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Necromancer Project [UDK]

polycounter lvl 10
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Azaraen polycounter lvl 10
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Needing Feedback!

Hello! I'm working on a environment that is set in an underground catacomb lair of a necromancer kid.

I've created the environment blockout, and put up base models for everything. Now I'm in the process of creating hi poly models and texturing. There are alot of models in the environment that still need some reworking.

I haven't thought of a good texture style for it, but I will be developing that this week.

These are 2 types of ghosts enemies that will be in environment (I plan to give them transparent low halves of their bodies and particle effects to make them ghostie):

This is an example of the kind of architecture style I'm going for:

And these are a couple of screenshots of what I've got so far in my environment (Oh! And a note! All texture work is completely temporary, I will be replacing that brick texture. It was just to help me while I was creating the pieces.):

I look forward to doing much more work to it in the next week.


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