I decided I would try to get another female character finished before the end of the year.
Looking to keep the proportions feminine but not exaggerating the curves to get that perfect hourglass figure. Will be looking at starting the weapon soon (If I can pry myself away from Tokyo Jungle that is...).

Good luck with it man :)Will be watching out for updates.
Can´t wait to see it finished
-Her upper arms look abit thin from the side
-Not sure about the boots, does her heel go in the part that sticks out? Because I think it would be very uncomfortable to walk like that. Not sure though because Ive never walked on high heels lol
Really like the armor shapes, especially the vertebrae shapes on her back, keep going
Her heel goes in the segment below that, underneath the area that sticks out which is an extension of the armour.
I decided I wasn't particularly happy with the boots and feet armour so I did some modifications which I feel work better. Added more mass to the arms too (Cheers for that Rednaz).
Hmm, I feel like the butt needs work. I know what you're going for but I kinda feel like that effect needs to be a bit more subtle to get a nice shape of the butt. I don't know if anyone else agrees with me though xD! It's just that the obvious heartshape that is usually there with female butts gets lost a little bit with the horisontal lines here I'd say.
Oh well
For the but I agree with Chris and disanski, you should remove the strip/string and rework the area, maybe with something tighter "a la Crysis".
I think that the tubes on the hips could be problematis when she walks, because they are in the arms trajectory. Like the pommel of the blades in Skyrim. Unless she walks with the arms open ^^.
the ass padding needs to be changed, i think if you made the padding go vertical instead of horizontal it would make a huge difference, because at the moment it reads as like this giant wide space, which then has these really slender legs attached to it, and it just comes across as really weird.
the cylinder things are really cool, but i'd think about relocating them. they're giving the illusion of having higher than normal hips, which in turn makes the transition into the legs really strange. it also makes her crotch look abnormally stretched. so i'd either relocate the cylinders, or make the deliberate design choice of elongating her thighs by raising the crotch to compensate (probably the better choice of the two).
i love the design of the boots, with one small exception. the protruding plate at the bottom-back of the calf plating looks out of place and cumbersome... i'd personally remove it all together, keep all the rest of the calf plating, all the way round, just remove that plate so the achilles tendon and above are exposed, but still have that cool wrap around of the plate at the upper calf.
sorry if my description is a bit shitty... i'm terrible with words.
I agree with chrisradsby and almighty_gir. Although I see what your going for, the butt material looks lumpy and gives a strange impression. You might consider smoothing and evening it out or choosing a different pattern.
Or opposite diagonal direction.
FurtureDreams: This post plus the p&p thread with stuff linked from places like eat3d... I smell troll.
I think you can achive a rougher, cooler look by NOT having to much defenition of the ass. After all, not all female characters need latex butt armor.
the arms dont have armor so why put armor on her legs? You could give her a much nicer silhouette without the big amor pieces.
I think her neck is to long or to high. I drew a picture of what I mean: