I played the 360 version when it came out. It's a really intense and fun game and I enjoyed what I did play, but damn was it rage inducing at times. Make sure to just be patient otherwise you'll lose a lot of playtime and souls which can be absolutely crushing later on in the game when a single stat upgrade can take a lot of time to get.
Also the Dark Souls wiki will be your best friend.
That doesn't make sense, why would they put it on Steam after the petition but still have it Windows Live Enabled? That like putting two slices of Whiz cheese in your burger.
Also, 360 controller is recommended or you can't do anything in the game if you don't have it? Because forcing the player to get something not everyone has is not a smart move.
It was the developers first time doing a port to PC, and they just straight copied, art assets and all. I heard the PC controls are not all that hot either.
Played the ps3 version at a friend's place. I can see why people are so enthusiastic about this game, it's very difficult and if you're not careful you'll get owned even by the 'basic' enemies.
The thing I personally have with this game is that I just find it ugly. The character models are okay, it's the environments and HUD that just kill it for me.
Dark Souls as a whole is amazing. It has such great atmosphere and story and the combat feels right. I always knew the PC port would be unimpressive especially when it was designed for consoles in mind.
There's lore videos in it that show you just how deep the world of Dark Souls is. It's something you HAVE to appreciate. The games world is very sad, as I play I can feel it.
Overall the game has a lot of secrets to discover. You'll definitely miss a lot on your first few playthroughs. I'm on my 8th char and I still learn new things.
Also, I might buy this, just for the sheer awesomeness that is Dark souls. I got it on xbox and love it but somehow i think there will be more multiplayer action on PC.
I am in the same boat as rilem, the animations, lighting and overall look of the game turns me off from wanting to play it, and I normally like dark and gritty. Ill check it out from the library at work and see if I can get into it.
Gargh, there are no plans for a PC version in Japan/Steam. I want to try and have someone gift it to me, but don't want to run the risk of it being locked... (like Brink).
pfff fuck them and their pc port.
i bought this for x360 when they said there would be no pc version.
and now they want me to buy it again so i can play it without constantly feeling like i forgot to put my glasses on.
nearly sucks as much as rocksmith release in EU.
well anyways for everyone who didnt pick it up yet i can only recommend you to do so. and play it with a gamepad. and get a guide. and play as a mage, i gues they are still op.
It kinda is honestly, I mean the core of the game is there, but when From said "We have no idea what we're doing, so don't expect anything else other then functional gameplay", they really meant it.
I guess the main issue is that any game they had been ported over to PC, like Ninja Blade was done by an outsourced company, and they even hinted at the fact that this was going to be a 'port' from their internal studio, not supported by the Publisher.
I don't know what to say at this point, someone puts up a fix in 20 minutes to fix something which have been easier to fix for them, but at the same time, you cannot ignore the issues they had behind the scene, at the same time, wondering if you should support the guys for putting out a game with DLC and all included for 40$.
I picked this up last night and been having a blast. Having played the holy hell out of the xbox version it is exciting to get a chance to play through as a noob again.
So I think alot of the comments about being a not so great port are fair but honestly blown a little out of proportion.
Some of my personal notes:
-Yes it is highly recommended to play this with a controller. You can plug and play with either a wired xbox or ps3 controller (which I imagine most gamers already have honestly). Either way the flow of combat really benefits from analogue input and the pacing fluctuates from slow to fast and back again so while great keyboard and mouse support would have been dandy the gameplay systems were really built with a controller in mind...
I am a bit biased because to me dark souls is such a rare gem of a game it deserves all the money it can get quite frankly. It's still a blast to play on pc and using steam overlay to coordinate with friends actually makes coop alot more manageable and the game looks great with the high rez modification. Despite it not being a great port its still a win all around.
-As for the visuals...sure it doesn't have the production polish as some other titles but the game just oozes with atmosphere that makes most other titles look pretty piss poor in comparison. It's all a matter of taste of course but screenshots do not do the game any justice, you have to play it all in context to really enjoy just how purposeful everything really is the visuals, audio, everything right down to the core game design really flow off each other nicely.
Also I have to point out that the level design is wonderfully varied and the sense of exploration and discovery is so surprisingly rewarding. I found it quite a bit more engrossing than alot of other open world games.
i guess i'll do my research and see what people think about it. I never played it on console. I thought the pc version was gonna be like the console, but with some updates. If they are committed to revamping the game per peoples request i might pick this up. I would prbly play this game with my controller on pc anyways. Thoughts?
