Hey guys,
PolyUnwrapper v2.4 is out. Thank you so much for your feedback.
http://www.polytools3d.com/polyunwrapper/ What's New
+ NEW Load at startup (automatically load when Max starts)
+ NEW Added .mzp installer (install/update/uninstall. Update works with v2.4.0+)
+ NEW Dock/Undock PolyUnwrapper Toolbar
+ NEW Align Shells
+ NEW Added support for grouped geometry
+ NEW Select Open Edges
+ NEW Select Pelt Seams
+ NEW Nudge Tools
+ NEW Expand Faces to Pelt Seams
+ NEW Convert Selected Edges to Pelt Seams
+ NEW Geometry Loop
+ NEW Geometry Ring
+ NEW Shift Cylindrical Texture
+ NEW Added Fix UV Aspect Ratio for non square texture to (Pelt, Relax, QuickPlanar, QuickCube)
+ NEW Integrated .chm Help File
- Fixed Select by Element Unwrap Editor button was not updating (Max 2012+)
- Fixed "Select Model Element" where welded UVs would not be detected
- Fixed typo in Normalize dropdown (Maximum, Minimum)
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper Select by Element status not updating when changed Subobject level from Modifier stack
- Fixed VFB save image. Was not overwriting existing files
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper toolbar closing when Unwrap Editor is maximized (Max 2012+)
- Fixed PolyUnwrapper toolbar properly showing when Unwrap Editor is maximized (Max 2011-, doesn't work on 2012+)
- Fixed Flatten Mapping not working when Prevent Reflattening was on
- Fixed icons Gamma when Gamma/LUT Correction is enabled
- Fixed bug where opening a Max window (Ctrl+Click) would prevent Mode buttons to change their state
- Fixed Undo for "Select Model Element"
- Fixed bug in Quick Cube Mapping
- Fixed minor bugs in the Template Render Engine
- Fixed crash when Unloading PolyUnwrapper in Max 2013
- Fixed a bug in "Expand Selection by Smoothing Group" where Smoothing Groups would not be correctly detected
- Fixed documentation errors
- Fixed rendering edges z-depth when faces where overlapped
- Improved Mirror and Mirror by Shell performance
- Improved "Select Model Element". Up to 20X faster than previous version
- Improved error handling for unsupported models
- Improved PolyUnwrapper Toolbar opening time (over 350% faster than previous version)
- Improved rendering times for overlapped faces (up to 40% faster)
- Unified words clusters/elements replaced by Shell
- Removed version number from Utility rollout
- Added undo for Relax operations
- Added undo for Normalize operation
- Added undo for Expand Selection to Smoothing Group
- Added .mzp installer (install/update/uninstall. Update works with v2.4.0+)
- Disabled Unfold Mapping in Max 2013 due to an unknown Max bug
Additional Tools [ 01-09-2013 ]Normalize UVs with Custom Texel Densityhttp://www.polytools3d.com/tmp/normalize_uvs_custom.zipSend UV Selectionhttp://www.polytools3d.com/tmp/send_uv_selection.zip
Looks great! Will definitely try this out...
This. ^^
What makes this such a great plugin?
Thank you Lamont. Link is working well. Try clearing your browser chache, or reloading the page. If it still says PolyUnwrapper 2.0.1 (white letters), it is loading a page that no longer exist, so your browser is getting it from the cache.
I have uploaded two prototype helper tools featuring some functions I would like to integrate to PolyUnwrapper in the future.
As they are not final versions, many bugs are expected to occur, including script crashes, so use them with care and try them with testing models before you decide to use them in production.
They are standalone Script and can run them by dragging into the Max Viewport or from MaxScript Menu -> Run Scrip.
Normalize UVs
This is an extension of the Normalize found in PolyUnwrapper and it allows you to use custom Texel Density to normalize the UV Shells. So you can pick up the Texel Density from one model and use it in another model as well as manually modify the Texel Density and Texture Size.
Send UV Selection
This little tool will send the current selection from the Unwrap UVW Editor to the Base Model or Edit Poly Modifier. The selection can be Vertices, Edges or Faces, and it supports only Editable Poly at the moment.
There is no additional help for these tools, so you will have to experiment a little. Please dont hesitate to send me an email or leave a comment with ideas, questions or bugs.
Both tools should run fine in Max 2008 and above.
Thank you all!!
Question, is it possible to implement back the 'soft selection' from the old Max bar into PU? Right now I'm switching PU off and on for SS alone :P
Thanks Jorge for these great tools!
Looking forward to trying this out soonly.
I actually had no plans to add the Soft Selection features, mostly because its not widely used and it need a lot of UI space. But due to some requests I will do an additional helper to enable it. Perhaps in the future Ill add it to PolyUnwrapper too.
Thank you!
As Eric stated, yes it does work alongside TexTools.
I have uploaded a small script that will allow you to work with Soft Selection without unloading PolyUnwrapper.
At the moment there are no Macroscripts, but I will try to create a small installer so you can hook them to some key or menu.
Soft Selection Toolbox
Thank you!
Hi lakimakromedia,
Once loaded, the PolyUnwrapper toolbar will automatically load whenever you open the Unwrap UVW Editor. So you first need to add a Unwrap UVW modifier to your model and then open the editor.
In Max 2008 to 2011 the standard toolbar will be replaced with the PolyUnwrapper toolbar. In Max 2012 and 2013 it will be an add-on to the standard tools.
It is described here:
This toolset still rocks, well worth a look.
I still like my behavior where the longest edge is only searched in the outline tho, because if you have a "triangulated rectangle", the longest edge will be the diagonal, and that's generally not what you want to align with . Maybe a shift+click option on that button would be cool.