Would someone know how to get this working in max 2013? A variable has to be changed somewhere? Or does it just need to be resaved as unicode? Not familiar with either.
This is what I'm refering to...
Although now it is called Vertical Plane 1.7.1
It's great for making reference sheets instantly...
This is the code...according to the listener, I am getting caught on stat = 2, which is mouse click up after you draw out the plane. It fails trying to initialize the modify panel options...
plugin Geometry verticalPlane
classID:#(0x1f8a3691, 0x5b8a82ab)
category:"Scripted Primitives"
local dimensionRatio = 1
local adjusting = false
local theMaterial = undefined
local theBitmap = undefined
local origSize = undefined
local origPos = [0,0,0]
fn translatePivot obj dir = (
local DMatrix =transMatrix dir
local invDMatrix = inverse DMatrix
in coordsys obj.objecttransform obj.transform= DMatrix * obj.transform
obj.objectoffsetpos *= invDMatrix
fn setPivotPosRelativeObjtransform obj pos = (
local PMatrix = transMatrix (obj.objectoffsetpos + pos)
local invPMatrix = inverse PMatrix
in coordsys obj.objecttransform obj.transform = PMatrix * obj.transform
obj.objectoffsetpos *= invPMatrix
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rot = (
local rotValInv
if classof rot == EulerAngles then
rotValInv = inverse (rot as quat)
rotValInv = rot
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation *= RotValInv
obj.objectoffsetrot *= RotValInv
parameters main rollout:params (
--stat: 1 --#CREATING , stat:2 --#CREATED , stat:3 --#RESIZING
stat type:#integer default:0
Height type:#float animatable:true ui:spnHeight default:0
Width type:#float animatable:true ui:spnWid default:0
heightSegs type:#integer animatable:true default:4 ui:spnHeightSegs
widthSegs type:#integer animatable:true default:4 ui:spnWidSegs
Density type:#float animatable:true default:1 ui:spnDensity
renderScale type:#float animatable:true default:1 ui:spnRenderScale
Mapcoords type:#boolean default:true ui:chkMapCoords
realWorldMapSize type:#boolean default:false ui:chkRealWorldMapSize
mainConstrainProp type:#boolean default:true ui:chkMainConstrainProp
pivotPos type:#Integer default:1 ui:radPivotPos
on Height set val do (
if stat == 2 then (
if pivotPos == 1 then (--bottom
if mainConstrainProp and adjusting then Width = Height / dimensionRatio
Height = val
delegate.Length = val
setPivotPosRelativeObjtransform selection[1] [0,0,-Height/2]
selection[1].pos = origPos
) else (
delegate.Length = val
Height = val
if mainConstrainProp and adjusting then Width = Height / dimensionRatio
) else if stat == 1 then delegate.Length = val
on Width set val do (
if stat == 2 then (
if pivotPos == 1 then (
if mainConstrainProp and adjusting then Height = Width * dimensionRatio
Width = val
delegate.Width = val
selection[1].pos = origPos
) else (
delegate.Width = val
Width = val
if mainConstrainProp and adjusting then Height = Width * dimensionRatio
on heightSegs set val do (
delegate.lengthSegs = val
on widthSegs set val do (
delegate.widthSegs = val
on Density set val do (
delegate.Density = val
on renderScale set val do (
delegate.renderScale = val
on mapcoords set val do (
delegate.mapcoords = val
on realWorldMapSize set val do (
delegate.realWorldMapSize = val
on spnRenderScale set val do (
delegate.spnRenderScale = val
on Density set val do (
delegate.Density = val
rollout params "Vertical Plane v1.6.1" (
local preLen
local preTransform
local prePos
spinner spnHeight "Height:" type:#worldUnits align:#left range:[0,65536,10] width:134 offset:[-3,0] across:2
button btnHWReset "reset" width:40 height:40 align:#right offset:[10,0]
spinner spnWid "Width:" type:#worldUnits align:#left range:[0,65536,10] width:100 offset:[0,-21]