Seriously, don't waste your money in this game, and more in PC. Wait more than a few weeks, a few months because it has a very very bad critique. Sooner or later it will be for less than 5 euros.
PC Gamers should not buy this kind of games NEVER. I'm fed up of shitty ports, very bad programmed, and more having a machine 20 times more powerful than a videoconsole.
The Devs must know the PC platform is not a platform for residual profits, selling us horrible ports like Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Skyrim, or Prototype 2, full of bugs, and being more a beta than a retail and finished game. This one, is the worst without no doubt.
50 euros for a game like this is a robbery imho, and more being an old game without improvements, lik improved graphical options for PC, a PC control and support to surround sound 5.1/7.1.
Worst PC port ever: awful graphics, resolution blocked at 1024x768, no modern filters, terrible controls, 100% console interface ruin what was a console RPG masterpiece. All those user reviewers giving it a 10 are fake users paid by From Software. This game is pure garbage, don't waste your money on it.
Just read all of them, and believe it.. because all is the truth.
Ignore Blaizer and other so called "hardcore" players who have no idea what went into this game or any of it's history.
It's the same experience as the console game, but on PC, that's it. Some people can edit inis and change some of it's settings, it has rudimentary support for a keyboard and a mouse but seeing how the games controls and gameplay has been designed for a controller, you'd be asking for trouble trying to play without, it's like trying to play Quake 3 online and deciding to use a 360 controller then calling the game shit because it's not perfectly made for it.
As for the framebuffer lock to 1280x720 or whatever, it isn't as horrible as people think it is. I couldn't care less about the lack of "options" to turn on or off, it's not a game made what seems to be entirely around it's visuals like Crysis, this is one of the few games where the visuals actually feel like a supplement to the gameplay, and not a canvas for the gameplay to take place.
60k people wanted it, Namco said "Go, make it in 6 months or less, using your internal team, we don't want to spend too much money on this." And that is what they did, they've been transparent during the whole development process about how this won't be specifically made for PC, that its a bare bones port just to get it on the platform and that it will use caveats like GFWL to get MP working. During it's development the game was NEVER considered for PC, 6 months with no porting experience is not enough to give you a result like say, Sleeping Dogs.
The best thing to come out of this is hopefully Namco and From seeing that the PC market is actually viable, and thus develop the next Souls game for it from the ground up. It's still an amazing game, it's the exact same experience as you get on the console but with less framerate issues in some areas and more content, if the only thing you allow yourself to play is "pure ports" or whatnot, then you're missing out and have a pretty limited, probably shitty, view of what designates a good game or not.
TL;DR: Stop whining, it's still works better than some pure PC games and it's still a great game, support the devs for a better PC version next time, also Gameplay>Graphics any day.
Platinum'd this on the PS3, going for 100% again, having loads of fun.
Blazier you're forgetting a few things (also, can you please stop being so livid in your posts, some of us don't appreciate that jade-talk, unless you're talking against a big company full of pillocks):
-The game, unlike Ninja Gaiden, is hard but fair, so there is a reason people 'like it' and reviewers are trying to be nice to the game, because it doesn't hold your hand everywhere you go. I could right now say Skyrim is shit since even Oblivion was better, but the truth is alittle more complex then that.
-FROM never developed PC games in their lives, the few PC games they made were outsourced, and people almost didn't buy them, meaning they were in a mushy situation to say the least.
-They made it clear that this was going to be an 'internal studio' kinda deal, the publisher wasn't going to back them up, meaning their own time and money was coming into play. So any kind of heavy expenditure was out of the question.
-No, all the companies you mentioned 'were' PC companies, hence why you can complain about them, FROM wasn't, they took a risk, especially since the Asian market, other then F2P MMO's isn't known for the PC market.
-If the game is too expensive for you then wait, but at the same time, complain about your regional Tax and VAT systems which are charging extra for online items, unlike US or Canada, where there is no applicable taxes, 50 euro's wasn't the original price of the game, so I don't know why you are getting that number.
-Many Pure-PC games were crap too, STALKER upto today has this issue where if you enable DX9-High Renderer, the game won't start, you are forced to either go Medium or DX10, so there is that.
-At least it isn't Gear of War bad, where the game "expires" after a certain month, and the game would silently crash during gameplay, sometimes not saving your progress. At least this game is functional with gameplay, which what the developer said we would get, and eve said they don't know what they're doing.
