It's finally complete!
see the collection here
scroll down for wip content!
It's about time I reworked my old antimage cult set I made way back in june.
These are all very old images
and as popular as the set was it's current state isn't all that fit for compiling
I'd rather start from scratch re-using the idea
here is an early sketch
I'll have some more refined concepts up soon
I'd rather not risk disqualification
Mask References
Amon's mask looks too similar to the original mask design so I'll need to make some heavy changes
very early mask designs
he IS on the list after all
I am loving the 3rd mask, especially if you keep the very large hood. Makes it look very sinister and early-inquisition like.
Will be following this thread closely!
so he feet are a little smaller
the mask was the main reason I started working on this set back in march.
throwing that out would completely kill this for me
the mask stays
Model progress
I'll also be streaming this tonight
I got the glaives all finished but Antimage isn’t on the compiler list so I can’t test them
Damn it Valve you’re supposed to add the files and compiler scripts at the SAME TIME not a week apart
getting there
arms and belt are done now
also I didn't choose the original silence design
because antimage can't silence
I felt like the belt and the bracers were too generic so I did a quick paint over to change them up a bit
brought back the nose on the mask
now I need to fix the sculpt so it's not amon
we're getting closer
gonna need a LOT of texture work
mask is still up for changes
Nearing the final pass
I am really sick of this compiler tool
no way to update the model in real-time, re-importing doesn't update it so I have to close dota and reopen it and root through all the folders again because it doesn't remember directories
not only that but I find my rigging looks absolutely abysmal when I finally recompile
and it just seems impossible to get his arms to do what I want them to because of how he's animated
this is really discouraging as it's the ONLY item in the set that's currently not working
all the other items are fine in the import tool
THIS is the only thing holding me back
Far from intuitive, but much, much faster than re-importing to the compile tool every time.
valve you made this much harder by forcing us to do it your way
at least make the existing tools a little less tedious
a larger view port and hero portrait preview would be nice
this decision is ultimately for the best
the rigging can be easily fixed and the 10% of orange in his colour palette is back
not counting the head
This character is looking really good and orginality is always great to see. Kudos.
It's better than what they had before the preview tool, which was nothing at all. I'm not sure how having the tool makes things harder than before, or prevents you from trying to get it in-game some other way (like re-compiling your model over existing ones like with TF2) or using a different SDK.
Sure, it's confusing and a little buggy, but at least you'll know it's going to work properly if you get it set up right It's just something everyone has to make time to deal with.
About the sleeve rigging problem, why don't you post a screenshot of your topology?
importing animations is helping a bit with the rigging but I'm finding it's conflicting with my other changes
here's my topology at the moment
the rigging preview in blender is different than the importer preview
I think this may be because I am using the animations from the old antimage model rather than the new one
and my decompiler tools always crash when I try to decompile something so I cant decompile the new ones.
if anyone can send me the animation smd's I would be VERY greatful
this mean the importer is some how altering the bone weights
ugh this isn't going to be fun
it's like I'm the only one running into this problem
everyone else seems to be able to rig their models flawlessly