This is my first thread in this section

Anyway I am working on creating a more interesting and up to date portfolio and I decided to start with a more simple project first.
I am modeling this WW2 Revolver I have finished the high poly and will be moving onto low poly and than baking normals and creating the texture.
But now here is my high poly. I've also attached one of the pictures I used for reference.

Let me know what you guys think.
That, and that cylinderthing under the barrel should be closer to the barrel (as per your reference) ;-)
I definitely see what you mean. Thanks for the feedback I will tweak those stuff.
I kinda feel there is detail missing on it. Those patterns on the hammer where your thump is suppose to be and the "cilynder thing" also has that pattern. What is the best way to add those? My thoughts are Zbrush or just add them in the normal map later.