using my old stuff, 1st Bracer the other is in the works:
Might have to switch these around for It to match the original style.
no bump just new image, until I am sure I want to go this route.
If I do things like this I get a ton of texture space and quality, might change it might not.
Final helm, the design is lava based, all of this reads much better at a distance now.
Bracer bake:
lets see how long this design lasts.
I got more than this done but for now I am showing these updates, both upper parts of the bracers are slightly different.
Also found out I might have run into a problem with my blade entry being too similar in some form or another to "soul edge" because I labeled mine Servers Edge and I totally forgot soul edge has an eye in it and now I have to scrap my blade idea it seems... Until I get word from valve, I'll just make the shoulders/tail to be safe and submit 4 items in-case 1 gets rejected as the rest of my stuff is safe because I'm not looking up any references and don't want to be accused of plagiarism in any shape/form.
As I am busting my ass to be original and stray away from every other entry..
So tired broke night, time for bed but here's an update anyway let me know, I don't know what to do about the color scheme, this is a OJ/steel blue kind of scheme and a dark grey/OJ theme under that one.
The blades on the bracers will mimick the sword in the same manner, check video link above somewhere.
Marmo-beta renders so ugly uv seams will be visible but they are not present in final and yea rune glowy bits on back view only is deliberate.
Didn't like the blue, this my scheme now and It works well together, I think, now time to skin to bones and play with other maps, bracers don't have spec because I didn't create it yet.
Saw the blue and grey versions on my phone earlier and completely forgot to comment, but I'm really liking the dark red you have going. I assume you're going to make the edge trim on the bracers pop like on the shoulders?
Also, that top part on the right hand bracer, how about changing it from the brownish to the dark red of the bottom part on the shoulders? Just feels like you got a lot of different hues going on on the right side.
Wow $!nz ur a really talented modeller! I love the sword and helmet. The whole set blends together very nicely. I'm not sure about the dark blue in parts either, although I can't think of any better alternative, so it's probably the right choice. Also I think you should keep the flame on the sword, that looked sick. BTW did you put the flame there, or was it default attached to the weapon slot? This one will be hard to beat. Well done.
Damn dude, thats tastey, what does this stuff look like from a more dota esque camera angle?
I feel the swords details might completely disapear at that distance, might be worth bulking the detail up?
Yea good eye with the trim not being touched, I didn't get around to It yet on the diffuse. Yea it will pop more, the other parts pop because they have a custom specular map and the bracer's don't at the moment. About the right hand brown piece I sort of wanted to differentiate the sides because the main focus will be on the weapon and I wanted both sides to be interesting. I'll test making that part the dark red to see how it looks, thanks.
Thanks man, I've been trying to help everyone where I can and try to have time for my stuff. I'm wondering if I should remove the blue from the helmet as well the oddness is that I color picked that from the original so I guess It's allowed, plus the all OJ just blended together at a distance in-game.
The flame on the sword is default, I thought it crowded the blade, but if people like it I can remove my comments about removing it from my item if it launches at the store, don't know if they will do that though.
Here is an image of a would be in-game image.
Don't have the fancy shading that dota has or the glowing bits so that accounts for readability as well, we seriously need some type of viewer or SDK or something this is just painful testing.:poly122:
Seems some people dislike the runes on the blade and the color of the runes, thinking of redoing the weapon all together since I am also receive comments about it being similar to another design from another game and that it might be rejected because of It.
Might let is slide and continue trying to get a complete set out, before the dead line, the other parts shouldn't be tough to make since they are small, except for the wings which I really want to get to.
Thanks again for your comments, i appreciate the critics eveyone.
Thanks a lot Caldria, I hope they allow it into the store I worked hard on that sucker.
If not I'll make a few more since I feel people like weapons more than armor changes because some of that stuff is not very High in quality and I feel the community really ignores them unless you advertise the hell out of them.