-The quote that you posted better be a joke, because that a text-book example of a troll post. FROM never engaged in paying off reviewers nor have I seen a reviewer give the PC version of a game 10 as of yet, and the graphics (I'm guessing that shitface is talking about 'looks') is actually pretty 'grime' looking, which fits the lore of the game.
All in all, as I previously said, this is extremely conflicting, FROM saw the potential for the fanbase, and promised a functional game, but without the extra's 'basics' for a PC, so from hand you have to atleast see they were trying something good.
On the other, it's not that good, I mean you can't change you texture resolution, or disable shadows, or define other basic parameters, and an 'easy' fix, literally got dumped by a random guy in under 23 minutes after the release of the game, at least for Skyrim it took a couple of months to get a working, functional simple fix for the UI, meaning you needed some know how.
So you'll be damned if you support them, damned if you don't, which why I said wait a while before buying it, for all we know, they could be releasing an ASAP Patch to fix up stuff like the STALKER dev's did when a random programmer fixed their shadow issues.
All in all, conflicted, but not angtsy about it like some of you dweebs seem to me. I really doubt you guys are going to be thinking about DarkSouls and how shitty the PC version was on your death-bed. ( Thanks Lordy for the ignore user function ;P )
Pardon me, but having a 24" monitor, and a 30", for me it's a crime to play at 720p with a PC. For a joke of port like this shit (sorry, but it's a shit for me), it's better to play the videoconsole version, much cheaper.
And, stop the stupid fanboyism of the game, because this is not a PC game. But if you want to buy it... buy it, do as you please, but you are all warned. Only the lovers of the videoconsole game will love it.
Worst conport ever, Yeah they stated it you would WANT TO USE A CONTROLLER, but wanting to and MUST/ HAVING TO is a big DIFFERENCE....... Game is a great game awesome story... but what they did was essentially just give me a ps3 or xbox copy of the game... If i wanted to use a controller I would of bought the game on one of those formats AKA CONSOLE...... Terrible... The graphics customization is limited to change Vsync on or off, an change the resolution... All shown options to do command driven actions in the game like what we usually use as an activation key on a PC is E, well they still label everything A B Y X color coded to a xbox controller... I mean they could of atleast edited some of the game to be more PC....... just so ... Yet another waste of 40 dollars. I give this game a 4 cause it truely is a good game an has great story, but I cant get over the fact How bad i got ripped off
Terrible port this game should be out in 2005 or something the graphics is so bad with no PC setting 720p native resolution and with 30 FPS locked . The gameplay is not smooth at all and starting with broken sword is so idiot thing to have in game the difficulty of this game is u having some **** weapon in close tight area it is not about skill when ever u rest u will have the same enemies you already killed this game is really one of the worst games I ever played there is nothing fun about it .
Worst port ever. Resolution is capped, FPS are capped, keyboard and mouse controls are a nightmare, video options are inexistant ... in general it make me feel like I'm playing on a PS2 emulator.
Bad port. No bindings for mouse, bugs and graphics flickers. From console developers to console boys. Resolution is capped, FPS are capped, keyboard and mouse controls are a nightmare, video options are inexistant ... I think is damn timemachine from Skyrim to dark 2005 ages
You are not seriously quoting Metacritic User reviews as anything valid are you?
Because you do realize pretty much every single negative review posted by user on Metacritic is just fanboyish troll shit that has no rhyme or reason and is part of some massive circlejerk perpetuated by illiterate morons who most likely pirated the fucking game or didn't play it.
Metacritic "user reviews" are just shy of youtube comments in complete mental retardation and lack any kind of worthwhile content.
As for the game, it runs great, I'm having fun (as are apparently a ton of other people playing it online) with it since my brain isn't hardwired to jizz at visuals constantly instead of enjoying the gameplay.
Just for kicks I'll refer to the DailyMail, The Sun and the goddamned Onion as valid and well informed sources of important news.
Seriously, I need to install the Herp Derp plug-in to attempt visiting Meta-Critic. I hate to break it to anyone but yeah, this is a console port...mainly because it came out almost a year ago...for consoles. Derp. I see this as From Software testing the waters and seeing how the PC market would buy into the gameplay. If it sells well, who knows, maybe there next game will be made with PC in mind from the beginning.
