I've seen vert spiking issues like that before where it didn't spike in Max.
I don't remember there being any specific fix. I think I just went back and adjusted the weights on those verts and re-exported. I may have also re-skinned. At the time I was doing a lot of that. It may be related to the verts having weights that are above 1 or below 0.
Don't know how it is with blender, but with my characters shoulders in Maya I am just copying the weights of the original vertexs on the characters body to mine. Even if the topology is not the same it is adjustable enough to not have to go there one by one. Needless to say that vertexs that are right on top of each other works perfectly.
Frump: I did have one vertex going crazy though, but it looks like it is random.
Edit Hawt Koffee: found out why vertexs sometimes spike with Maya. You can't just bind your skin to the closest bones, you need to bind it to all the surrounding bones if not the entire rig. You need to inform all the other bones that those vertexs are not for them or else some bone might push it. It is stupid and should not be like that but it is what it is.
Pina is correct, i was having a skinning issue in Maya as well, I had to skin the armor on mine to the entire skeleton to get it working, also i ran into the old skin weight painting bug that maya seems to have, i used the interactive skin weight tool(a little unwieldy but it worked). Skinning to selected bones seemed to work fine on the blades though, prob because it was only a single bone each.
Hi man! Just copy the weights from the body or the vest, as Pina said. This works wonder most of the time. For more complex shapes some clean-up is required, but your mesh looks fine. If you still have problems just pm me and i can give it a try.
quick sketch of the new mask design
I don't like the old one
I'm probably going to be doing so many fixes before the end of the contest it's going to be absurd
one final render before I put this whole mess away for good
It's been almost a whole year since I had the idea for this set and it certainly could have turned out better than this
oh well back to the drawing board I guess, maybe I'll make for items for Rubick, maybe revive that old gas mask for Bat Rider.
I'll ask around the dota 2 dev forums if they can do something about the bone weight altering
I don't remember there being any specific fix. I think I just went back and adjusted the weights on those verts and re-exported. I may have also re-skinned. At the time I was doing a lot of that. It may be related to the verts having weights that are above 1 or below 0.
Frump: I did have one vertex going crazy though, but it looks like it is random.
Hawt Koffee: found out why vertexs sometimes spike with Maya. You can't just bind your skin to the closest bones, you need to bind it to all the surrounding bones if not the entire rig. You need to inform all the other bones that those vertexs are not for them or else some bone might push it. It is stupid and should not be like that but it is what it is.
Maybe blender is the same?
no luck
guess I'll try it again
it's the compiler
here are two shots of the same model
Is there an option to limit that in Blender before exporting?
if so that might just be the problem
woo two more weeks
I guess I'll work on improving parts, guess I'll start with the bracers
new bracers
see the collection here
quick sketch of the new mask design
I don't like the old one
I'm probably going to be doing so many fixes before the end of the contest it's going to be absurd
I was about to say congrats on finishing.
have some early concept sketches I found
It's been almost a whole year since I had the idea for this set and it certainly could have turned out better than this
oh well back to the drawing board I guess, maybe I'll make for items for Rubick, maybe revive that old gas mask for Bat Rider.
At first, i feel it go wrong.
But then, it turns out awesome. I love this set.
Well done.