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Gas Station [UDK]

polycounter lvl 10
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stFLod polycounter lvl 10
Hello everyone, this is my first post on polycount!

A scene i'm currently working on in UDK. An old deserted gas station left to decay on its own. The ground is vertex-painted with four different textures and blendmasks. Please give feedback!

Next in line: mountains in the background, work on the grass some more, do touch-ups on the house and gas pump. Then model a gas station sign and some more landscape variation and ad more props.




  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Nice! Although if I were you I would have made tiling textures for that building.

    Also does that gas pump have a spec map? If not you should to get some materialy defination in there!

    and why is there a weird ridge between the road and the sand? I think you need to tighten up where the road and sand meet as well It is pretty defined.


    Looking nice though!That gas pump has a really nice diffuse!
  • guhhh
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    guhhh polycounter lvl 9
  • nedwork
    Love the gas pump. If I'm doing this in cryengine, I would make a gloss map. It makes the material much better. For the house, I agreed with SaferDan about the tiling textures. You can also make just one window texture and reuse it.
  • Azaraen
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    Azaraen polycounter lvl 10
    This looks pretty solid! Except for one thing though, your road looks raised in the middle. Was that an intentional design?
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Is there any particular reason you're using unique textures everywhere?
  • stFLod
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    stFLod polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks everyone, glad to hear you like it!

    SaferDan: Thanks for all the feedback, your right about the road and the ridge, gonna try to redo it a little and also fix the texture along the edge of the road.

    As for the pump, I have a spec, but I have to work on it some more and also give it a glossmap as many of you has written and also ad some of the texturedetails in the normalmap I guess. Haven't experimented that much with glossmaps yet, have to dive in to that some more.

    The house texture is tiled for some parts and i'm also reusing alot of the uv-space having uvshells overlapping eachother, the roof for example. My plan is to put different signs and details in the windows. I'm not gooing for superoptimization in this sceene, I want to concentrate more on making everything work togehter. The house is kind of the mainpeice so I wanted make it more unique, but if you have any tips on optimization and tiling, please share.

    Evolyn: yes it was intentional, but maybe the yellow stripes in the middle makes it look like a two-lane road instead of a one-lane. Maybe its a bit to much aswell, I'm going to tone that down aswell when when i change the ridge.
  • stFLod
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    stFLod polycounter lvl 10
    So, I've worked some more on the road and also added some landscape in the background. Changed the sky aswell and discovered postprosess chains, damn that made a difference!
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