was this all done in zbrush or did you do some of it in a modelling package like max or maya?
This was done entirely in zbrush.. I did start the project by constructing a base mesh in 3ds max... but then i scrapped that, and tried a full zbrush approach so i could practice my zbrush skills.
Here is the max base mesh i started:
But then i quit and went on to create this one:
All the work you see is a result from this image, all in zbrush
Time for a new update! Sorry for the long delay on this one.
I finally moved to the legs and got his upper legs and knees done.
You obviously wont see the cylinder within the knee and the back side of the knee will be uncovered to allow for the leg to bend. Here is a picture with the rest of the armor:
Next update i should have the rest of the legs complete. As always... comments and critiques are welcome!
Sorry for the long waiting time between updates... i have been so busy lately! Anyway... the good news is i finally finished the lower legs!!! :poly121:
I also drasticly changed the proportions... and i can finally say... i am happy with it. Lots of tweaks to the overall shape of the armor this time although you might not notice them...
Ok enough with the chit chat... here is the full body:
And here is the detail:
I am trying to make the suit as wearable as possible and not just a mechanical statue so i am exposing the underneath rubbery part in key parts of the armor.
Next up... the arms... Any comments and critiques are welcome!
I am considering removing his shoulder armor, but not sure about it. Still gotta do the arms and it will be easier to decide then. But what do you guys think, do you like the shoulder armor or do you think it should go?
Hey M1KES, again great improvement!
The proportions look very believable now.
What stands out to me is that the hexagons on the rubbery part look very big and that makes the material look kinda rigid.
I think smaller hexagons with tighter spacing would help sell the "underarmor" part better.
Could you post a picture of the shoulder armor on the updated model?
Thank you for the comment Slaught! I will be changing the inside suit as soon as i finish with the armor. I dont think its up to par with the rest of the armor.
Here is the armor with the shoulder parts
Maybe i am asking this too early as i dont have the arms made yet, also the shoulder parts dont have any detail so it will look worse. What i am trying to figure out now, is if the shoulder armor helps or worsens his silhouette.
Thanks for the double support raptor!
This was done entirely in zbrush.. I did start the project by constructing a base mesh in 3ds max... but then i scrapped that, and tried a full zbrush approach so i could practice my zbrush skills.
Here is the max base mesh i started:
But then i quit and went on to create this one:
All the work you see is a result from this image, all in zbrush
I finally moved to the legs and got his upper legs and knees done.
You obviously wont see the cylinder within the knee and the back side of the knee will be uncovered to allow for the leg to bend. Here is a picture with the rest of the armor:
Next update i should have the rest of the legs complete. As always... comments and critiques are welcome!
Would you like "ANOTHER"?
Thanks man! And thanks for commenting again!
Sorry for the long waiting time between updates... i have been so busy lately! Anyway... the good news is i finally finished the lower legs!!! :poly121:
I also drasticly changed the proportions... and i can finally say... i am happy with it. Lots of tweaks to the overall shape of the armor this time although you might not notice them...
Ok enough with the chit chat... here is the full body:
And here is the detail:
I am trying to make the suit as wearable as possible and not just a mechanical statue so i am exposing the underneath rubbery part in key parts of the armor.
Next up... the arms... Any comments and critiques are welcome!
The proportions look very believable now.
What stands out to me is that the hexagons on the rubbery part look very big and that makes the material look kinda rigid.
I think smaller hexagons with tighter spacing would help sell the "underarmor" part better.
Could you post a picture of the shoulder armor on the updated model?
Here is the armor with the shoulder parts
Maybe i am asking this too early as i dont have the arms made yet, also the shoulder parts dont have any detail so it will look worse. What i am trying to figure out now, is if the shoulder armor helps or worsens his silhouette.