I just recently finished a 3d animation project and it was a one man project I was the modeller,uvmapper,post processer everything.I feel really exausted after the whole thing.I am thinking of trying my hands on 2d again but let face it..2d animation isn't popular right now but it's quite exhausting creating random and key 3d characters for a project,uvmapping,texturing and skinning all of them before u even start animating.Then u have to create an environment and then start worrying about render settings.
Whereas 2d,all u need is to draw and with practice u get better.but the number of frames u need to draw could be exhausting and u need to avoid wobbling lines while drawing and then color every frame and paint backgrounds(improving ur drawing skills btw).Here u need not worry about tecnicalities like ur rig not working properly,simulating cloth,lets face it animation is frustrating enough without gimbal lock to think about.
I would like to hear other people's views about their experiences and opinnions.
BTW do you know about Spriter? It's an awesome tool for 2D animation:
You have a set cost to produce each frame of 2D animation, the more frames you do this cost isn't going down much if at all.
With 3D there's an initial invest cost but once there each frame of animation is relatively cheap.
So you have to ask yourself am I going to be constantly tweaking this animation? how many people am I going to re-use it on, how many things do I have to animate? On a single character by character basis time Vs result you'll probably be better off on 2D. When you start adding in more characters, tweaking animations and other things it can be more efficient to just use 3D.
I have been doing a lot of rough sketches and painting practices.I think 3d works faster and efficiently if u have more than one person on the team.
@Deadly Nightshade
Wow..that looks great but I am trying out pencil.Ita a free app and has great potential.