Hey everyone this is a project I have been working on recently for my portfolio. it is a museum lobby set around the 1930's nd 1940's time era (art deco tastic).I have finished up the basic layout/ block out textures and highpoly models comming soon as I work on them!
I will keep posting my progress here for everyone to check out please help me out with this one I want it to look awesome!
Here is a reference palate which I am using to help me out with mood and 3D asset creation.

here's my first render for you all
in your opinion is my lighting working trying to create a warm early morning mood (I want the scene to be before the museum opens so garbage needs to be picked up floors cleaned all in all the lobby will be in a very subtle messy chaos before the next wave of people arrive for the opening exhibit).
The posters on the side of the rooms will have old style painted adds like in the reference I posted for new exhibits dinosaurs medieval art ETC.
-added carpet stair runner
-increased the size of all of the pillars in the scene to ground the scene more, also I don't think the small pillars in the last update could support such a heavy support beam.
-added more detail to the pillar model and started base textures.
-brought the camera closer to the dinosaur stature to tighten up the scene.
What story telling elements do you plan on adding?
in order to push this piece over the edge I am going to create 30's styled posters for museum exhibits going on which will be hung up in the frames that are currently hanging on the wall.
since this scene is about a museum before it is cleaned up and reopened for the public I am going to mess it up a bit put some garbage and stuff lying around to emphasize the cleaners haven't done their thing yet.
Also going to add a door with a banner in the back advertising the museum as well (I am really trying to push museum I wan't it to be the first thing you think when you look at this piece).
I hope this answers your question
@NathanBarrett : Thanks man I am working very hard on this trying to make it awesome!
in the renders I have posted here I used a fill in texture for the flooring. Now I have created a completely custom floor texture (took around 3 hours from start to finished renders).
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/American-Art-Deco-Architecture-Regionalism/dp/0393019705/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1346707843&sr=1-2"]American Art Deco: Architecture and Regionalism: Amazon.co.uk: Carla Breeze: Books[/ame]
Although its mainly exteriors it does have some interiors. Also as you have a lot of iconography I would highly recommend this book also.
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Welcome-Big-Biba-Inside-Beautiful/dp/1851496645/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1Q6E1BDIRBCHC&coliid=I3PEH8LQDKSMVA"]Welcome to Big Biba: Inside the Most Beautiful Store in the World: Amazon.co.uk: Steven Thomas, Alwyn W. Turner: Books[/ame]
It has a bit of everything but is bursting at the seems with art deco ideas.
@Ichll3D : thanks for the links! I love art books! I really like the looks of "american art deco" that book looks like it would have a lot of great reference I could pull from.
full scene update coming soon!
Things I changed
Fixed Tiling
Cube map reflections
vertex paint compatible
added some extra gloss
Wanted to make the floor look like it was still in use so I cleaned it up a bit and added a cube map reflection to make it look like it has been washed and polished for new museum attendees. (with some wear and tear to show age)
I think once you get around to it, the dinosaur should definitely be the focal point of your piece. With that in mind, I would try and sell this by lighting the scene to draw attention to, and show of the dinosaur in it's best light. The light coming through the ceiling would be great for this, also maybe think about some upward pointing spotlights around the base of the display? The more contrast between the focal points and the rest of the scene the better...
...Just a thought!
I am totally going to scale down my tiles and play around with them a bit see how they turn out. As for the dinosaur lighting I already have spotlights and a base light underneath the sculpture complete (They are not showing up so great because there is a simple white texture on the block out killing my light contrast).
Here is an update on my flooring scale I have made it quite a bit small so that it gells a lot more with the scene and the surrounding props.
as always critiques and comments always welcome :P
Instead of making a dinosaur for my scene I wanted to show off my sculpting abilities so I changed it up to a Lion here is my high poly sculpt.
I went through several lighting configurations with my piece
Midday too over saturated no focus
Night time kind of bland I wanted some more interest
Also tried making colored lighting ie (dexs ex and bio shock themed) but that did not make sense for the time period
So I am officially settling on sunrise! With light rays my piece gains some more interest and the warm colour of the sun landing on the lion creates a focal point for the viewer. At least this is what I was trying to accomplish.
what do you think and what can I tweak.
So I feel like I am finally done with this scene I have been working really hard on it and I think it has reached a point where I am happy with it.
Here are some renders for the finished product.
If there are still things wrong with the scene please leave a comment and I will fix them up.
Been watching this for a little while, you've been doing some excellent work here. However I want you to know you I really feel you need to give this another lighting pass. Right now everything feels a bit too warm, and saturdated. There's a lot of different materials and objects in your scene so you should really focus on popping them out!
I like the warm tone, however try balancing that with a cool tone for the areas in shadow, to allow your objects that are made of metal, etc to really pop. Don't be afraid to add a directional that counters the main lighting, with shadows off, to provide a subtle cool color to under light some areas such as the lion etc.
I really feel you can push this further. Good luck!
I agree with you about the lighting I want to cool it down a bit because it pop's out my crimson banners that are mounted on the structural pillars but it always looks too bland. So I will give a cold directional light to go with my main warm toned light I will post some results. Lighting is definitely not my forte but I really want to learn more about it I have a lot of fun creating mood.
If anyone has some great lighting resources and would like to share that would be really awesome
What do you think
thanks to Shogun3d for the great suggestion.
Try and get some more levels going on in it though.. Almost blown out light on teh extreme top left could look good.
Looking very good though
your idea about the vip rail was awesome and it helped push the scene up so thank you for the suggestion.