Wow, these are great! Thank you so much for sharing!
When you baked the highpoly to the lowpoly, did you have extra geometry to get a better bake and just removed it later?
maybe its a bit too late... but i feel the spec could be improved to give it a little more material definition. Maybe this could be a achieved through a gloss map.... i dunno.
really great modeling and texturing, but am I the only one thinking the mechs couldn't even stand upright / would fall to the front because the weight isn't balanced out?
Seriously awesome stuff Lonewolf. Always like seeing your stuff and hell Hawken is even more fun to play so win win Do you by any chance know if theres a way to see these bad boys animated and running around in Hawken (when the game comes out in closed beta or when it launches )? Curious how they deform etc.
Can't wait to work on projects where I can have 4K texture sets, let alone 2k.
I'm stuck with 1024 sets for first person weapons, and 512 sets for console version.
Seriously awesome stuff Lonewolf. Always like seeing your stuff and hell Hawken is even more fun to play so win win Do you by any chance know if theres a way to see these bad boys animated and running around in Hawken (when the game comes out in closed beta or when it launches )? Curious how they deform etc.
if u missed the alpha you can check some videos on you tube and there an action trailer where u can see good walk sequence
Can't wait to work on projects where I can have 4K texture sets, let alone 2k.
I'm stuck with 1024 sets for first person weapons, and 512 sets for console version.
sounds familiar, though the only point when they use the 4k is in the hanger
ingame its lower
When you baked the highpoly to the lowpoly, did you have extra geometry to get a better bake and just removed it later?
i just make few bakes and take the good parts from each one in photoshop
Only comment i have is that the photo texture on the spotlight is a little weird.
Played the Alpha for a bit, nice seeing this game in action
Also wondering this, I thought you had to avoid those like the plaque?
i just stop when it look good
Thread can be found here for anyone interested in continued discussion:
Back to the front heavy discussion... If this porker can stand upright, I'm pretty sure the rest could too
omg i want one !!!111!1!!1!
john showed me a earlier version of a print and it was opaque, i never saw this transparent ones. you guys should sell these.
he is so cute O_O
no need to apologize man
info is always welcome!
Can't wait to work on projects where I can have 4K texture sets, let alone 2k.
I'm stuck with 1024 sets for first person weapons, and 512 sets for console version.
Is there any way we can see the concept art you worked from on these?
Only a handful of concepts have been shown off so far. Luckily they happen to be some of the ones Lonewolf has done:
if u missed the alpha you can check some videos on you tube and there an action trailer where u can see good walk sequence
sounds familiar, though the only point when they use the 4k is in the hanger
ingame its lower
if that happens please save me a spot ill be right after you =\
yup those are the ones
Thank you!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
:poly127:Give Up! Admin at polycount please make it automatic to embed when you paste a Vimeo or Youtube link!
i like this new render, although you could consider using FG or GI.
Only did the texture for this one
where is the CRT / fred mech :P