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Good Morning Chloe



  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    excellente. and i love the jeans folds. time to do a bellybutton?
  • imijatov
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    imijatov polycounter lvl 14
    Looks fantastic man! Really digging your style and how you've depicted your Cloe character thus far. The anatomy's looking good. Blessing her with a little more of a rib cage (not actually showing through the thick of the skin just the subtlety of being there) really helped as she seemed a little bit like a flat tire up there before. Perhaps her boobs were just big and covering 0_0.
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Dude, really digging Chloe, she's turning out awesome. Also very slick work on the folds in the jeans! No crits for ya :D
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks everyone.

    @ Aga22 : hahaha I have sculpted a bellybutton now but the t-shirt covers it up :)

    @ dustinbrown : Thanks man. Yep :)

    SLOW! hahaha just been playing around in Z-Brush a bit. Still just playing with the jeans. The folds under her butt are a bit extreme at the moment but I will pull them back a bit later. For the moment I might jump on the t-shirt and vest and put a bit of love there. then the hair then the shoes then some more skin stuff :poly122:

    I feel like I am learning a lot of Z-Brush without really having anything to show for it :(.......... Oh well back to it.


    Thanks again everyone.
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    Shes Beautiful!!
  • nyx702
    I am not sure if it's the material or not but I really like the way you have left alot of subtle brush strokes in the jeans. They really "FEEEEEL" like denim. That is hard to do IMO. I hope those don't get smoothed out.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Hey really wish I can give you some crits, but shes looking really good so far. The detailing of the jeans look great, hopefullly you can get some good detailing in the t-shirt as well. I think a tight t-shirt with long, thin horizontal folds would work good here.

    Looking forward to the next update!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    man I wish someone would do a tutorial on making jeans like that.. great job!
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks dudes

    @ nyx702 : Thanks :D, I know exactly what you mean, I "smoothed" out some sections but I hope I left enough roughness. I say "smoothed" because I don't actually use the smooth brush much or at all any more. I use the high polish brush most of the time and I think that gives some really nice secondary detail for free.

    @ SCB : hehe thanks. yeah longer thinner swoopy folds for sure. I hope I got them right, or at least right enough.

    @ dustinbrown : haha thanks mr man :). Yeah I went a bit over the top with those wrinkles I need to jump back in and smooth those suckers out a bit. Thanks for the ref man :thumbup:

    @ frell : Thanks :) Stay tuned coz I am thinking of doing a tute on my method of sculpting cloth. Just need to find some time.

    Well the weekend came and went, and as usual at the moment I have little to show for it.

    Played with the jeans a bit more worked on the t-shirt and started mucking about with the vest. I am thinking of a vest brand name "HillValley Designs" as a kind of homage to Back to the Future, which was sort of the inspiration behind her clothes.

    Eitherway...... poot


    Thanks again evereone.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    focking ell, duncan. this is looking cool!
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    @ Alberto Rdrgz : Thanks :) :thumbup:

    Obligatory three day post :poly142:. Just starting to detail some of the other stuffs.

  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    awesome work- tons of personality and nice execution on the clothing.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    that some nice clean cloth sculpting. i agree with dustin and i also think the wrinkles on the front of knee are tad too much. the hands could be a touch bigger i think. keep going, with your texture skills this will pop.
  • PLing
    My problem is the wrinkles on the butt area, never seen wrinkles like that before. But this is still one of my favourite projects going on here!
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    dude that's looking really sweet! Love the design. I agree with what has already been said about the wrinkles. Man can't wait to see her with some colour :)
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks everyone :poly124:

    decided to jump back into the jeans now coz that seems to be the most troublesome.

    I think this is looking better, not sure about the horizontal line that is happening across the bottom of her ahhh bottom but ref and style keep pushing me that way so I am thinking I am just gonna roll with it. Still need to play but....



    Thanks again everyone :thumbup:
  • nyx702
    I think it looks better. That horizontal line you are talking about IS sorta un-feminine tho. I think in alot of girl jeans the center seam pulls into their butt crack to give the butt more shape. If you are going for more of a boy jean look then I think mission accomplished.

    (Kinda bad ref)

    Her pants are way tighter than yours but just something to think about.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I'd just lower the outer parts of her butt a little bit, resulting in more of a nearly horizontal but slightly "/\" sort of shape for that wrinkle line.

    Looking a lot better either way, thanks for continued updates. :)
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    really like the direction this is going. The clothing is looking good, and +1 for nyx's thought
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the feedback and ref guys :thumbup: :) :thumbup:

    @ nyx702 : HUGE thanks. I get what you mean, I am going for a boyish jeans look. Sounds strange but I always sort of see jeans as a boy thing (just straight boot cut not too tight)

    @ Two Listen : Thanks :)

    @ wretchedgoat : :thumbup:

    Just to show a little progress, A just looks so wrong now.

    I am pretty much sold on C.


    Thanks again guys have a good weekend :thumbup:
  • nyx702
    Yea really like C as well.
  • DanBe
    really digg this character! wouldn't expect less from you Duncan!

    I think C makes the most sense, since she has not a full rounded "beefy" apple butt... okok i might be ass fixated, not gonna deny that! :P

    But yes the creases of her jeans underneath her buttox would feel a bit loose and deeper, since there is no meat to fill it out to make those creases tighter like on B.

    looking forward to see more!
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    I dunno, I think we need some more pictures of girls butts in tight jeans :D
    quick paintover - I think the shape and some of the folds make it look like she's a little lacking in posterior. I probably pushed it too far, but the main thing is that the crease under the butt isn't usually a straight horizontal line. It's more of a slight upwards curve, I think.

