After looking at all possible characters, I finally decided to make a pack for the Sniper.
Here's what I have so far for the head item:
The idea to stick binoculars on his forehead just popped up and so I modelled this with references to victorian-age opera glasses and the everyday binocular models we all know.
As you can see, in my unorthodox ways, I didn't sketch it out first, but I'm more comfortable with just starting the model and seeing where that leads me. I now know that the tri count is easily reached with all the round shapes I've got going on, so I'm a little bit worried if I'll be able to squeeze out an attachment piece that will hold it in place on his head.
Other items in this pack will be the weapon and the shoulders. From there, I'll see how much time I can still put into this, to maybe make it into a full pack.
Sketching/thinking in progress...
Also, are you planning to build in some assymetry? In texture or the mesh? Could be a bit fun if one of the glasses have a crosshair/reticle in it
I'll see what I can do with the assymetry. If the tri budget isn't spent after the attachment piece, I'll do some extra sighting/calibration pieces. Other than that, expect some assymetry in the texturework, yes.
Great feedback, thank you.
Edit: *Facepalm* I forgot that's what you already had done, but yeah, consider those two bits for further optimization