Hey there. So Ive been really busy at work latley but Im trying to get some things done on my spare time as well. so i figured I try to maintain a WIP thread to keep me going a bit

Im an Foliage artist/ environment artist so a lot of the stuff will probably be hardsurface stuff to kind of spice it up a little, got some cool stuff going on at work but its very much NDA :P
so lets just get started by tossing up some recent junk!
this is just a some fanart to practice topologi, a few hours in. been fun so far

This is a bigger project that Im slowly making progress on :P

and just a lowly skull, not the best skull by any means but a nice practice anyway! going to go back and remove some of that horrible black in the teeth and other places when there is time.

The hell chick doesn't make sense to me. There is a difference between sexualizing a character and using nudity just because you can. Having her in a thong and her boobs showing doesn't work with the fact that she has mechanical armor on her limbs, head, and back. If you want to go with nudity then design her around that fact, and use elements that help make the nudity make sense. You can still make her sexy even if you cover her up though, just look at some of the stuff Hazardous does with his female characters. That is my personal opinion on those type of characters, so you can take that how you would like.
for the Hellchick Im just working from the classic concept sheets for the hellchick character by Paul Richards but I see your point. I´ll play around with the idea of covering her up next time I put some time on her
Got a bit of time to put aside to adress the darkness of this texture. nose area came out a little lowpoly in the side view but in a game situation this would probably be something laying around on the ground or similar ^^ the quest for optimizing came back and bit me a bit in the ass
going to try to finish the Geth this weekend, if I can shake of this fever Ive been having
-oh Damn the compression made it a little dark again, oh well its not quite as dark as it appears here :P
Been working a little more on this tonight. some stuff left to do but i think its get(h)ting there, some dry saturday night humor for ya! ^^
Im going to bake it down to a lowpoly with some texturing though! practise my metal materials a bit.
a little lunch sculpt I want to turn into a little diorama. still some work left to do on it
small update, doing some small detailing on the geth, going to add more with heightmaps since the mesh started to be a hazzle to manage. high polycount etc..
Thrown down some base colors on the Gong. will try to finish these by the end of the weekend!
The hard surface looks very nice and polished.
Took another wack at this. think Im done for now untill I will build the small diorama I want to do, Blacks got a little chrushed after imageshack.. Next up is the Geth
Got some Lowpoly going on! Hoping to have this testbaked or even final baked by the end of the weekend
also you have some bake errors on the chest area. not the cleanest bake, and could rebake.
on zbrush, theres a decimation master plugin. use it when your are about to export and bake in a different program. good luck!
I dont really see any baking errors? the dark spot on the chest upper left is a shadow artifact in marmoset, need to change the lightning and the darker spots in the top middle and around the circles are the AO being to strong at 100% opacity, going to tune it down.
a bit of advice...when you have plates on the high poly mesh, follow the flow of it with the low poly.
Colour scheme looks okay, but maybe have a bit more variation. I think the "arms" should be a different colour/material.
Maybe make the bolts and cables lighter or darker too
I have some minor issues though.
The black thing on his upper arm is a bit weird, but I like the scraped away paint around it.
The tubes are really flat and plasticy, I think they'd look better if they were rubber.
The wrinkled bits below his armor look weird.
yeah I need to get that black blotch so read alot better, was experimenting with the thought that a slug had hit and glanced off the metal. I think rubber for the tubes is the way to go
I´ll see what I can do about that!
need to do some things in the real world as well this weekend so thats why I cut the scope a little :poly122: