If any of you are halo fans,you gotta watch these!! Im not sure if its just because of how big of a fan i am of the halo series or what,but these live actions are amazing.
I'm more impressed with the writing than anything else.
In the first Episode, the girls says something along the lines of "You should hate them too" while the guy is watching a video of his brother, in a subtle but clear way, you immediatetly understand 'what went down' and why the kid is so jaded in a certain sense, all that in a fraction of a second from one sentence.
Color me interested! Who-ever wrote this script needs to get his own fucking medal.
I tried watching the first and just couldn't get past the teenagers... but since all you guys were raving about it I decided to give it another chance.
Not bad! I agree the acting and production quality are pretty good. Still not crazy about the teenager aspect, but I'll let it go. I am curious to see how the Chief will be perceived though; in the behind the scenes videos it looked like the actor they're using is also voicing Master Chief. Something I thought should never be messed with... especially since you're not showing his face, so dubbing over with the real voice actor would be ideal. In any case, looking forward to the rest for sure.
This takes place at the beginning of the war with the Covenant. So Chief is 25 years younger here than in the games, basically he's a teenager too (about 18 or so). They really had to use someone else for the voice, I think it's similar enough to make a connection.
In the Halo lore, from what I read around, they basically train 'kids' at a very early age (imagine Star Wars, but with more kidnapping in some cases).
I too don't like the entire 'teenage to power' stories, but in this case, the acting as well the actors isn't bad and actually pretty good, it would be extremely petty of me to hate them just because they're teenagers.
The school in the series is a military officer academy specially for the children of the army's high ranking officers. They're training to become admirals and such, that's why these kids begin at an early age.
The ones that are kidnapped are the Spartan-2 super soldier program's subjects. They've been screened for genetics that are optimal for the augmentations and even so half of them died or got crippled in the process.
The only common thread here is that both groups were being prepared to stop the human insurrections on the outer colonies from escalating into all-out civil war.
Then the aliens invaded and that sort of made the internal conflicts a low priority...
Also, I don't really see any Star Wars connections. If anything, the Spartans are something like a combination of Captain America and Iron Man (enhanced humans in powered armor) but with much darker overtones - questionable morals, lots of suffering for little children, clandestine government organizations and so on.
The only Halo game that actually touched on this was Reach - the game's main characters were Spartan-3 soldiers, the government's attempt to mass produce much cheaper disposable super soldiers. But even there, most of that story was in the special edition's journal of Catherine Halsey, the fictional character behind the original Spartan-2 program. Actually if you only played the games you wouldn't know that Master Chief had some 30 brothers and sisters, most of whom were already killed by the time Halo 1 took place. But now 343 industries is apparently going to bring this aspect of the back story into focus with the new games.
I'm not really a person who played Halo at all, but what I meant by Star-Wars is the entire Jedi Caste thing, where take in kids at an early age to train them, hence why in these episodes they would be focusing on the kids, and not have old men, since it's the entire point of the show.
what I meant by Star-Wars is the entire Jedi Caste thing, where take in kids at an early age to train them, hence why in these episodes they would be focusing on the kids, and not have old men, since it's the entire point of the show.
Still don't see the connection. The 'kids' at the academy are about 16 or so, that's perfectly common age for specialized education.
For example if you wanted to be an artist you'd better start training at secondary school to get the necessary amount of practice by the time you graduate from a university.
They're also nothing special compared to what Jedi kids would have to be, and the entire combat thing is only there to prepare them for commanding positions. I admit I haven't been in the military but I don't think it's necessary to see how that works... So it isn't much different from how today's military works.
Another reason for the young age is that the main character in FUD is going to become an important character in Halo 4 (the first officer of humanity's biggest starship) and in the co-op Spartan Ops missions, and probably the upcoming sequels too. So he can't be too old at the start of the war, otherwise he'd have be an admiral or something 25 years later.
Then there's probably a part of appealing to the younger audiences, 14-18, who might not have played a Halo game before (after all Halo 3 was released 5 years ago).
I think Ace-Angel is referring to the the Spartan children, not the teens in the academy we are watching in the series. Jedi Padawans were preferably taken at a young age because they would still be open to learning the ways of the force and not have 'decided' how the universe functions already. Much like the Spartans, they were not chosen at random. They had to have some 'connection' to the force that was stronger then your average child. Or at least that's the similarity that I noticed.
That being said, I am loving the series so far. I can't wait to be able to sit down and watch it all at once one day.