Here is a video of the sorted out and fixed bracers, I think I might be done with them now onto another piece, that needs a concept first.
updated below.
also found out you can just update your piece by leaving everything default and using the same import name and the page will update I think retaining your rating and comments. (not exactly sure but I will see soon when I update the bracers.)
Just updating, I put the runes in on the bracers here is the new video my prison rapped video, how do you retain the quality in youtube?
Here is an image:
working, working...
Still haven't found a decent previewer as many other people up in here have found their shaders so I'm suffering with in-game up scaled images until I figure one out, I thought I had one but it degrades my textures and makes them look odd at some parts.
Anyway..comment if you care to no biggie, I'll update again.
if you pull those white runes off the blade, it would be perfect in my opinion. The helm looks awesome now with the new texture, and the gauntlets are awesome!
Fix the runes or remove them, just anything other then flat white. revert back to that handle and the sword would be absolutely fantastic!
Everyone sort of seems to like what I have based on the comments at the workshop.
I will make another blade after the contest maybe even before it ends so I have something to fall back on and on that one I will not put any runes on it, unless at the metal base.
If you review the critics on here you'll see some people didn't like that handle or it didn't make sense, yea when I created that handle I liked it cause I thought it was more original but you wouldn't be able to see it on his hand especially if I made it black/dark grey like I have the stones now.
I know the runes don't look that great but I think they add to the swords originality as far as dota2 workshop items go.
For now I will have to keep what I got if I want to move onto other items for the set, but like I said I will make another weapon and I will conform to the interest of others on that design.
Thanks Andrew I appreciate your comments but since I've reached a 5 star rating I have to go with the community on this one, I know I wish I could supply the same weapon without the runes and a different handle but I'm not sure Valve would allow that, but if they somehow do I have no problem supplying an alternative version of the weapon, if you can find that out I'll gladly make the version you'd enjoy.
How about trying orange or atleast a more yellow white for the runes? I think the problem with the white is that it just sticks out too much. The rest of the set looks great.
Masks are pretty much the best thing ever. I wish there was a way though to make masks for masks. usually I just make a secondary folder with a mask to do that.
Anyway, I digress. I am looking forward to seeing this all done.
Fantastic stuff, man. How could I lose you thread. So many tiny details and progress work. Great job. For the last piece - Somehow those runes on the belt looks odd for me. I think they are too bright and as mentioned in the character guide - valve prefers to dim colors in the bottom part of the model.
Anyway - Great idea and execution Keep it up!
I really liked the first set of shoulders you did and thought your helmet/shoulders/bracers/sword all worked well. The only issue I might have had with the original shoulders was with the textures - but the shape was solid. I just found in the first set that some of the highlights and values were misplaced making it harder to read.Not sure if this paint over is an improvement
Whoa how did I miss that comment thanks for the paint over I have to work on the shoulders I wanted one side to be different, I guess I can leave them the same if it works well.
I managed to get the set in-game minus the belt that I totally want to redo cause I dislike the quality and overall design.
I started on the wings just not ready to post that.
Here is the in-game image to show that the process I was talking about in the dota2workshop thread was working for me so here is the proof:
Goes from loadout screen to play select screen to in-game screen.
I will work on some of this stuff, the other reason on changing the shoulders was to add the chains to cover that shadow across his chest the base body texture has.
In all honesty they should update his entire body textures cause we always have to cover up those missing areas with gear and it makes creating pieces much more plain and basic always having to cover those missing parts as I had other ideas but they can't be done cause you will see those missing parts which are just flat colors making your set look bad in the end even when it was the base textures missing ... well textures.
Thanks very much again Tamarin, I appreciate it I hope I can rework everything, I am not so well with the texturing just yet but getting a grasp on it slowly.
Noticing now I didn't put my in game settings to high in this image.
Nevermind I was wrong, textures are still wonky, but in Test they are fine... or we all have old 3D files for the contest... no idea whats up here.