If you were expecting a DX11 game from a company that made their first PC port with a six month timeline, you need a reality check.
hmmmm some of this is a little disappointing to read. Was thinking about getting this or spec ops: the line. But i guess I'll wait a little while for darksouls to (maybe) get smoothed out a bit and just go with the later for now. I've heard great things about the game (darksouls) and would love to support them so probably just next paycheck.
It looks like a lot of fun, but I think I'll wait for a nice Steam sale to pick it up (and it'd be cool if there were some updates to it from now until then).
I have an aversion to gamepads, it's one of the main reasons a majority of my games are for the PC. I don't have an XBox or a PS3 (because nearly everything I care to play also comes out for the PC, where it usually winds up running a bit better), so for me to play this comfortably I guess I'd have to go spend $20-30 on a controller, and spending $70 to play a PC game like this just isn't reasonable to me. Maybe if I already had a gamepad, but I always thought the point of playing a game on my PC was so that I didn't need console equipment.
But I guess I'm sort of used to waiting for sales, since I can't afford to buy most games at launch price anyway. :poly142:
I was not expecting a DX11 game, just better graphics/better perfomance, i mean, just bigger textures, 1080p, 60fps, vsync, you know... graphical options, 5.1 surround sound, and all what a pc game have had since years.
This is like blizzard were trying to sell us Diablo 2 for 60 euro. A bad joke.
"when the river sounds... it's because it has water", and i'm agree 100% with all the negative comments at metacritic. People does not complain just for fun.
Troll shit is to sell us this game as a great game for PC. Don't waste your money now, really. There are better PC games to play with. If you are a console boy, just forget my comments.
If you were hoping for an improved PC experience out of the box over the consoles, you will be severely disappointed.
- The game is locked at 30fps which is very disappointing
- Resolution is locked to 1024x720 and upscaled like on consoles
- Any sustained FPS drops below 15 will result in the user being kicked from the online aspect of the game
- Poor choice of key bindings resulting in downright awkward keyboard and mouse controls
- Hard coded Xbox 360 controller button prompts making playing with a keyboard and mouse unnecessarily difficult
This is a horrible job and the product should never have been released in its current form. Charging people £29.99 is just
laughable. Dark Souls is a great game created by a talented team, but it deserved a better PC release. The PC development
really should have been outsourced to a western developer with some experience of porting games to the PC.
However, chances are that the PC modding community will come to the rescue once more. The 1024x720 resolution has already been
unlocked thanks to a member of the Internet, allowing you to play at your monitor's native resolution, e.g 1920x1080. Unlocking the
framerate from its current locked 30fps state could be a little tricker though.
My advice is to wait a little while to see if the PC community can fix some of the poor choices From Software made porting Dark Souls
over to the PC. The early resolution unlock is promising, if a frame rate unlock appears this poor port might be salvageable after all.
This is the worst port I've -ever- played. Locked FPS which seems to be causing far more lag than the xbox/ps3 versions, graphics/textures from early 2000, the most retarded keybinds for anything, ever - It's clearly meant to be played with a controller but if that's the case why bother with buying a crappy pc version in the first place? Uses GFWL DRM which doesn't load half the time ...
Xbox controls are hard coded into it, so you'll constantly get 'press (A-key-graphic) to open door'.
Give this a huge berth and if you were unfortunate enough to preorder it like me, well, at least the game came with a poster I guess ..
0/10 and it casts a sad (poorly textured) shadow on the ps3/xbox version.
5/5 for fun because the ps3 version - as well as its predecessor Demon's Souls - were truly fantastic.
If you already played dark souls on ps3 or xbox 360, save your money... if not, don't buy it right now, wait for a deal of 5 euros as much.
Well if the reviews from metacritic are all bullshit, here's some excerpts from GameSpy's review:
Dark indeed -- this is one of the worst ports we've ever seen.
...this is just about a worst-case scenario port. It's a shame, too -- it's like getting that bike you asked for for Christmas only to find that it's so poorly assembled you can barely ride it.
Dark Souls can be played with the mouse and keyboard, but only if you really want to hate the experience. From didn't even bother to design proper mouse and key icons for on-screen prompts, so good luck figuring out what button you're supposed to push when it flashes "Press RT for Strong Attack" and you don't have a gamepad plugged in.