Yeah, well the kids for the Spartan program were only special in that they had better chances to survive the augmentation process. So yes there's some superficial similarity but then you could find parallels to a lot of other stories...
I still love the lore of Halo, it's just so enjoyable. I have the halo encyclopedia(AWESOME!) and all the books and it is just so much fun to get ingrossed ni the universe. I feel this series is a worthy edition to the halo lore.
I think it's not so much the age that was the main thing but the fact that they have to show rookies, or the budget would've collapsed under more demanding scenes of already trained soldiers and their every day life (even though I would've loved that).
Centering the series around the current academy and the small set of scenes is what keeps it high-quality despite budget.
Very cool to have some more video material around the universe.
im a bit sadface for the wilhelm screams being used though, it leaves a bad taste and theres one in ep3 and in the release trailer at 0.25
If it was ice age then sure, but in halo?
Just watched it,another awesome episode
They did a good job portraying Mastercheif too,i really get the sence that hes a super soldier.I was kinda wondering how those kids are the last survivals on the planet though and how Mastercheif just happened to save them in time.But hopefully my questions will be answered in the next video.
Just watched it,another awesome episode
They did a good job portraying Mastercheif too,i really get the sence that hes a super soldier.I was kinda wondering how those kids are the last survivals on the planet though and how Mastercheif just happened to save them in time.But hopefully my questions will be answered in the next video.
It's already answered! They literally say it out when they first meet MC, about how he came to them because of the Responder they used before the door got kicked in.
I agree on how it's weird that the entire planet has been, essentially, sanitized, but if 3 Alien Ships flash-attacked a single base, I wouldn't be surprised if everything else suffered the same fate.
I mean 3 Ships against a small base full of kids and teachers, with minimum fighting force, and no Spartans (other then MC at this point), isn't exactly a Human-Winning battle case, especially since them Aliens have shields and cloaking devices.
Who knows how many settlements there were on the planet anyway - could've been just the military school, it'd make some sense too.
I really liked the part with the
invisible elite - they made the most of their limited resources and created some real tension, didn't feel cheap at all.
All this media blowout with Fincher involved in the TV spot and predictably high sales on first week is starting to look like Microsoft is giving the Halo movie another try... I would personally welcome it a lot
I thought the latest episode was pretty weak compared to the previous - it's like they threw the concept of time out of the window, but we'll see how it goes. I do agree with vargatom's sentiments in the spoiler though; that worked really well.
So episode 5 goes up today doesn't it? any idea what time?
*oops, my bad. its already there! :poly142:*
** I have watched it now and I thought it was a great conclusion to the mini-series. Very excited for Tuesday! Impressed at the seemingly decent production values even though they have had to shoot this on a relatively low budget too.**
FUCK THAT WAS BEYOND AWESOME. WHY! WHY! WHY, can't we get full on movies based off the books. Follow the Fall of Reach book to show the back story of the Spartans and the time frame leading up to the Covenant. Hell that could be two movies on its own.
wait, are there more episodes coming? i thought this 5th episode was the last?
It was the last, but if you get the Limited Edition copy of Halo 4, you'll get an extra 90 minutes. I've also seen stuff about it being available as a separate 'movie' one day? Not sure about that though.
So what about those of us who don't have an XBox or like Halo, but want to watch this series? That seems like a very odd decision to make, especially for the budget they put in.
So what about those of us who don't have an XBox or like Halo, but want to watch this series? That seems like a very odd decision to make, especially for the budget they put in.
Considering it's a series based on the Xbox-exclusive video game, I'm not sure if they really considered that. I don't think they created the series to gain more followers, but to provide a back story to the players that haven't read the books or just want to see the story with real people in real environments.
I think the movies that comes with the limited edition game will be on a separate disc though. So you might be able to buy it on Ebay shortly after.
Ok i'm beating a dead horse here but this franchise is BEGGING for a live action incarnation. I don't care what for, movie, tv show in the vein of battlestar galactica PLEASEEE!!! I want a nice big series or a trilogy of movies!
Pretty good! I think the entire story was really smart, showing one soldier's experience with Master Chief. (Much like our own experience with him.)
The slow mo was just awful on 4 and 5 though. Every time it went slow mo I was expecting something cool to happen, but nope! The last shot with the Brute was the only good use of it. And I still wasn't crazy about that actor's performance as Chief.
..im such a nerd for this series.
In the first Episode, the girls says something along the lines of "You should hate them too" while the guy is watching a video of his brother, in a subtle but clear way, you immediatetly understand 'what went down' and why the kid is so jaded in a certain sense, all that in a fraction of a second from one sentence.
