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Elmore Ridge - Hand-painted Environment



  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @Moose: omg awesome crit! Thanks! I will be looking into this stuff! I pushed the highlights in the wood when painting the door texture, let me know if they can pushed even more! I'm trying a new approach to the moss and making if much more subtle, let me know if you think its better route. I think if I can get some consistence in my wood color it would help a lot with things working together more? Maybe less contrast between the dark wood and the plaster? Planning as well to get some vines growing on the sides. Also Nitpicky is good. :)

    @Selaznog: Yeah I know what you mean about the boards being in the texture. I really wanted to paint them in to create a sense of depth in my textures. But you are right they aren't working. So instead I think I'm going to repaint them with the boards on top instead of trying to make them looked like they are sunken in the plaster and make them the same color. If that doesn't work i may make them geo.

    Updates :O

    Just a small one. I want to ask a question really.

    So I have been fighting the constant battle of finding some moss that works well. I have been playing around with a more subtle version. Instead of painting giant clumps, I make it less pronounced and much closer to the surface.

    I was also thinking of creating some meshes I could throw a tiling moss texture on if I wanted to make some clumps in places such as in the corners of support beams or on the roof edges.

    Any who just curious to hear your guys opinions. If not Ill just keep moving forward with this plan. :)

    Btw the uvs for the door frame are straight, I promise. ;) Unlit Maya

    Also any thoughts about the door/metal would be appreciated.

    Thanks for looking!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    looks great post more!
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Man how did I miss this thread, looking good so far!
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    came here from level-design.org - good luck man :)
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @frell: Thanks! I'm going to try!

    @praetor187: Thank you!

    @Matroskin: level-design.org? Thanks!


    Still working on the house textures and meshes. At this point all textures are still wip. :/ I also created another house out of the modular pieces.

    Anywho it's late so I'm going to keep this update short. :poly142:



    Maya Unlit

    Thanks for looking! :)
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    I really like what you have going here, especially the roof tops and how you adding geometry to the edges. I think you should do that to the brick areas by adding a cube here and there. Anyway looks great, very nice textures.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Oh god; the wait was a killer but so worth it. Looks freaking awesome.

    Keep it up!
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14

    Still working on this sucker. I have been hacking at the terrain. Here is a quick look at it in udk. Essentially, I have modeled the terrain by hand in maya and I am currently using a vertex paint shader in udk to get the transitions between the rock and dirt.

    The trees are not mine, my friend was nice enough to let me use his as placeholders. I am trying to get a sense of what this might look like down road a bit.

    I am taking the scale way back. Instead of making a city I am going to shoot for a small outpost or village. I have made the common mistake of trying to go to big. I also want to make sure I am putting quality over quantity.

    Finished up the modular pieces for the houses. Now I just need to retexture everything. :/ This is how I'm planning on using them in UDK. I have a couple bases and then addons plus the windows, doors, etc. Unlit Maya

    Terrain wips, still need to get the rocks and cliff meshes in there. UDK


    Thanks for looking.
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    im loving the style of this, keep it going.
  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    Oh man this is so awesome and inspirational! Subscribed!!!!!!1111(!!!!!1111eleveneleven)
  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    Killer stuff, those modular buildings are dripping with style!
  • KennyTies
    Man from where this started to where this is now there has been some great progress. Awesome work. Makes me want to try some rock textures.
  • letronrael
    just awesome, how did you do the terrain? did you use the terrain tool, landscape or you modeled the cliffs inside maya or 3ds max ?
  • HughieDM
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    HughieDM polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome work, love the progress keep it up

    the cliff seem a bit round though you could put a bit more geo into the transition from rock to dirt to make them a bit more sharp.
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @PhoenixWolf, hamzaaa, tottot, KennyTies: Thanks guys!

    @letronrael: Thanks! As I said I modeled them in Maya.

    @HughieDM: Yeah I agree, the terrain is still pretty wip, I'll will be sure to make it more interesting as well.

    Still playing around with what I have so far. Please note that this is no where near completed, I'm just throwing things in the scene to see if stuff is working or not. This is no where near final.







    Thanks for looking.
  • Twoflower
    Looks awesome Man! Really like the shapes you have going on, especially the chimney and the metal thingy that supports the wooden beams.

    "Now I just need to retexture everything. :/ "
    why would you do that?
    I think the textures looks really good. the only texture i think that need some work is the yellowish wall texture. could need some work to fit in better with the rest of the textures.

    Other than that really cool scene and the 3rd screenshot is my favourite :)
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    looks good :) More vegeatation would be a nice boost for the scene
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    Hey man this looks amazing, just some textures could need a little bit of attention.
    The yellow all texture, I would say that you should decrease the contrast so that the dark spots does not stick out so much. They are readable too much from distance and makes it look kind of blurry.
    And also the Sand does not seem to fit in at all in my opinion, I would say that you should go for grass instead. Consider also that you have pines, maybe it could be fir needles laying on the ground decomposing with a mix of grass.
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Looks like it's going to be a really nice scene! But the chromatic aberration in that last screenshot is a bit OTT... Maybe tone it down a bit and tone the bloom down a tiny bit?

    Texture wise, good suggestion on changing the sand to grass/pine needles, should tie together the trees and the rocks a bit more. The green moss you have on your dark plank texture stands out a bit at the moment, they are brighter than the background so look almost luminescent
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    yes an update. I have been reworking all the textures for the houses and such. Here is how they are currently looking. I also pushed the shape of the house a bit. The old ones were not feeling heavy enough for me. Hopefully the new meshes feel better.




