Hello everyone,
I've been working in the film and games industries for about 3.5 years as a coordinator for the art department of the studios I've been at. I've had the privelege of working with artists my entire career; from juniors to leads but I'm also quite the closet artist myself. Regardless of experience, I pick the brains of the artists I work with for tips, tricks and feedback (when I'm not chasing them down for asset statuses, ETAs, and milestone deliverables hahaha) and practice *EVERY* technique that is suggested while taking feeback into account.
One tip that was given to me is that it's best to start with a generic character from which to create others and that is what I intend to do with the piece I've got to show you guys.
Here is the result so far of almost 4 years of feedback and critiques. Hope you like and of course, feedback is more than welcome; I hope for it

This is the grayblock model, and by no means final.

And I've only got the head textured so far.

On the whole, his calves and knee are too massive and hips too narrow, as well as where the thighs connect it doesn't look like they actually do as where that strange fold of skin is there should be certain muscles showing.
Thanks for the feedback
- Resize calves
- Resculpt hips / crotchal region.
I do agree the hips are pretty narrow. The calves don't bother me as much tho. If you are in that area maybe look at the knee cap too. It seems like there is a raised Y shape there. Not sure what that is.
I feel like the top of his head is kinda tall. In the gray version you can see a somewhat of a raised area in the centerline of the forehead. Maybe that should be smoothed some.
Keep pushing it!