This is Macro, my final project at Vancouver Film School for the 3D and Visual Effects program. It's inspired in Macro photography.
I've used Maya 2012 to model and Mental Ray with Unified Sampling to render. In the process I've also used Zbrush, Mudbox and Nuke. I hope you like it
Any coments are welcome!
How long did that take, I wonder?
It took me 6 months. Even though all the stuff was build and texture in aprox. 2 months. As I was practically new in 3d I was learning while doing it.
This sentence right here... I don't know if it should excite me or make me sad!
I just started learning 3D properly in terms of modelling and texturing, and if I can even be as half as good as you appear to be in 6 months I'd be incredibly happy.
Well, the course duration is one year, the last 6 months is for the final project.
If I can do it, trust me anyone can, it's just a matter of investing many hours...
Intervain, I`ve just seen your gallery and I have to say I`m quite impressed!
I wish you all the best!