hey guys, so it's been quite sometime since I last posted something on this site, but I decided to work on a Merchant Cart based on a concept I found. This is Currently What I have after modelling. I decided to change couple minor things from the concept, but lend me your thoughts and advice, especially for props around it, and maybe some texturing ideas!
I'm thinking to have a puddle of booze that is on the floor to show the keg is leaking.
ANyways, thanks guys!

Tahnks guys!
This is what I have so far
I'm still working on the diffuse at the moment, so I haven't had a chance to attack the Spec, normals, or Opacity map!
here we go!
any advice would be awesome
Thanks again guys!
Looking pretty good so far, although as someone else mentioned, if you added an edge loop through the center of each of the barrels and then bulged it out a tiny bit, it might help their silhouette a little.