Hey everyone

My name is Garry and I am brand new to Polycount, as despite modelling in the past I have only really decided to pursue it as a career. I currently study at Abertay University.
Here is a couple of shots of an MP5 that I made to go in my portfolio for environment art. I would be grateful for some feedback as to whether this is any good for a portfolio piece or not, or if anything needs changed etc?
Additional info:
Created in Maya 2011
8-10k poly count (attachments has more)
time - about 1 week on and off.
I will be making a much reduced version (with normal maps) compatible with games to go with this.
Cheers in advance!
For a beginner this isn't a bad start. The model itself is pretty good. There are a few things you need to take a second look at. I can't really see the rear site but it looks like you're missing the notch for the open site. it isn't just holes that go around. They are different sizes for different ranges, plus an open site option.
the charging handle is wrong. The trigger guard needs to be thinner.
You have screws holding the pieces together, these should be pins.
here is what i'm talking about
I know some of those pics don't come from an A2 but most of the MP5's share similarities.
Now brace yourself it's going to get a little rough...
besides your model you need to revisit all of your materials.
If i'm not mistaken it looks like you pasted some photographs on it. This generally doesn't work well. You have to make things from scratch if you want them to look right.
the scratches are random instead of things being realistically worn down.
They are also mainly in the diffuse when they should be mostly in the spec. The metal is too shiny, most guns are pretty matte.
look at this thread to see what good weathering should look like on a gun
check some of these tutorials out
I'm sorry if this seems harsh. Most of the time these threads go unnoticed and I want to give you the opportunity to improve. It's hard to convey a critique without come across as a jerk, so I'm sorry if it looks that way.
Hopefully this is helpful. I look forward to your progress.
Regarding the sight, your right I am missing that notch, so thanks
I will definately trim down the trigger guard aswell, although the main image i was working from is quite a bit diferent from the one you posted so I am guessing that this is a diferent model of the MP5.
In terms of the texturing, all the textures are handmade, from various images and patterns overlayed in photoshop etc and not photographs, however, after looking at that AR-15 you posted I couldn't agree more about the scratches/weathering, I added the scratches randomly without really considering how/where the gun would gather scratches in use.
All in all thanks for your comment, I will definitely change those points.