It's a shame that it'll generate some bad word of mouth, and in turn lower sales, as the lesson Namco Bandai and other publishers will probably take from Dark Souls is that no matter how many PC gamers say they want a port, they won't buy it. But that's the wrong lesson: the lesson is that PC gamers won't buy poor-quality products.
All the ranting about resolution/mouse/keyboard is so completely peripheral when set against how good dark souls is. Since when did any of that make for a good game.
The game is identical to the one i played on ps3 and it's still the best game released this generation. There's never been anything like it on pc since severance. And it has new content.
Also, they released this in response to a fucking petition, right? while its still not ideal to do a "bad" port you still have to give them massive props for responding to the pleads from fans.
At least fucking acknowledge that, Blaizer...
No idea why im even wasting my time with someone so on tilt and prejudice.
And honestly, there arent many games that really come close to Dark souls in recent times its just so fucking good at what it does, 30 fps or not.
While it simply doesn't have the charm that Demons Souls has, I've gotta say I like Dark Souls as one of the few non-BS RPGs actually being released.
However, it really doesn't seem like the porting effort continued beyond renaming one file to .exe and changing the name of their servers to "GFWL".
Resolution - why on earth would this need to be fixed if it was a 20min job for someone on the outside to unlock it?
They would sure have had higher res textures? Include them as an option.
Same with the post-processing, image effects that ran at half, quarter or eighth res could be bumped up.
Texture filtering could be adjustable.
Framerate, I can understand locking something at 30fps for consoles, but how about a 60fps lock option? Some animations may look a bit chunky in the distance, but whatever, crank that up too.
And for the love of all that is holy, leave GFWL to die in a fire.
Got it yesterday and having a blast even though I haven't seen any of the new content yet.
It's a real shame that it's just a straight port given everything that it's going to cop, and that From will surely never do it again if the response keeps up.
As far as I'm concerned it's exactly what I wanted from a PC version - a way of playing it when I'm not on my PC, and of still having it available deep into the future when my PS3 has long since fallen apart.
It's a real shame that it's just a straight port given everything that it's going to cop, and that From will surely never do it again if the response keeps up.
The backlash is for sure just going to get worse as more and more people buy the game and realize it's virtually unplayable on a keyboard and mouse then head straight to metacritic to give it 0 out of 10.
But I dunno... maybe I'm just overly optimistic but I think From will probably try again anyway. The petition proved there's a definite market for them on the PC, and people have been very vocally specific about what exactly is wrong with this port so they'll just do it better next time.
I still find it crazy how PC Gamers get themselves in a complete tizzy over such non-issues. It's like their validation for 'PC's are better than consoles' is being stripped away and they go mental over that. People are starving all over the world and there are people cribbing about the fact that a port was shipped with console res textures. I mean, what did you honestly expect? They are an asian developer, are they not? They've been behind the curve in PC development for years, consoles have always been their forte. Can't the .ini files of the game be messed with to make it look prettier?
I'm playing this with KB/Mouse ( using the DSFix to hide the mouse cursor.. ), and actually got used to it by now - even though the resolution of the mouse movement is nothing short of atrocious.
If they could just release a patch that improves the mouse movement to a good standard, i think it would be well playable with KB/Mouse.
So I've gotten through some of the new content now, and holy shit are some of the things there difficult, and some of the other things so freaking awesomely amazing from a lore standpoint. I don't know if anyone else did it but: BIG SPOILER
Before entering the new content (Oolacile) Do NOT kill Sif, instead progress through the new content and see if you can locate him down in the Chambers of The Abyss (Follow Alvinas Ghost and hit the wall), free him by killing the Black Sprites and summon him during the Manus fight. When you return to your time later and fight Sif, be treated to a very bittersweet cutscene.
Touching stuff, also difficult, unfortunately I screwed myself over by hastily acquiring a certain sword before checking the stats, so now I'm stuck slowly grinding my way into the stat reqs or using some rather ineffective weapons.
I think i will get this game. So far it sounds like its everything i want, exploring, reward by trial, and a lot of dying. Plus they fixed some stuff on the PC. Sounds like it will be fun.
I find it sad that From Software is now getting flame from pc gamers for providing a "bad port" of a game that wasn't supposed to come to PC in the first place.
It's a real tearjerker, the new environments are cool and creepy, and has some stunning and difficult new bosses.
It's really amazing that a game that takes such a minimalistic approach to showering the player with story carries a heavier emotional punch than most other games that do the opposite. Having a great time still, started a another character just cause
Also the Dark Souls wiki will be your best friend.
