I've had a go at using Zbrush a few times but I'm classing this as my "first" proper go at it. I'm looking for some feedback and advice for improvements to the models current form.

I originally want a more punk styling to the character's hair, something like the image below, however I wasn't too sure how to go about it, has anybody got any advice?

It takes a lot of practise
I've been bogged down with other work so I'm struggling to find time for this character, but I've managed to do some more work on the face recently, here's the results:
Eyes are too big, chin is too flat and wide, lips too defined and feel like they arent really part of the face, cheek bones and zygomatic process need definition, hair is too close to the ear (left and right side), eyebrows dont follow a realitic angle/pattern.
Best thing to do is find some good reference and get drawing. You can also bring some face photos into Ps and, using a coloured paint brush, outline the landmarks of the face. Anatomy takes alot of time and practice, but the more you learn & practice, the easier it'll become. Anyway, not a bad attempt so far for a first character!
@SCB Thanks for the advice, I've looked at anatomy whilst working on the model but not in lot of detail, probably where I'm going wrong. I'll start sketching and collecting references before I continue, thanks.
I have a few ideas of what she will now look like, I should have a final concept posted here sometime next week but in the meantime can I get some feedback on the new face?