checkbox chkMainConstrainProp "Constrain Proportions" checked:false align:#right offset:[0,-4]
label lblPivotPos "Pivot Pos:" across:2 align:#left offset:[-10,0]
radiobuttons radPivotPos labels:#("buttom", "center") offset:[20,0] default:1 columns:3
spinner spnHeightSegs "Height Segs:" type:#integer align:#right range:[1,65536,4] offset:[0,4]
spinner spnWidSegs "Width Segs:" type:#integer align:#right range:[1 ,65536,4]
Group "Render Multipliers" (
spinner spnRenderScale "Scale:" align:#right type:#float range:[0,65536,1]
spinner spnDensity "Density:" align:#right type:#float range:[0,65536,1]
Label lblFaces "Total Faces:" width:120
checkbox chkMapCoords "Generate Mapping Coords:" type:#boolean checked:true
checkbox chkRealWorldMapSize "Real-World Map Size" type:#boolean checked:false
fn numfaces = (
fn setPivot type = (
if stat == 2 then (
case pos of (
1: setPivotPosRelativeObjtransform selection[1] [0,0,-delegate.Length/2]
2: centerPivot selection[1]
on btnHWReset pressed do (
if origSize != undefined then (
Height = origSize[1]
Width = origSize[2]
on radPivotPos changed val do (
case val of (
1: setPivotPosRelativeObjtransform selection[1] [0,0,-delegate.Length/2] --selection[1].pivot.z = selection[1].min.z
2: if isValidNode selection[1] do centerPivot selection[1]
on params open do (
lblFaces.caption = "Total Faces:" + (numfaces() as String)
on chkMainConstrainProp changed val do (
if val then (
dimensionRatio = Height / Width
selection[1].theMap.chkConstrainProp.checked = true
) else ( dimensionRatio = 1
selection[1].theMap.chkConstrainProp.checked = false
on spnHeight buttondown do (
if stat == 2 then (
if mainConstrainProp then dimensionRatio = Height / Width
adjusting = true-- adjusting
origPos = selection[1].pos
on spnHeight buttonup do (
if stat == 3 then (
adjusting = false
on spnWid buttondown do (
if stat == 2 then (
if mainConstrainProp then dimensionRatio = Height / Width
/*dd*/origPos = selection[1].pos
adjusting = true
on spnWid buttonup do (
if stat == 3 then (
adjusting = false
parameters sub rollout:theMap (
ImgName type:#String default:"Open Image File"
ImgFilePath type:#String default:""
hasMaterial type:#boolean default:false
ShowImg type:#boolean default:false ui:chkShowImg
ConstrainProp type:#boolean default:true ui:chkConstrainProp
PremultipliedAlpha type:#boolean default:true ui:chkPremultipliedAlpha
TwoSides type:#boolean default:true ui:chk2Sides
Iullmination type:#Integer default:0 ui:spnIullmination
on TwoSides set val do (
if theMaterial != undefined and classof theMaterial == Standardmaterial then theMaterial.twoSided = val
on Iullmination set val do (
if theMaterial != undefined and classof theMaterial == Standardmaterial then theMaterial.selfIllumAmount = val
on PremultipliedAlpha set val do (
if theMaterial != undefined and (superclassof theMaterial.diffuseMap == textureMap) then (
theMaterial.diffuseMap.preMultAlpha = val
rollout theMap "Image setup" (
group "Source Image" (
button btnOpnImg "Open Image File" width:127 offset:[8,0] across:2
checkbox chkShowImg checked:ShowImg align:#right offset:[16,4]
group "Source Alpha File Name " (
edittext edtAlphaName "Name suffix:" text:"_alpha" width:130 align:#left
label lblAlphaName2 "ex : bird.jpg ; bird_alpha.jpg" offset:[-4,-4]
group "Sampling" (
checkbox chkGlobalSP "Use Global Setting" checked:false offset:[-4,0] align:#left
checkbox chkLocalSP "Local Samp.(Max 2.5 star)" checked:true offset:[-4,0] align:#left
checkbox chkConstrainProp "Constrain Image Proportion" checked:ConstrainProp offset:[-4,0]
checkbox chkPremultipliedAlpha "Premultiplied Alpha" checked:PremultipliedAlpha offset:[-4,0]
checkbox chk2Sides "2-Sides" checked:TwoSides offset:[-4,0]
spinner spnIullmination "Self-Illumination: " width:130 type:#integer align:#left range:[0,100,Iullmination]