Sword, helmet, and bracers are perfect. Even the shoulders look pretty good in game. I don't know how much you want to mess with it this close to the end of the contest so that is why my vote was to stick with the original. Maybe making the black parts red would help to unify the shape - like what he currently has on his legs. Good work getting it in game. My biggest challenge is that DOTA2 takes 15 min to fire up on my old laptop and I get 3 fps when I set the render settings to high. I'm half expecting the laptop to melt. The fan is sounding closer to my vacuum cleaner.
Thanks Tamarin I made those changes to the shoulders thanks so much for that information it really helped me out and I agree the shoulders were looking awfully dark.
I just got up an hour ago working late so here is the set currently:
updated below
minus the belt I might get around to making a better one after the contest.
I got the tail in but ditched the belt and wings for now they will come after contest is over probably, at least I can take it easy now.
Didn't know how to make them into a set so I didn't and I wouldn't consider it a complete set with the belt/wings missing, shouldn't be a problem for the contest.
Lol 11:59PM I got nervous will work on this some more then.:poly142::poly136:
Going to make a better beauty render and touch up some of this stuff since I got a long time from now to finalize silly me.
The shoulders look great now. The entire set looks great. Unique shape and the textures came out well. It just works. I can see this becoming a fan favorite on the workshop.
You can create a set from the main workshop page under your name. It took me a while to figure it out as well. You should add them all together.
Thanks for the how to for the workshop will do that soon, I just made a more legit presentation the first one was ugly and I was in a rush I thought I almost missed the deadline.
Might have to switch these around for It to match the original style.
no bump just new image, until I am sure I want to go this route.
If I do things like this I get a ton of texture space and quality, might change it might not.
Final helm, the design is lava based, all of this reads much better at a distance now.
Bracer bake:
Also found out I might have run into a problem with my blade entry being too similar in some form or another to "soul edge" because I labeled mine Servers Edge and I totally forgot soul edge has an eye in it and now I have to scrap my blade idea it seems... Until I get word from valve, I'll just make the shoulders/tail to be safe and submit 4 items in-case 1 gets rejected as the rest of my stuff is safe because I'm not looking up any references and don't want to be accused of plagiarism in any shape/form.
Attach looks better in marmo
I could use some help:
So tired broke night, time for bed but here's an update anyway let me know, I don't know what to do about the color scheme, this is a OJ/steel blue kind of scheme and a dark grey/OJ theme under that one.
The blades on the bracers will mimick the sword in the same manner, check video link above somewhere.
Marmo-beta renders so ugly uv seams will be visible but they are not present in final and yea rune glowy bits on back view only is deliberate.
Didn't like the blue, this my scheme now and It works well together, I think, now time to skin to bones and play with other maps, bracers don't have spec because I didn't create it yet.
Also, that top part on the right hand bracer, how about changing it from the brownish to the dark red of the bottom part on the shoulders? Just feels like you got a lot of different hues going on on the right side.
I feel the swords details might completely disapear at that distance, might be worth bulking the detail up?
Yea good eye with the trim not being touched, I didn't get around to It yet on the diffuse. Yea it will pop more, the other parts pop because they have a custom specular map and the bracer's don't at the moment. About the right hand brown piece I sort of wanted to differentiate the sides because the main focus will be on the weapon and I wanted both sides to be interesting. I'll test making that part the dark red to see how it looks, thanks.
Thanks man, I've been trying to help everyone where I can and try to have time for my stuff. I'm wondering if I should remove the blue from the helmet as well the oddness is that I color picked that from the original so I guess It's allowed, plus the all OJ just blended together at a distance in-game.
The flame on the sword is default, I thought it crowded the blade, but if people like it I can remove my comments about removing it from my item if it launches at the store, don't know if they will do that though.
Here is an image of a would be in-game image.