That doesn't make sense, why would they put it on Steam after the petition but still have it Windows Live Enabled? That like putting two slices of Whiz cheese in your burger.
Also, 360 controller is recommended or you can't do anything in the game if you don't have it? Because forcing the player to get something not everyone has is not a smart move.
When Steam releases it here, I will pick it up.
The thing I personally have with this game is that I just find it ugly. The character models are okay, it's the environments and HUD that just kill it for me.
I strongly suggest reading this thread: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2899558
Direct Link to Lore Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4825DBA198EBE9B9
There's lore videos in it that show you just how deep the world of Dark Souls is. It's something you HAVE to appreciate. The games world is very sad, as I play I can feel it.
Overall the game has a lot of secrets to discover. You'll definitely miss a lot on your first few playthroughs. I'm on my 8th char and I still learn new things.
Also, I might buy this, just for the sheer awesomeness that is Dark souls. I got it on xbox and love it but somehow i think there will be more multiplayer action on PC.
i bought this for x360 when they said there would be no pc version.
and now they want me to buy it again so i can play it without constantly feeling like i forgot to put my glasses on.
nearly sucks as much as rocksmith release in EU.
well anyways for everyone who didnt pick it up yet i can only recommend you to do so. and play it with a gamepad. and get a guide. and play as a mage, i gues they are still op.
I guess the main issue is that any game they had been ported over to PC, like Ninja Blade was done by an outsourced company, and they even hinted at the fact that this was going to be a 'port' from their internal studio, not supported by the Publisher.
I don't know what to say at this point, someone puts up a fix in 20 minutes to fix something which have been easier to fix for them, but at the same time, you cannot ignore the issues they had behind the scene, at the same time, wondering if you should support the guys for putting out a game with DLC and all included for 40$.
I'm conflicted...I hate growing up...
So I think alot of the comments about being a not so great port are fair but honestly blown a little out of proportion.
Some of my personal notes:
-Yes it is highly recommended to play this with a controller. You can plug and play with either a wired xbox or ps3 controller (which I imagine most gamers already have honestly). Either way the flow of combat really benefits from analogue input and the pacing fluctuates from slow to fast and back again so while great keyboard and mouse support would have been dandy the gameplay systems were really built with a controller in mind...
I am a bit biased because to me dark souls is such a rare gem of a game it deserves all the money it can get quite frankly. It's still a blast to play on pc and using steam overlay to coordinate with friends actually makes coop alot more manageable and the game looks great with the high rez modification. Despite it not being a great port its still a win all around.
-As for the visuals...sure it doesn't have the production polish as some other titles but the game just oozes with atmosphere that makes most other titles look pretty piss poor in comparison. It's all a matter of taste of course but screenshots do not do the game any justice, you have to play it all in context to really enjoy just how purposeful everything really is the visuals, audio, everything right down to the core game design really flow off each other nicely.
Also I have to point out that the level design is wonderfully varied and the sense of exploration and discovery is so surprisingly rewarding. I found it quite a bit more engrossing than alot of other open world games.
Now go die...
PC Gamers should not buy this kind of games NEVER. I'm fed up of shitty ports, very bad programmed, and more having a machine 20 times more powerful than a videoconsole.
The Devs must know the PC platform is not a platform for residual profits, selling us horrible ports like Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Skyrim, or Prototype 2, full of bugs, and being more a beta than a retail and finished game. This one, is the worst without no doubt.
50 euros for a game like this is a robbery imho, and more being an old game without improvements, lik improved graphical options for PC, a PC control and support to surround sound 5.1/7.1.
Just read all of them, and believe it.. because all is the truth.
It's the same experience as the console game, but on PC, that's it. Some people can edit inis and change some of it's settings, it has rudimentary support for a keyboard and a mouse but seeing how the games controls and gameplay has been designed for a controller, you'd be asking for trouble trying to play without, it's like trying to play Quake 3 online and deciding to use a 360 controller then calling the game shit because it's not perfectly made for it.
As for the framebuffer lock to 1280x720 or whatever, it isn't as horrible as people think it is. I couldn't care less about the lack of "options" to turn on or off, it's not a game made what seems to be entirely around it's visuals like Crysis, this is one of the few games where the visuals actually feel like a supplement to the gameplay, and not a canvas for the gameplay to take place.
