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object space normals and uv space sharing.

polycounter lvl 12
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Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
I am using Marmoset, but when I dont have object space checked on there is a seam where UV sharing is applied. is this because of the render or the way tangent works?





  • Rockley Bonner
    Offline / Send Message
    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
  • EarthQuake
    Well first off, when you click on object space, Marmoset treats your tangent space map as an object space map. This really isn't going to tell you anything useful or productive, because its just the wrong sort of content.

    There shouldn't be any technical hurdles to getting mirrored content to display in Marmoset, which makes me think its a problem with your workflow.

    This is what you should do:
    Unwrap your mesh
    Offset the "mirrored" faces exactly one unit in UV space. This allows the uvs to display correctly but not mess things up when baking.
    Bake mesh
    load in Toolbag

    Thats it really

    If you don't offset your uvs you may have issues.

    If you delete half of your mesh, bake, mirror, and weld, you'll have major issues, as the normals on the seam change and would explain the sort of error you're seeing here, along with the teeth not connecting there, thats another issue that would come from this, which makes me think thats what you've done. DO NOT DO THIS.

    Any changes that effect the lowpoly mesh normals after you've baked are a bad, bad idea. The baked normals rely on the explicit mesh normals of the lowpoly, when you change those normals you're going to get errors.
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    ok, I didn't know about offsetting, I Had the uvs directly on top of eachother...Ill post again with the resluts.

  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12

    Much better, thank you!

    but there is the issue with the double tooth, this area is a small protion of the whole mesh so Its not a huge deal and there is a slight seam in the middle, am I still doing somthing wrong? Thanks again!
  • EarthQuake
    Alright so a potential problem here is again dependent on workflow.

    So, if you have a hard edge down that seam, and you're using a baker that splits the projection mesh at hard edges(for instance xnormal with the default ray trace settings) you'll get this sort of error. Making sure that edge is soft there, or better yet making sure you're using a method that provides an entirely averaged projection mesh(aka cage) will do it as well.

    Max by default, Maya with match using...(I can't remember the settings now, one of it does it averaged, the other based on the lowpoly mesh normals). And in xnormal, you'll have to either export a cage(from max) or set up a cage in the 3d viewer.
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12

    im getting some artifacts and small dotty ray misses that dont go away no matter how far I push the cage. nothing that some photoshop wont fix. Im going to try exporting a cage from max into xnormal next and see if I cant get better results.

    ive been messing with xnormal so more and Ive been getting some random artifacts and errors. All I did different was relax the uvs and move the high poly around....polynorm.jpg
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    lol, took me 3 hours but I figured it out. Thanks earthquake I learned alot!
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