fn getMaterial pmBitmap = (
local fileType = getFilenameType pmBitmap.filename
fileType = substring fileType 2 -1
fileType = toLower fileType
local fileName = filenameFromPath pmBitmap.filename
local pmMat
local diffuseTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture name:fileName bitmap:pmBitmap
diffuseTextureBitmap.coordinates.Blur = 0
local opacityTextureBitmap
local dotidx
for i = fileName.count to 1 by -1 where fileName[i] == "." do (
dotidx = i;
i = 0
local matName = substring fileName 1 (dotidx - 1)
local alpha_fname = (getFilenamePath theBitmap.filename ) + ( getFilenameFile theBitmap.filename ) + edtAlphaName.text + (getFilenameType theBitmap.filename )
if ( fileType == "jpg" ) then (
if doesFileExist alpha_fname then opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:alpha_fname filtering:0 monoOutput:0 rgbOutput:0 alphaSource:2
else opacityTextureBitmap = undefined
pmMat = standard name:matName diffuseMap:diffuseTextureBitmap opacityMap:opacityTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
) else if ( fileType == "png" or fileType == "tif") then (
if doesFileExist alpha_fname then opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:alpha_fname
else opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture bitmap:pmBitmap filtering:2
opacityTextureBitmap.monoOutput = 1
pmMat = standard name:matName diffuseMap:diffuseTextureBitmap opacityMap:opacityTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
) else if ( fileType == "tga" ) then (
if doesFileExist alpha_fname then opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:alpha_fname
else opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture bitmap:pmBitmap
opacityTextureBitmap.monoOutput = 0
opacityTextureBitmap.output.invert = true
pmMat = standard name:matName Diffuse:diffuseTextureBitmap Opacity:opacityTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
) else if ( fileType == "avi" ) then (
pmMat = standard name:matName diffuseMap:diffuseTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
) else if ( fileType == "ifl" ) then (
if doesFileExist alpha_fname then opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:alpha_fname monoOutput:0 filtering:0 rgbOutput:0 alphaSource:2
else opacityTextureBitmap = bitmaptexture bitmap:pmBitmap filtering:2 monoOutput:1 rgbOutput:0 alphaSource:0
--opacityTextureBitmap.monoOutput = 1
pmMat = standard name:matName diffuseMap:diffuseTextureBitmap opacityMap:opacityTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
) else (
pmMat = standard name:matName diffuseMap:diffuseTextureBitmap showInViewport:true
if pmMat != undefined then (--#standard
pmMat.twoSided = theMap.chk2Sides.checked
pmMat.selfIllumAmount = theMap.spnIullmination.value
return pmMat
) else
return undefined
on chkGlobalSP changed stat do (
if hasMaterial then (
if stat then (
theMaterial.samplerUseGlobal = true
chkLocalSP.enabled = false
chkGlobalSP.checked = true
--chkLocalSP.changed false
) else (
theMaterial.samplerUseGlobal = false
chkLocalSP.enabled = true
chkGlobalSP.checked = false
on chkLocalSP changed stat do (
if hasMaterial then (
if stat then (
theMaterial.samplerEnable = true
theMaterial.sampler = 3
chkLocalSP.checked = true
) else (
theMaterial.samplerEnable = false
chkLocalSP.checked = false
on theMap open do (
if hasMaterial then (
btnOpnImg.caption = ImgName
theMaterial = selection[1].material
origPos = selection[1].pos
chkLocalSP.checked = theMaterial.samplerEnable
chkGlobalSP.checked = theMaterial.samplerUseGlobal
if chkGlobalSP.checked then chkLocalSP.enabled = false
on chkShowImg changed val do (
if val and theMaterial != undefined then (
selection[1].material = theMaterial
hasMaterial = true
btnOpnImg.caption = ImgName
) else (