60k people wanted it, Namco said "Go, make it in 6 months or less, using your internal team, we don't want to spend too much money on this." And that is what they did, they've been transparent during the whole development process about how this won't be specifically made for PC, that its a bare bones port just to get it on the platform and that it will use caveats like GFWL to get MP working. During it's development the game was NEVER considered for PC, 6 months with no porting experience is not enough to give you a result like say, Sleeping Dogs.
The best thing to come out of this is hopefully Namco and From seeing that the PC market is actually viable, and thus develop the next Souls game for it from the ground up. It's still an amazing game, it's the exact same experience as you get on the console but with less framerate issues in some areas and more content, if the only thing you allow yourself to play is "pure ports" or whatnot, then you're missing out and have a pretty limited, probably shitty, view of what designates a good game or not.
TL;DR: Stop whining, it's still works better than some pure PC games and it's still a great game, support the devs for a better PC version next time, also Gameplay>Graphics any day.
Platinum'd this on the PS3, going for 100% again, having loads of fun.
-The game, unlike Ninja Gaiden, is hard but fair, so there is a reason people 'like it' and reviewers are trying to be nice to the game, because it doesn't hold your hand everywhere you go. I could right now say Skyrim is shit since even Oblivion was better, but the truth is alittle more complex then that.
-FROM never developed PC games in their lives, the few PC games they made were outsourced, and people almost didn't buy them, meaning they were in a mushy situation to say the least.
-They made it clear that this was going to be an 'internal studio' kinda deal, the publisher wasn't going to back them up, meaning their own time and money was coming into play. So any kind of heavy expenditure was out of the question.
-No, all the companies you mentioned 'were' PC companies, hence why you can complain about them, FROM wasn't, they took a risk, especially since the Asian market, other then F2P MMO's isn't known for the PC market.
-If the game is too expensive for you then wait, but at the same time, complain about your regional Tax and VAT systems which are charging extra for online items, unlike US or Canada, where there is no applicable taxes, 50 euro's wasn't the original price of the game, so I don't know why you are getting that number.
-Many Pure-PC games were crap too, STALKER upto today has this issue where if you enable DX9-High Renderer, the game won't start, you are forced to either go Medium or DX10, so there is that.
-At least it isn't Gear of War bad, where the game "expires" after a certain month, and the game would silently crash during gameplay, sometimes not saving your progress. At least this game is functional with gameplay, which what the developer said we would get, and eve said they don't know what they're doing.
-The quote that you posted better be a joke, because that a text-book example of a troll post. FROM never engaged in paying off reviewers nor have I seen a reviewer give the PC version of a game 10 as of yet, and the graphics (I'm guessing that shitface is talking about 'looks') is actually pretty 'grime' looking, which fits the lore of the game.
All in all, as I previously said, this is extremely conflicting, FROM saw the potential for the fanbase, and promised a functional game, but without the extra's 'basics' for a PC, so from hand you have to atleast see they were trying something good.
On the other, it's not that good, I mean you can't change you texture resolution, or disable shadows, or define other basic parameters, and an 'easy' fix, literally got dumped by a random guy in under 23 minutes after the release of the game, at least for Skyrim it took a couple of months to get a working, functional simple fix for the UI, meaning you needed some know how.
So you'll be damned if you support them, damned if you don't, which why I said wait a while before buying it, for all we know, they could be releasing an ASAP Patch to fix up stuff like the STALKER dev's did when a random programmer fixed their shadow issues.
All in all, conflicted, but not angtsy about it like some of you dweebs seem to me. I really doubt you guys are going to be thinking about DarkSouls and how shitty the PC version was on your death-bed. ( Thanks Lordy for the ignore user function ;P )
And, stop the stupid fanboyism of the game, because this is not a PC game. But if you want to buy it... buy it, do as you please, but you are all warned. Only the lovers of the videoconsole game will love it.
to console boys... right.
more: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/dark-souls-prepare-to-die-edition/user-reviews?dist=negative
have fun with the game
Because you do realize pretty much every single negative review posted by user on Metacritic is just fanboyish troll shit that has no rhyme or reason and is part of some massive circlejerk perpetuated by illiterate morons who most likely pirated the fucking game or didn't play it.
Metacritic "user reviews" are just shy of youtube comments in complete mental retardation and lack any kind of worthwhile content.
As for the game, it runs great, I'm having fun (as are apparently a ton of other people playing it online) with it since my brain isn't hardwired to jizz at visuals constantly instead of enjoying the gameplay.
