Hey folks,
I am finally starting another (my 2nd) own model project. I was gone for quite a while after creating the
old cashbox . This time I want to further increase my modeling skill and take this as an exercise. Yes, it's a weapon and probably the 10000th Steyr Aug you have seen, but I would love to get some crits, tips whatsoever, go!
Here is the inital blockout:

More to come!
lol I am such a newb, I am already stuck trying to model this part for an hour not knowing how to pull it off....
a little help or paintover would be rad.
Crits or Hints (!!) wanted
the best thing I can tell you is to really look at how these guns were constructed and try and replicate that method when you model them, so if something was built in 2 parts, then model it in 2 parts, you'll find it's a lot easier to get your peices looking right that way.
As for your shape, your blockout is pretty clsoe to your concept, but I can't see it all completely... and as for your sub-d mesh, try and soften up your edges around the middle so you have more curves and blending shapes, otherwise it will look way too blocky.
Good luck!
I am thankful for all help I can get!
It's looking pretty good so far, remember to go from large details to small details, so you don't wind up bunching up too many edges
I had to remodel some parts and there are still pinching problems and so on but I will tackle them later on
Goot piece so far
Yeah after I have progressed a little further and starting to fine tune I will double check everything again including edge widths.
Regarding Tricount, I don't really know what I should be aiming for. What do you think? And textures I am also unsure. What are like "standard" texture sizes for FPS weapons?
Again for tri count it totally depends, you could use anything from 15k to 2k (at a rough guess). Just use as much geo as you need to get a good silhouette. Optimising UV's is probably the most important step of optimisation so don't worry about tri counts too much. If you want more detailed info: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50588
Awesome progress in this thread btw, keep it up!
Also I want to model the duct tape around the grip as seen here:
I started sculpting that in Zbrush but I am new to the app and this is my first sculpt ever. I need advise!
Keep chuggin on...
@reverendK: Yeah I will totally get back to that tape again, I am not totally happy yet. Yep the tape is wrapped all around, the pre-zbrush screen is a little older where I was just laying it out.
@Pedro: Killer tip! I will make sure to do that, I was just stuck to the reference that I totally forgot about the FPS perspective ^^
Next steps are finalizing the high poly and starting with the low poly... the fun is over
I tried to unwrap it as a whole first which didn't work out, next I tried to cut off the handle which was kinda strange too.. I don't know how to approach this I am so damn unexperienced with low poly and unwrap >_>
And any tips on melting it down even further?
I moved on a little and made a little progress. At this stage comments are super important!
Also the "waffle" pattern on the magazine is a little too large/prominent. Trying pulling it in some to make it a little more subtle.
Nah but seriously impressive work! Truly inspiring! Are you attending a school and if so, what school? Looking forward to seeing your portfolio grow!
Thanks for your comment! I was studying Digital Media, but the course hadn't much to do with 3D, I pretty much teach it myself with tutorials and a lot of trial and error.
Once again, it really looks great. Looking forward to seeing it all come together with textures. Have you spied out dDo (www.quixel.se)? A brilliant tool that I believe suits this type of model perfectly. However - there is not much actual "get down and dirty" work with it. It sort of manages on itself :P Although I am very much for that type of tool I think it would be good to atleast learn the basics before considering automatizing your workflow.
Best regards
Thanks mate! Yes I am aware of Quixel's tools. I think I will definitely give them a shot.