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PolyUnwrapper v2.4 Released

polycounter lvl 6
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PolyTools3D polycounter lvl 6
Hey guys,

PolyUnwrapper v2.4 is out. Thank you so much for your feedback.

What's New

+ NEW Load at startup (automatically load when Max starts)
+ NEW Added .mzp installer (install/update/uninstall. Update works with v2.4.0+)
+ NEW Dock/Undock PolyUnwrapper Toolbar
+ NEW Align Shells
+ NEW Added support for grouped geometry
+ NEW Select Open Edges
+ NEW Select Pelt Seams
+ NEW Nudge Tools
+ NEW Expand Faces to Pelt Seams
+ NEW Convert Selected Edges to Pelt Seams
+ NEW Geometry Loop
+ NEW Geometry Ring
+ NEW Shift Cylindrical Texture
+ NEW Added Fix UV Aspect Ratio for non square texture to (Pelt, Relax, QuickPlanar, QuickCube)
+ NEW Integrated .chm Help File
- Fixed Select by Element Unwrap Editor button was not updating (Max 2012+)
- Fixed "Select Model Element" where welded UVs would not be detected
- Fixed typo in Normalize dropdown (Maximum, Minimum)
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper Select by Element status not updating when changed Subobject level from Modifier stack
- Fixed VFB save image. Was not overwriting existing files
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper toolbar closing when Unwrap Editor is maximized (Max 2012+)
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper toolbar properly showing when Unwrap Editor is maximized (Max 2011-, doesn't work on 2012+)
- Fixed Flatten Mapping not working when Prevent Reflattening was on
- Fixed icons Gamma when Gamma/LUT Correction is enabled
- Fixed bug where opening a Max window (Ctrl+Click) would prevent Mode buttons to change their state
- Fixed Undo for "Select Model Element"
- Fixed bug in Quick Cube Mapping
- Fixed minor bugs in the Template Render Engine
- Fixed crash when Unloading PolyUnwrapper in Max 2013
- Fixed a bug in "Expand Selection by Smoothing Group" where Smoothing Groups would not be correctly detected
- Fixed documentation errors
- Fixed rendering edges z-depth when faces where overlapped
- Improved Mirror and Mirror by Shell performance
- Improved "Select Model Element". Up to 20X faster than previous version
- Improved error handling for unsupported models
- Improved PolyUnwrapper Toolbar opening time (over 350% faster than previous version)
- Improved rendering times for overlapped faces (up to 40% faster)
- Unified words clusters/elements replaced by Shell
- Removed version number from Utility rollout
- Added undo for Relax operations
- Added undo for Normalize operation
- Added undo for Expand Selection to Smoothing Group
- Added .mzp installer (install/update/uninstall. Update works with v2.4.0+)
- Disabled Unfold Mapping in Max 2013 due to an unknown Max bug

Additional Tools [ 01-09-2013 ]

Normalize UVs with Custom Texel Density

Send UV Selection


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