selection[1].material = undefined
hasMaterial = false
on chkConstrainProp changed val do (
if val then (
dimensionRatio = Height / Width
selection[1].theMap.chkConstrainProp.checked = true
selection[1].params.chkMainConstrainProp.checked = true
) else (
dimensionRatio = 1
selection[1].theMap.chkConstrainProp.checked = false
selection[1].params.chkMainConstrainProp.checked = false
on btnOpnImg pressed do (
local tmpPos = selection[1].pos
origPos = tmpPos
theBitmap = selectBitMap caption:"Open A BitMap File:"
if theBitmap != undefined then (
ImgFilePath = theBitmap.filename
theMaterial = getMaterial theBitmap
if chkLocalSP.checked then (
theMaterial.samplerEnable = true
theMaterial.sampler = 3
) else theMaterial.samplerEnable = false
if chkGlobalSP.checked then theMaterial.samplerUseGlobal = true
else theMaterial.samplerUseGlobal = false
selection[1].material = theMaterial
ImgName = filenameFromPath theBitmap.filename
btnOpnImg.caption = ImgName
params.spnHeight.value = ( Width / theBitmap.width ) * theBitmap.height
dimensionRatio = Height / Width
ShowImg = true
hasMaterial = true
selection[1].pos = origPos
on btnOpnAlpha pressed do (
theBitmap = selectBitMap caption:"Open A BitMap File:"
if theBitmap != undefined then (
ImgFilePath = theBitmap.filename
theMaterial = getMaterial theBitmap
selection[1].material = theMaterial
ImgName = filenameFromPath theBitmap.filename
btnOpnImg.caption = ImgName
params.spnHeight.value = ( Width / theBitmap.width ) * theBitmap.height
dimensionRatio = Height / Width
ShowImg = true
hasMaterial = true
rollout theTime "Time" (
spinner spnStartFr "Start frame : " type:#integer range:[-65536,65536,0] width:108 align:#right
spinner spnPlayBack "PlayBack Rate: " type:#float width:120 align:#right
radiobuttons radCond "" labels:#("Loop","Ping Pong","Hold") columns:2 align:#center
on spnStartFr changed val do (
theMaterial.diffuseMap.starttime = val
if theMaterial.opacityMap != undefined do theMaterial.opacityMap.starttime = val
on spnPlayBack changed val do (
theMaterial.diffuseMap.playBackRate = val
theMaterial.opacityMap.playBackRate = val
on radCond changed stat do (
theMaterial.diffuseMap.endCondition = stat - 1
theMaterial.opacityMap.endCondition = stat - 1
on theTime open do (
local tmpObj = selection[1]
if theMaterial != undefined and tmpObj.material != undefined and tmpObj.material.diffuseMap != undefined do (
spnStartFr.value = tmpObj.material.diffuseMap.starttime
spnPlayBack.value = tmpObj.material.diffuseMap.playBackRate
radCond.state = tmpObj.material.diffuseMap.endCondition + 1
rollout aboutAuthor "About the Author" (
hyperLink linkHTTP "http://andye.idv.tw/" hoverColor:yellow align:#center address:"http://andye.idv.tw/"
on clone orig do (
dimensionRatio = 1
on load do (
stat = 0
on postcreate do format "created: %\n" this
on postLoad do (
stat = 2
tool create (
on mousePoint clickno do (
if clickno == 1 then (
stat = 1--#CREATING
origPos = gridPoint--worldPoint
delegate.width = 20
delegate.length = 0
coordsys local selection[1].rotation = eulerangles -90 0 0
RotatePivotOnly selection[1] (eulerangles -90 0 0)
) else if clickno == 3 then (
max modify mode
params.spnHeight.value = delegate.length
params.spnWid.value = delegate.width
origSize = [delegate.length ,delegate.width]
stat = 2--#CREATED
on mouseMove clickno do (
if clickno == 3 then (
if pivotPos == 1 then (
delegate.length = (abs worldDist.z)
selection[1].pivot.z = selection[1].min.z
) else (
delegate.length = (abs worldDist.z) * 2
) else if clickno == 2 then (
if pivotPos == 1 do selection[1].pivot.z = selection[1].min.z
delegate.width = sqrt((pow worldDist.x 2) + (pow worldDist.y 2)) * 2 -- (distance origPos gridDist) * 2
nodeTM.rotation = eulerangles 0 0 (gridangle[3] )
nodeTM.translation = origPos