it's me again with another weapon finished..
This is my very first hand painted texture! No additional textures and stuff... which is a very new way for me..
Learned a lot from this pistol, and I hope to learn more by putting it out here, and ask for some crits on it!
only diffuse, 586 triangles, bassed on torchlight concept.
So feel free to comment or ask anything

From my own experience, adding too much contrast really makes it noisy with hand painted textures.
Anywho, looks great for your first try and can't wait to see more from you
The texture looks a smidge blurry too. You might want to sharpen it up some.
Jessica Dinh: oh wow.. thanks! checked your website, and ur work is really amazing! I used to stare at one of your tileable rock textures to catch something I could use on my textures
AzzaMat: well, I splitted it up in to multiple planks because I think this way it's more interesting visually.. but perhaps you are right, and I should keep functionality a bit more in the foreground! thanks
Add3r: haha you must get back to hand painting its the best!
tsabszy: oh but it did
jramauri: thank you! I'm glad you like it!
Selaznog: haha I hope to make more for sure! Thanks for the feedback!
Jeff Parrott: haha it does look a bit blurry! haven't noticed it, will look in to that! thanks
TehSplatt: thanks!
Took all your advices, and messed around with highlights,brightness and contrast.
I think this might be a bit better?
otherwise looking ace : ]
Personally I think this cartoony style would better match brighter colours. Played with the levels a bit in PS, hope you dont mind :P
(just my opinion by the way, I suppose it really depends on the type of game it's for)
EDIT: One thing you probably should change is the gold ring around the bolts; that part would be the same colour as the grey metal because the bolts are inset
Selaznog: haha I don't mind at all! I see ur point now
probably final thank you all for the feedback!
beaulamb1992: thanks
Fomori: thanks!
I'd save out yours then make one you want to test some ideas on, also hope you don't mind.
I did a quick cheat pass on your render with dodge on midtones 5-9% just to show you what I mean, as Selaznog did just not as intense.