Hey guys, I'm having a problem with my smoothing groups. Here's a pretty simple mesh in Max, with everything set to 1, and then 3 polys set to 2 with a fourth on both 1 and 2 for some blending. Pretty simple stuff and looks fine in Max.
But in Cry it looks bad.
Any ideas what is causing this?
Seems like it doesn't export this kind of smoothing groups blending properly.
Thinking about it I don't think I've had to use this kind of blending before in CryEngine... I guess it doesn't support it? That seems super weird...
The only problem might be with the original exporter, but I don't have acces to it.
When you export the mesh, the exporter splits all the hard edges in to 2 edges, so the mesh is physically in two pieces (albeit perfectly aligned).
It does support smoothing group (hard edges) or at least in maya I'm sure it does.
hard edges are physically split (which also breaks the smoothing, creating a hard edge)
On crydev wiki if you search for smoothing groups you'll find multiple documents implying that multi-smoothing groups are supported :
example :
Now, for displaying the mesh in doesn't really matter since it gives the same result,
but if the mesh is actually split it may produce some problems.
Eg. take any mesh with smoothing groups into CE3 and apply vertex deformation to it, there'll be gaps wherever the splits are.
UDK doesn't seem to suffer from that (I tested a mesh with a material with worldposoffset to it), I guess it's a matter of when the splitting