    EDIT: Changed my paintover cause it sucked

    Bobo's right tho. I can't really put it any better than him - your model doesn't look 'forced' at all. It has a natural feeling to it.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Love it! go with C. Just my opinion ... but Don't change it to be rounder or to cup her but more. I like that the shape isn't forced.

    - BoBo
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Just awesome Duncan!
  • Gotshoes
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    Gotshoes polycounter lvl 9
    I am loving every ounce of this! I am both jealous and inspired...

    Stellar work!
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Terrific toon.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I think you should lower the back of the ass just a tad...

    looks rly good tho!
  • phixel
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    phixel polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with the paintover dirigible has done... The slightly angled folds would help to add a bit more shape, yet keep with the somewhat "boy jeans" look you are going for.

    Keep it up man, I'm loving this character so far!
  • Bishop313
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    Bishop313 polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome awesome awesome Duncan! I like the style so much!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    looks amazing, looking forward to more
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    she's lovely, has loads of personality. some of the trouser creases are a little too harsh, but the general shape of them is great. nice work
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    WOW Thanks everyone :thumbup::poly124::thumbup:

    Seems I missed some feedback :(

    I got sick of high poly for a while so I started the lowpoly. Then got swept up in an unwraps and test bakes a few days later and here we are. I am currently trying to get onto the hair before I go too far down the texturing path. I am trying to decide between sculpted hair or hair planes. I think I am leaning more towards hair planes but I am not 100% yet. Maybe a few base colours will help me make up my mind :poly142:


    Thanks again everyone.
  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    Beautiful bake, I kinda imagined her with sculpted hair, but Im sure youll make it look solid either way.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Why not both? Sculpt the main body of the hair and then throw on some planes for some extra detail.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    I'm a little TOO into those jeans
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    hey man, what program u use for your normals?
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks guys.

    @ GabrielP: Yeah I might take Marshal Banana's advice and do a blend of both.

    @ Marshal Banana: Yeah, I think that might look the best. Thanks :thumbup: Now I just need to pull my finger out and get started on it.

    @ Dylan Brady: hahaha That can only be a good thing..... can't it? :)

    @ RJBonner: I am an X-Normals guy.

    Started a quick colour pass, just to get a sense of the direction. Now I think I really do need to get stuck into the hair. Wish me luck


    Thanks again guys and girls :D
  • mnphear
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    mnphear polycounter lvl 9
    is she a Bieber fan now? without the hair.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    No. She's clearly Mar(t)y McFly.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Bieber my balls!
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Holy crud, this is looking awesome :0:0 I love the material on the jacket thingy already! and the color choice is really cool.
  • Dejavoodoo
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    Dejavoodoo polycounter lvl 11
  • Gotshoes
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    Gotshoes polycounter lvl 9
    coming along in the most fantastic way possible!

    LOL @ "Bieber my balls!" which I will now be saying far too often...
    Might be a bit late at this point, but (talking about her head/facial features) I feel like you're missing the stylized cuteness that all of the paintings on your reference sheet has.

    This sheet: (Posted again for easy comparison)

    I think it would be more successful if you pushed it further in the direction of the concept art on your reference sheet. Here's a paintover roughly portraying what I'm getting at:

    ...The glasses "redesign" is more to show where they should be sitting as all the concepts have a really small nose where only the end extrudes out from the face and the area between the eyes is flatter thus her glasses would sit a lot lower.

    Eyes further apart
    Eyes lowered
    Eyes slightly larger
    Eyes less rounded and more pointy ends
    Eyes painted with some shadows, less of an outline around the iris
    Nose between eyes flattened
    Nose lowered
    Eyebrows with a gradual thick to thin curve
    Bottom lip slightly bigger
    Glasses moved down to sit on stylized nose

    Hopefully you find this someone helpful. If you're calling the face done and already moving on then never mind. ...but sadface. As I think she could pretty easily be made a bit cuter and more stylized like the concepts.

    Also, who's the artist who did the painting of the girl with multicolored hair saying "no"? Would love to know.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i'd say the headshape is more or less a result of the fov, i wouldn't make her such a brainiac

    and the artist of that painting is Lois van Baarle aka Loish
  • StandingMonkey
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    StandingMonkey polycounter lvl 5
    @REKLAS : Agree with Neox, we are not talking about MegaMind in this thread :D, just about a sexy rock'n'roll girl !

    The larger head wasn't really what i was getting at in that post. :/ with hair you wouldn't see the top of her head anyways. ...though I do think her head should be slightly wider around her eyes to give them a bit more room.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    http://loish.deviantart.com/ for those looking. Her DA has some wicked awesome paintings. :)
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    What REKLAS is talking about is Neoteny. General principle that if it looks more like a baby, then we think it's cuter.
    In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized female faces were the most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were the least attractive to men, regardless of the females' actual age.

    I think the biggest and best change he suggested was the nose. I don't know if I would go as far as he did, but I think moving the bridge of the glasses down a bit would help. Right now the glasses-bridge looks a bit unnatural to me anyway, since most glasses dip down lower at their bridge.
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