later. Head over to http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=21332 To check it out, and future updates.