that looks really good... I keep struggling getting this amount of detail in Unity. Are these custom shaders? How do you handle detail in textures on the terrain? How heavy is the scene with all the objects and relative big textures?
Shaders written and edited by me. Texture to the terrain standard shader, diffuse and Normal map (tile textures). Scene size 800 mb. Textures 1024 and down...
love your style man. asset for asset , i must admit they are nothing spectacular, but your world seems "full" and realistic...nice diversity of color and pretty scenes.
Ah thanks!
So no problems with drawcalls or anything... I (we) really have to look out for those.
Also I have possibly some tighter tech specs than you.
Could you perhaps share some of your terrain textures, just to get a feel for how they tile and blend?
I would ideally like to walk through the environment... for a bit, but that is probably a bit much to ask.
Looking forward to updates, perhaps a little more detail in the "side of the river" rocks/ terrain cover would make it better.
Especially that first screenshot seems a bit empty and smooth the others are better filled, more natural.
Very nice work man. Nice textures especially, I did spot small mistakes, the rubber boots in your scene don't have an inside and your pallet has a flipped face normal. This is an easy fix. Keep going!
Слежу с начала. На данный момент смотрится не плохо. Интересно почему именно юнити, а не какой то другой движок? И будешь ли ты потом крутить движок, чтобы сделать более привлекательную графу?
Спасибо! Коммерческий проект и на Unity3d. Да крутить конечно будем так как одними текстурами не решить. А так на работе делаем на UDK и поэтому есть с чем сравнивать, UDK конечно мощь!!!
house in Unity3d
200 poly and 512 texture
And View:
So no problems with drawcalls or anything... I (we) really have to look out for those.
Also I have possibly some tighter tech specs than you.
Could you perhaps share some of your terrain textures, just to get a feel for how they tile and blend?
I would ideally like to walk through the environment... for a bit, but that is probably a bit much to ask.
Looking forward to updates, perhaps a little more detail in the "side of the river" rocks/ terrain cover would make it better.
Especially that first screenshot seems a bit empty and smooth the others are better filled, more natural.
Thanks again!
And my map 4096x4096 = 1.1meg it's very cool
My test model:
All procedural textures! :cool:
Next model:
Unity settings - standard.
Soon on the location you can run in a closed beta test.. and testing them!
Models from unity3d
Next props
I Used only standart shaders in unity3d ver4
Render full scene only real-time
All scene: 32 459k
What are you using for AntyAliasing? And what are build settings: Deferred Lightning or Forward?
And color correction
next a create inside bar....