Just for kicks I'll refer to the DailyMail, The Sun and the goddamned Onion as valid and well informed sources of important news.
If you were expecting a DX11 game from a company that made their first PC port with a six month timeline, you need a reality check.
I have an aversion to gamepads, it's one of the main reasons a majority of my games are for the PC. I don't have an XBox or a PS3 (because nearly everything I care to play also comes out for the PC, where it usually winds up running a bit better), so for me to play this comfortably I guess I'd have to go spend $20-30 on a controller, and spending $70 to play a PC game like this just isn't reasonable to me. Maybe if I already had a gamepad, but I always thought the point of playing a game on my PC was so that I didn't need console equipment.
But I guess I'm sort of used to waiting for sales, since I can't afford to buy most games at launch price anyway. :poly142:
This is like blizzard were trying to sell us Diablo 2 for 60 euro. A bad joke.
"when the river sounds... it's because it has water", and i'm agree 100% with all the negative comments at metacritic. People does not complain just for fun.
Troll shit is to sell us this game as a great game for PC. Don't waste your money now, really. There are better PC games to play with. If you are a console boy, just forget my comments.
I won't pay a dollar for such horrible port. Wanna play the game? you have the same but cheaper here: [ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Namco-Dark-Souls-PS3/dp/B006OVJFYQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1345869136&sr=8-2"]Dark Souls (PS3): Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video Games[/ame]
From Amazon.co.uk
If you already played dark souls on ps3 or xbox 360, save your money... if not, don't buy it right now, wait for a deal of 5 euros as much.
The game is identical to the one i played on ps3 and it's still the best game released this generation. There's never been anything like it on pc since severance. And it has new content.
Just buy a gamepad and enjoy it.
At least fucking acknowledge that, Blaizer...
No idea why im even wasting my time with someone so on tilt and prejudice.
And honestly, there arent many games that really come close to Dark souls in recent times its just so fucking good at what it does, 30 fps or not.
However, it really doesn't seem like the porting effort continued beyond renaming one file to .exe and changing the name of their servers to "GFWL".
Resolution - why on earth would this need to be fixed if it was a 20min job for someone on the outside to unlock it?
They would sure have had higher res textures? Include them as an option.
Same with the post-processing, image effects that ran at half, quarter or eighth res could be bumped up.
Texture filtering could be adjustable.
Framerate, I can understand locking something at 30fps for consoles, but how about a 60fps lock option? Some animations may look a bit chunky in the distance, but whatever, crank that up too.
And for the love of all that is holy, leave GFWL to die in a fire.
It's a real shame that it's just a straight port given everything that it's going to cop, and that From will surely never do it again if the response keeps up.
As far as I'm concerned it's exactly what I wanted from a PC version - a way of playing it when I'm not on my PC, and of still having it available deep into the future when my PS3 has long since fallen apart.
But I dunno... maybe I'm just overly optimistic but I think From will probably try again anyway. The petition proved there's a definite market for them on the PC, and people have been very vocally specific about what exactly is wrong with this port so they'll just do it better next time.
Pretty sure that's not true at all :P
I still find it crazy how PC Gamers get themselves in a complete tizzy over such non-issues. It's like their validation for 'PC's are better than consoles' is being stripped away and they go mental over that. People are starving all over the world and there are people cribbing about the fact that a port was shipped with console res textures. I mean, what did you honestly expect? They are an asian developer, are they not? They've been behind the curve in PC development for years, consoles have always been their forte. Can't the .ini files of the game be messed with to make it look prettier?
I'm still having my fun, I guess the punishment for those stupid enough to blast this game for not being a amazing port is they miss out on an amazing game, and the rest of us don't have to encounter those people ingame.
If they could just release a patch that improves the mouse movement to a good standard, i think it would be well playable with KB/Mouse.
Such a rush. And seeing new content in this game was fantastic. I can't wait to get home and see more.
Touching stuff, also difficult, unfortunately I screwed myself over by hastily acquiring a certain sword before checking the stats, so now I'm stuck slowly grinding my way into the stat reqs or using some rather ineffective weapons.
It's a real tearjerker, the new environments are cool and creepy, and has some stunning and difficult new bosses.
It's really amazing that a game that takes such a minimalistic approach to showering the player with story carries a heavier emotional punch than most other games that do the opposite. Having a great time still, started a another character just cause