Hi, this is probably the dumbest question I've ever asked on a forum but here it goes.
It seems we had 8-bit, 12-bit/14-bit (DSLR RAW images) and 32-bit floating EXR images....but is there any reason to see anything else beyond this? Is it tecnically or inevitable that there will be 64bit images in the future?
Just wondering if it works like this? :poly136:
I don't know if we will ever use them for games, but apparently the extra bits are used for storing intensity and other information:
Maybe when monitors have 1 000 000:1 contrast instead of the 1000:1 or 2000:1 most monitors have right now.
I was going to say this, considering that we live in a world where loading a webpage is faster then the display on your screen and how many colors it rasterizes, it's abit overkill.
The most you're going to benefit from it is better color offsets for stuff like VectorDisplacement, but more times then not, even those default to 8 bit and only deal with the compression of an engine and display it as raw.
We got the tech in terms of software, we just don't have the proper tech in terms of Hardware.
Maybe this could apply to video games in the future if more realtime post processing comes to use. HDR cubemaps already need a higher bit depth. So we'll see ...
Ah damn, thats what you get for doing something in a hurry.
But the point stands, 16-bit is more than enough for what you can display with today's hardware.