Hi guys! This is my first thread here at Polycount, though I follow the forum for quite some time now. I've made this version of Captain America, inspired in the concept of the Ultimate Cap by Joe Madureira, I wanted to make a real strong Captain, with similar proportions we see at Street Fighter IV. Total of 6338 tris.
Here's the turntable: [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBq7OvjTdMw&feature=player_embedded"]Captain America game model - YouTube[/ame]
So far that's it, I'm preparing some more stuff to this character. Waiting for your feedback, hope you like it \o

On 2nd look -- It's not a weight issue , it's the silhouette. He looks like he's wearing a girdle, take some taper out of that midsection!
Concerning with the silhouette, it is true, the pockets are kinda off, I think specially in the depth.
Thanks for the replies!
Maybe they'll help.