Hey guys. I'm new here, so be gentle.
Basically I'm in the process of updating my portfolio, so I'm gonna be posting some new works here as long as I have free time for that stuff. Anyways, here's Devil's advocate I'm currently working on. Will probably start on the low poly this weekend.

deolol: Good call. I believe you're referring to the head and I kinda agree with that. The project started in 2009 though and the main purpose was to try my hand at detailing. Was going for a burnt skin kinda look.
the skin is very busy, but i think it can work just fine with some good texturing, can't wait to see more
I've actually went back and cleaned the head a little bit. The neck was giving me too much trouble, but I've decided to clean the whole thing. Will probably go with this look, can't afford to spend any more time on this guy.
i also think that the business of the skin is sort of balanced with the softiness of the clothes even tho it might still be a bit too much
edit: this is way better! it also help to mitigate the butterfly mirroring effect that was really noticeable before
guhhh: One of the materials is from Ralf Stumpf matcap packs, so I can't really share it. As for the other one, just Google "zbrush l03 matcap" and it should be in the first link you'll get.
Here's the final update on the sculpt. Tweaked the silhouette a little bit and made some final changes to the head.
Also, made this just for fun. Might as well turn it into a full model someday
Forgot his briefcase...
Nice concept!
Aga22: That's a valid point for any situation, except for this one. First of all, if I was going to make it look like it's made out of leather, there wouldn't be any kind of detail whatsoever. The material these things are made of, is too thick and basically has no stretching at all to begin with. So instead of the faces and hands, you would see some bumps on the briefcase without any distinct features. And even if it was a lighter material like silk or thin rubber, most of the detail I have here wouldn't be visible either because of the stretching. Just some main landmarks like nose, cheeks, chins - that kind of stuff. The idea here is that the briefcase is, well for lack of a better word - magical. I was trying to capture the emotions of those "souls" trapped in it, and the only way to do it was to make this made up material.
I hope it made it clear
I present to you Devil's Advocate
1. Make his rocket ride thing crashed into the ground and standing almost vertically behind him
2. Model Evil The Cat and put him under Jim's foot
3. Craziest of them all - model ALL the villains, pile them up and put Jim on top of that mess. I think it's doable, gonna take hell of a lot of time though and probably a fortune to print it.
What do you think?
Speaking of printing, does anyone know any good places where I could check this stuff? With rates, examples etc etc. I haven't printed anything before so I'm really knew to this stuff.
Anyways, pics!
And the old version
Doesn't take much to learn a basic lighting setup to get good renders with. Your model would look 10 times better if you spent a few hours learning some basic lighting and rendering techniques in your 3D package of choice.
Anyways, I've been asked a couple of times to make a video tutorial on how I sculpt clothes for my characters, so here's a little something. It's a piece for my new model, there will be a jacket as well, so that's why the back on the sculpt is so empty. But it should give an idea how sculpt.
Speaking of jackets, if I'm not busy tomorrow, I'll start working on that and record the process as well. If not tomorrow, I'll probably post something on weekend.
Here's how the sculpt turned out. Enjoy the video and hopefully it would be of a help to someone!
No support for Youtube? How do I embed videos here?
Dude that is a great piece and put some more effort into it so it shows as such. I mean I can't describe how much you are really screwing yourself over by not working on the presentation more.
Furthermore if you're not good at it shouldn't you be trying to strengthen that skill?
Just my thoughts.
I mean you have fucking amazing sculpts, but if you work on that presentation it's the difference between meh and HOLY FUCK.
I get what you're saying, and you're right. The problem is, however, I'm more of a "technical" guy rather than artistic. It's not about me being bad at lightning, rendering etc, it's about my lack of vision of the lightning and other "presentation" things. I could learn that stuff I suppose, but right now I'm trying to get a job as a modeler, not a being-good-at-everything artist.
P.S. if it makes any difference, the "render" of Devil's advocate is a realtime screen grab from Marmoset.
my only issue is with the pants, presumably they're jeans, and because of the stuff below, presumably she's cut them off, and then is using those straps at the top of the tights to hold them on? This is a bit of a weird design decision imo, and even with this as the case, there's probably more bunching than there would likely be. i like the rest though
All you need to do is find the options you need to play with in your 3D program, and
play with it. You know what looks right, all you need is trying out.
Get a rim light, put 2 spots and crank up the options. AO and GI on, and fine.
Put a decent non-grey gradient in the background or get some hi-res texture there,
A little color correction, maybe some blur, and you have a great looking image.
All you need for a great render is a great model, and you got those. The rest is playing around, having fun and be amazed how you stuff looks under a certain light.
Shrike: Thanks, that's a good post
I'm confused what we're talking about here actually. I had some comments regarding Devil composition but it looks like you're talking about my recent updates. If so, I'm not even trying to make them look good presentation wise. Those are just screen grabs taken directly from ZBrush. Those are all WIPs. I want people to see the actual raw model without any distractions so they can tell if it looks good or not. For the final piece I'll make something more interesting for sure.
But thanks for comment, I do appreciate it. I don't have the luxury of spending time on learning all the rendering techniques at the moment, but once I'm done with all the modeling sutff I've planned here, I'll probably get to it.
I didn't recognize you without your threedy forum name. It has been a while. Good to see some of your stuff again man. That earthworm jim model is the best across the internet imo. And your most recent female is really kick ass. All the cloth is really believable down to even the strap on the gun.
Keep up the awesome work. I look forward to the low and textures.
jeremiah_bigley: Hey man, it's been a while! Good to see you around here
If you are indeed completely stumped on the rendering part, it might be a really good learning opportunity if you released the model and textures to give other people a shot at demonstrating what they are talking about with rendering. I would imagine people would be willing to do that, since you have such cool stuff to begin with. I would give it a shot at least.
Not sure how you would feel about actually releasing your work, but just thought I would suggest it.
As for the pose, I went with Skin Wrap technique in MAX. It worked really well for my previous model, but in this case, I should've just used the transpoe tools in ZBrush. Had tons of things to clean up after exporting the model from MAX. The technique works best when the model isn't so heavy on objects/accessories I suppose.
It's kind of tricky. Ideally it would be to send someone a model I don't really care about. But I won't make anything good if I don't care about what I'm doing
And thanks for posting those videos!
Hey guys, need your help here! I can't decide what colors to go with, so if you like any of those or if you think a different combinations would work better, please let me know.