Hi, now that I have a little more time, I would like to start a new thread with update works. C&Cs are welcome
Directories:Starcraft Nova WIP Sep-/2012Baneling Aug/2012Smash Aug/2012Hellhound Aug/2012
rendered with marmoset

Tri-count 5870

normal only


Maps using 2k

not really a lot going on in the spec map tho
I find that the spikes or teeth is very annoying when doing the low res mesh or UVtexturing, I wonder if theres a good way to deal with them??
For speculars etc, you should read up on the polycount wiki which is an excellent resource and obviously, you should read up on what the experts say and by experts i mean the people over at ID.
-Polycount wiki
-id art reference
You could also look into gloss maps.
thanks for the reply! those tutorials are very helpful! Im not sure what secondary details you are referring, I thought what i am lacking was the tertiary details and the little holes and stuff are consider to be the secondary details?o.O Anyway thanks a lot!
thanks for reply!it was my first time trying marmoset, the lighting i was using was the sunlight ambient preset with a spot light. How do people normally set up their light in marmoset?
I'm sorry I've never used Marmoset, I'm sure someone else will be able to help though!
Brute'Smash' (19-21/Aug/2012)
Tri count 4312, Using 2k maps, rendered in Marmoset
Normal only
Still trying to understand how the specular map works
As far as the level of detail i talked about is concerned, heres how i go about it myself. In the following example, lets say, we're modelling a finger
Primary- A tube. Just to give a general shape and weight
Secondary- Adding/taking away from the mess to add in the mass. The bigger details that tighten up the finger. Eg adding in the tendons, making the nail, hinting at the joints etc
Tertiary- Really going in and adding details.Generally encompassing all stages/sizes of skin folds and the skin surface detail (bumps and veins etc)
I hope that was understandable
Looking great so far man. Keep chuggin'!
Thanks! I was started to thinkin the same thing, about the second model, the definition on a lot of stuff is not clear enough, hard to tell what those are. Next one ill try to spend some more time on the sculpt:)
heres a new model I did for last couple days
Baneling 31/Aug-2/Sep/2012
Tris Count:2938 1K map
norm only
I will probably take a bit more time on this project.
Im doing the one on the left