    Thanks for looking.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    dat is looking great man! Love your sillouettes and texturing.

    Here's an idea if you don't mind me saying: I noticed you added a gradient on the plaster. Perhaps you could use vertex color from maya and do an overall colored gradient coming from the bottom of each house? That would add some fake shading to the walls, etc. I'm not saying to multiply like AO, but an overlay effect of purple/pink/blue/orabge would be a great add
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Amazing, prove em wrong mate!
  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    Great stuff! Keep going man, I love your textures and your shapes. :)
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Hot damn. Really stunning work.
  • Owl
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    Owl polycounter lvl 6
    Your shapes and textures are looking WAY better. Great job pushing them. I think they still could be pushed a little more. Right now, each material is fairly monochromatic... I think you should really try and paint in some other colors into each material to help give it more variety.

    The tile roof is too red. Even tho the damage and moss look nice and break it up a bit, it is too red all over. try making some of the tiles more purple, more gray, more blue. or green. Adding in some gradients of color will really help it feel like a worn and real material while still retaining the hand painted and stylized look you're going for. Don't think of your roof as red. Or you walls as tan. Or your wood as brown, or your metal as gray. Try painting in some colors and then working them in and out. It's kind of a practice thing... but will tie your materials together better so it doesn't just read as red roof, brown wood, gray metal, tan walls... when you get color gradients across the different materials, it will start to feel more cohesive.

    Also you could create some decals for the walls, with grime/cracks to float just above the walls and create a lot of interest and asymmetry.

    It's looking great tho. Love your style and texture work! Keep going.

    Here is a model from Darksiders 2, that kinda represents what I mean.


    You can see that the overall look reads as stone, but if you look at the colors in the spec and diffuse, there are greens, purples, blues, yellows.

    I know you may not be using a spec, but you can achieve a similar result by painting in some of these colors into your diffuse.

    This kind of color variety can really add to you textures and make them look awesome.

    Anyways, keep it up! Your stuff is looking great.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Beautiful work so far toxic, specially your last shot of those houses, feels very beefy!

    Although I agree with Jesse on adding some greens / blues / purples to the roof, I actually really love the saturation you have going so far. Those colours POP, and it'll create some very nice separation when there are 20 of those housing pieces all bunched up.

    Great work so far, very very excited to see where this is heading :)
  • kn0r
    Digging the improved look.
    Not sure about the golden claw ornaments though, they feel a bit out of place compared to the normal metal parts.
  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    Oh man I love this! I'm starting a small diorama for my 'college' work soon too. Keep up the great work Toxic! :)

  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @BenHenry, Hamzaaa, CordellC, Chris1988green: Thanks a bunch guys!

    @Bugo: You are awesome thanks again!

    @Owl: Thanks, I'll see if I can get more color in there, I agree the colors are a bit monochromatic, the wood I feel is the worst offender. I'll Also get some decals for sure.

    @JasonLavoie: Thanks dude! Means a lot coming from you. Big fan of your work and work ethic.

    @kn0r: Yeah, I'm going for a Gryphon theme and I'm hoping to add elements that will tie the claws in as well as get more gold elements in there so it doesn't stand out as much. Thanks!


    Made some pine trees and added some things to the house.

    Special thanks to Bugo for showing me how to add vertex color to meshes. I did what he suggested to the trees, and planning on adding the gradient to the houses as well. Vertex color is awesome.






    Thanks for looking.
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    Woooooooah! This! Yes!

    You keep nailing these WoW 2.0 / Allods vibes!

    Would love to see how you worked with the Vertex Blending etc, it looks really great!
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Hey man, no problem at all, glad you did it! :) Looking great!
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    the birds nest was a really nice touch. looks great!
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    this is really really awesome
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    God damn. Some of the best tree bark I have seen in a hand painted environment I have seen. Giving Jessica Dinh a run for her money! lol jk, both of you guys are great in your respected work. Looks so sick man, please keep the updates rolling!
  • TheGoozah
    Amazing stuff!!! Keep going!
  • rago
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    rago polycounter lvl 4
    awesome!! wonderful work :)
  • Oranghe
    Super inspired by this! thanks for posting your workflow have been learning from this thank you!
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    toxic_h2o, wow those last shots of the house on the white ground are looking awesome, saved to inspiration folder. I have a question and I'm too lazy to read the whole thread. Is this rendered in UDK or Crysis Engine?
  • Alismuffin
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    Alismuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Damn this project is sexy
  • djohnsen
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    djohnsen polycounter lvl 7
    This is so awesome! Cant wait to see the final product.

    Your tree looks amazing.
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    Hey guys I made a little scene out of the stuff I have been making for this years Blizzard's Student contest.


    Thanks for looking!
  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    yes yes yes and YES! Awesome work man!
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    WOW mind blown this is sooo beautiful and it pops the colors compliment each other so well i love how it looks like spec and normal is used but its not. I hope you win the contest
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    This is Banner Quality, anyone else agree?
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    you got it right bro....damn right. LOVE the contrast and vivid look.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Really quite beautiful. Wish I could go explore in it.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Package and release so we can walk around it.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Great job on the presentation. Best of luck to you on the contest! :)
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    beautiful work! Goodluck in the contest!
  • Synyster
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    Synyster polycounter lvl 8
    Love this! You've really came a long way since your first post. This is amazing work, I hope you win the contest man!
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