Hi all! want to introduce a new game, genre MMORPG. Game - fishing simulator in the world, survived a global catastrophe. Events unfolding in 400 years after.
On this game I have been working as environment artist and level design.
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Wow surprised noone has commented on this yet your stuff is looking great man love to kodiak and the tent/shanty thing looking great and awesome texture work too dude keep at er!
Everything looks kinda...flat . No spec gloss work ? Maybe engine limitation, i really don't know.They remind me of the hl2 assets with higher tricount.
I like the wooden boat model. But I think the texture seem to be a little too saturated. I feel like the rust texture on the big metal pipes is a bit noisy.
I don't get the idea of making fantasy fishing simulation
Simulations mostly have target audience,when u throw in a Stalker theme to the fishing sim,u could lose that target audience.
Sweet work from you,i'll be checking the game once its out,could be good
ausernottaken Yes, it is necessary to fix the texture on the rocks, and many are. The size of textures in the game are lower than in my assets. And lighting and post-effects will be setting up the programmer))
Some new, decided to make the bell tower on a hill, so it could be seen from any part of the scene. I got the idea to make the constructor so that the whole church, not a model, and make portions. The texture will be more space and we can make a better texture. And help us to diversify the structure of decals. Here's what came out of 3 hours:
The assets look fantastic, but the terrain looks like it need's a ton of work to be on par with the assets. Mainly it's the lack of transition from the tall grss and vegetation to the actual terrain. Try making grass meshs so instead of using billboards, try and just make large clumps of nice grass and put them around.
Simulations mostly have target audience,when u throw in a Stalker theme to the fishing sim,u could lose that target audience.
Sweet work from you,i'll be checking the game once its out,could be good
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Texture: 2048x2048 for all bridge object
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keep it on - keep it on !
nice assets none the less though
next house. All model textures 1024