Color me interested! Who-ever wrote this script needs to get his own fucking medal.
A PC version would be so awesome.
Not bad! I agree the acting and production quality are pretty good. Still not crazy about the teenager aspect, but I'll let it go.
I too don't like the entire 'teenage to power' stories, but in this case, the acting as well the actors isn't bad and actually pretty good, it would be extremely petty of me to hate them just because they're teenagers.
The ones that are kidnapped are the Spartan-2 super soldier program's subjects. They've been screened for genetics that are optimal for the augmentations and even so half of them died or got crippled in the process.
The only common thread here is that both groups were being prepared to stop the human insurrections on the outer colonies from escalating into all-out civil war.
Then the aliens invaded and that sort of made the internal conflicts a low priority...
Also, I don't really see any Star Wars connections. If anything, the Spartans are something like a combination of Captain America and Iron Man (enhanced humans in powered armor) but with much darker overtones - questionable morals, lots of suffering for little children, clandestine government organizations and so on.
The only Halo game that actually touched on this was Reach - the game's main characters were Spartan-3 soldiers, the government's attempt to mass produce much cheaper disposable super soldiers. But even there, most of that story was in the special edition's journal of Catherine Halsey, the fictional character behind the original Spartan-2 program. Actually if you only played the games you wouldn't know that Master Chief had some 30 brothers and sisters, most of whom were already killed by the time Halo 1 took place. But now 343 industries is apparently going to bring this aspect of the back story into focus with the new games.
Still don't see the connection. The 'kids' at the academy are about 16 or so, that's perfectly common age for specialized education.
For example if you wanted to be an artist you'd better start training at secondary school to get the necessary amount of practice by the time you graduate from a university.
They're also nothing special compared to what Jedi kids would have to be, and the entire combat thing is only there to prepare them for commanding positions. I admit I haven't been in the military but I don't think it's necessary to see how that works... So it isn't much different from how today's military works.
Another reason for the young age is that the main character in FUD is going to become an important character in Halo 4 (the first officer of humanity's biggest starship) and in the co-op Spartan Ops missions, and probably the upcoming sequels too. So he can't be too old at the start of the war, otherwise he'd have be an admiral or something 25 years later.
Then there's probably a part of appealing to the younger audiences, 14-18, who might not have played a Halo game before (after all Halo 3 was released 5 years ago).
That being said, I am loving the series so far. I can't wait to be able to sit down and watch it all at once one day.
Centering the series around the current academy and the small set of scenes is what keeps it high-quality despite budget.
im a bit sadface for the wilhelm screams being used though, it leaves a bad taste and theres one in ep3 and in the release trailer at 0.25
If it was ice age then sure, but in halo?
Glad most people are enjoying it
They did a good job portraying Mastercheif too,i really get the sence that hes a super soldier.I was kinda wondering how those kids are the last survivals on the planet though and how Mastercheif just happened to save them in time.But hopefully my questions will be answered in the next video.
I agree on how it's weird that the entire planet has been, essentially, sanitized, but if 3 Alien Ships flash-attacked a single base, I wouldn't be surprised if everything else suffered the same fate.
I mean 3 Ships against a small base full of kids and teachers, with minimum fighting force, and no Spartans (other then MC at this point), isn't exactly a Human-Winning battle case, especially since them Aliens have shields and cloaking devices.
I really liked the part with the
All this media blowout with Fincher involved in the TV spot and predictably high sales on first week is starting to look like Microsoft is giving the Halo movie another try... I would personally welcome it a lot
*oops, my bad. its already there! :poly142:*
** I have watched it now and I thought it was a great conclusion to the mini-series. Very excited for Tuesday! Impressed at the seemingly decent production values even though they have had to shoot this on a relatively low budget too.**
It was the last, but if you get the Limited Edition copy of Halo 4, you'll get an extra 90 minutes. I've also seen stuff about it being available as a separate 'movie' one day? Not sure about that though.
Considering it's a series based on the Xbox-exclusive video game, I'm not sure if they really considered that. I don't think they created the series to gain more followers, but to provide a back story to the players that haven't read the books or just want to see the story with real people in real environments.
I think the movies that comes with the limited edition game will be on a separate disc though. So you might be able to buy it on Ebay shortly after.
The slow mo was just awful on 4 and 5 though. Every time it went slow mo I was expecting something cool to happen, but nope! The last shot with the Brute was the only good use of it. And I still wasn't crazy about that actor's performance as Chief.
HOWEVER... do I want to see more? Heck yes.