Don't have the fancy shading that dota has or the glowing bits so that accounts for readability as well, we seriously need some type of viewer or SDK or something this is just painful testing.:poly122:
Seems some people dislike the runes on the blade and the color of the runes, thinking of redoing the weapon all together since I am also receive comments about it being similar to another design from another game and that it might be rejected because of It.
Might let is slide and continue trying to get a complete set out, before the dead line, the other parts shouldn't be tough to make since they are small, except for the wings which I really want to get to.
Thanks again for your comments, i appreciate the critics eveyone.
All I did was import the SMD and imported my bracers, in a brand new scene.
Hope this helps some people out.
If not I'll make a few more since I feel people like weapons more than armor changes because some of that stuff is not very High in quality and I feel the community really ignores them unless you advertise the hell out of them.
Here is a video of the sorted out and fixed bracers, I think I might be done with them now onto another piece, that needs a concept first.
updated below.
also found out you can just update your piece by leaving everything default and using the same import name and the page will update I think retaining your rating and comments. (not exactly sure but I will see soon when I update the bracers.)
Here is an image:
working, working...
Still haven't found a decent previewer as many other people up in here have found their shaders so I'm suffering with in-game up scaled images until I figure one out, I thought I had one but it degrades my textures and makes them look odd at some parts.
Anyway..comment if you care to no biggie, I'll update again.
Fix the runes or remove them, just anything other then flat white. revert back to that handle and the sword would be absolutely fantastic!
I will make another blade after the contest maybe even before it ends so I have something to fall back on and on that one I will not put any runes on it, unless at the metal base.
If you review the critics on here you'll see some people didn't like that handle or it didn't make sense, yea when I created that handle I liked it cause I thought it was more original but you wouldn't be able to see it on his hand especially if I made it black/dark grey like I have the stones now.
I know the runes don't look that great but I think they add to the swords originality as far as dota2 workshop items go.
For now I will have to keep what I got if I want to move onto other items for the set, but like I said I will make another weapon and I will conform to the interest of others on that design.
Thanks Andrew I appreciate your comments but since I've reached a 5 star rating I have to go with the community on this one, I know I wish I could supply the same weapon without the runes and a different handle but I'm not sure Valve would allow that, but if they somehow do I have no problem supplying an alternative version of the weapon, if you can find that out I'll gladly make the version you'd enjoy.
Anyway, I digress. I am looking forward to seeing this all done.
Anyway - Great idea and execution Keep it up!
I managed to get the set in-game minus the belt that I totally want to redo cause I dislike the quality and overall design.
I started on the wings just not ready to post that.
Here is the in-game image to show that the process I was talking about in the dota2workshop thread was working for me so here is the proof:
Goes from loadout screen to play select screen to in-game screen.
I will work on some of this stuff, the other reason on changing the shoulders was to add the chains to cover that shadow across his chest the base body texture has.
In all honesty they should update his entire body textures cause we always have to cover up those missing areas with gear and it makes creating pieces much more plain and basic always having to cover those missing parts as I had other ideas but they can't be done cause you will see those missing parts which are just flat colors making your set look bad in the end even when it was the base textures missing ... well textures.
Thanks very much again Tamarin, I appreciate it I hope I can rework everything, I am not so well with the texturing just yet but getting a grasp on it slowly.
Noticing now I didn't put my in game settings to high in this image.
Nevermind I was wrong, textures are still wonky, but in Test they are fine... or we all have old 3D files for the contest... no idea whats up here.
I just got up an hour ago working late so here is the set currently:
updated below
minus the belt I might get around to making a better one after the contest.
I got the tail in
Didn't know how to make them into a set so I didn't and I wouldn't consider it a complete set with the belt/wings missing, shouldn't be a problem for the contest.
Lol 11:59PM I got nervous
Going to make a better beauty render and touch up some of this stuff since I got a long time from now to finalize
You can create a set from the main workshop page under your name. It took me a while to figure it out as well. You should add them all together.
Fixed tail runes, and stuffs.
Final, I promise.