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[CE3] Near Future Subway

polycounter lvl 12
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mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
Anyway, time to call this finished, There are some breakdowns and stuff on my portfolio:


Original Post:
Hi guys,
I got a fair bit of feedback that my portfolio didn't have enough full environments, so I decided to work on this!

I must admit, I'm pretty proud of what I've got so far :)


To-do list:
  • Break up the far wall a bit
  • Make the focal point (in the far tunnel stick out more)
  • Add some subtle particles
  • Add grunge to lower platform edge where it meets the rails
  • more train-ey stuff (rail network map etc.)
  • potentially redo the wall with the lcd advertising panels to be less sci-fi and more "modern"


  • Amatobahn
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    Amatobahn polycounter lvl 7
    I'm really loving that thin tile floor. I think the trash can needs some specular work — looks a little flat. Plan on modeling a train?
  • k21n
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    k21n polycounter lvl 10
    Doesn't look too sci-fi for me (the walls) but the lower part of the walls in the right is repetitive, try to make some variation, make some supports for the beams to cut the repetitive parts. Maybe some subtle decals here and there wouldn't hurt.

    I really like the scene! Keep it up! ^^
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    it looks very nice, though general design seems more contemporary to me rather than futuristic.
    not that it's a bad thing.
  • sulkyrobot
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    sulkyrobot triangle
    Maybe make a few of the adverts on the wall some sort of TV/screen with some sort of interactive advertising?

    Looks like a solid start to me.

    EDIT: Seems I missed it's already on your todo. Ignore me.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the great comments guys!

    They are! All of them have about a 3 second animation looping on them (somehow I got lucky and got my two screenshots with them at pretty much the same time in the animations life). The same thing happens with the "timetable" LED panels, they change every 5sec with the next set of train times.

    Once I fix it up a bit, I think I'll need to do a video :)

    Yeah, I think the issue I'm having is that most of it looks quite contemporary, and then there's the left hand wall which has quite sci-fi-ey overtones, I just don't know whether I feel it fits with the rest of the scene?
    Either way, I want to make the holes a tiny bit smaller too, they are huge at the moment :P

    @k21n Definitely with you on breaking up the right hand side more, might be my project for tonight!

    @Amatobahn Thanks, the trash can spec problem was an easy fix, makes it look way better with a bit of gloss!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Been loving this on twitter! I think some floor deals would go along way: marks to show where doors will open, mind the gap symbols etc. The other bit of detail its missing is signal lights at the end by the tunnel.
    Great colours and style, bring it home!
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Looking really awesome so far!

    One thing I noticed and it could be intentional but the floor tiles seem to be stretched a bit, not sure if you wanted perfect squares or rectangles.

    Keep it up!
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys!
    A little bit of an update for you!

    Pretty close to finishing now I think :) Only thing I really want to do is break up the tiling on the floor some more (need to create some more decals)

    @fearian Cheers! Added some floor markings, and the signal lights, adds a fair bit I think, thanks!

    @Biofrost Thanks! I was aiming for rectangles, have a reference subway with rectangular tiles and wanted to replicate it :)
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    ffffffarrk, Just lost a big post by accidentally closing the tab. Here we go again...

    This is looking really close to the finish line! The only crits I have now are small tweaks and you can pretty much take them or leave them.

    1. The graphical design of the Badgers Road sign looks dated, and maybe a bit half hearted. In your last shot it is pretty much the focal point, being well lit, easy to read and nicely contrasted. (all good!) So it sticks out! Here's some stuff to look out for:

    -The lack of padding around the edge of the sign. Having the text go up to the sides is really messy and makes it look cramped and off balance.
    -The connecting line on the map should probably be at the same angle as the text. (my personal read).
    -The border of the sign should probably be thicker than the map lines, again, it seems off balance.
    -The borders have some wear on the corners that detract from the silhouette of the sign by blending in with the wall. They also look a bit lazy and flat. What is wearing away the corners, flat against the wall, but not the sides?

    2.The black markings on the bin and front of the train seem like a specular black hole. Usually markings like these tend to be vinyl, and actually reflect more light than the base material underneath it. Also, I can't quite tell if actually is the case, but try to avoid using full black in your diffuse map.

    3. Compared to the train and platform, the square metal plates on the far wall look positively gleaming. Some grungy decals would break up the repetitive nature of the wall and work them into the environment better.

    I honestly can't spot anything else. Maybe the train windows could use some shader love, but I don't think it's much of an issue. Fantastic scene, it's gonna look badass at the top of your portfolio! :)
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with the previous posters

    Hmm, yeah I agree that it might need something more to make it look a little bit more futuristic. We have a pretty cool central station here in Malmö.


    They've got images projected on the walls like you're riding the train, and you can see some cool vistas while you're waiting on for the trains.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Cheers Fearian, I replaced that with a board displaying a similar thing (I think it was originally a concept for the london underground :)

    Oooo thats pretty cool Chris! If id given it flat walls on the other side I would have totally done something like that!

    Anyway, time to call this finished, There are some breakdowns and stuff on my portfolio:

  • ThaSlimShady
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    ThaSlimShady polycounter lvl 4
    I saw something which reminded me of this!

  • Darkleopard
    Definitely the best piece in your portfolio! Great work!
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    With your glows make sure your using an alpha, it currently looks like just a polygon glowing. By using an alpha and gradient out the edges you will get a more realistic effect and more of an illusion of the glass containing a bulb.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Coming along nicely. I think that the ground clutter is too "perfect" it needs to be spread out randomly rather all in one spot perfectly rotated , ect. Keep goin! :D
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    I would say give the train some more love, to me it feels a bit rushed? And as its, I assume, the main focal point you should look at the texture again and maybe even the model.

    Looks awesome though!
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Cheers for the feedback guys! I was looking at my portfolio today and it really hit me how flat the lighting really was, and how much it weakened the scene's composition, so I pretty much totally redid it all :)
    Also retextured the train, because, lets be honest, it looked shocking!

  • Artaani
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    Artaani polycounter lvl 7
    Haha, Windows 9 board is amazing! )
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    Reminds me of Beacon Hill Station in Seattle.

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