Hi Polycount. I am considering a themed set for Witch Doctor centered around the Tiki mask and statues visual concepts. Just put together a quick sketch to show my current direction.
While scribbling I came up with an idea that the Voodoo Dolls hung around the characters neck/shoulders would be representations of other Dota 2 Characters. I had a flick through the Witch Doctor's Lore and his responses on the Dota 2 wiki but he doesn't seem to have any "rivalries" or quips with any other characters to base them off so any suggestions are welcome.

Now with mini Pudge Voodoo doll
if you have time maybe make some alternates? not everyone mind you, just maybe invoker and templar assassin. because seriously, those guys are jerks.
the with doctor is everything about manipulation, so yeah having him have items with who he can manipulate his victims with, would suit him best.
I am looking to add another doll but the LOD limits on the Shoulder and back slots are pretty restrictive. If anything I am considering having another one strapped to the staff but the Invoker and TA are great ideas.
Thanks mate!
Given the limits I could probably only do the one in the middle if I went that route. With the limits on the LOD_1 its hard to maintain a recognisable silhouette of characters and with 3 it could be difficult.
His worst match up is lich
Any suggestions?
since its ursa you could do even do a teddy bear though thats probably a bit too silly
Thanks for the crits
still think this is the better mask. Since you are blocking the face with a mask, you should make sure it holds some character. The current version is to dead looking, no emotion, just a stone faced mask.
Keeping with the Voodoo Doll theme, (I realise I am straying very far away from my initial ideas but I like where I am heading now) I decided that even though the Witchdoctor doesn't have any strong rivalries with any of the existing Heroes, perhaps he has a larger role to play in one of the strongest existing rivalries?
So, Mini Kunkka and Mini Tidehunter dolls with pins straight in the hearts
Any other people working on the Witchdoctor who have some advice would be great.
Loving the wee voodoo dolls
You might need to push that wood grain a bit more on the staff to have it show up in the normal maps at game res. I had to bulk mine out quite a lot to get them to show up.
here is the current set WIP, just a basic diffuse on the staff, nothing fancy
I've "finished" 3 pieces ahead of the deadline so i'm going to push forward working on the backpiece and hopefully a ward model