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Meet the Impar

Meet the Impar
This is crafter race that lives on a rich and diverse planet called _____ . Impar use naturally occurring Nano-Mites to form substances into any form, this way they are able to assemble mechanical parts very quickly. Probably because they are so adept at creating whatever they need in the moment's notice, Impar technology has evolved to be somewhat makeshift. Most of their machines emphasize size and power over quality and grace.

This race evolved on a rocky desert environment that has few resources, which caused allot of strife between Impar throughout history. Because of this competition Impar culture evolved to be competitive and rash that does not avoid conflict. They host a variety and often deadly sport like racing, robot brawls etc…

These days Impar live in a huge fortress city that all Impar tribes have joined to build and defend against the invading aliens which is spreading rapidly throughout whole planet. Impar have been first and hardest hit of all races by this scourge. In fact they have been holding back the tide for almost three decades now, but they can't hold on much longer. This is a time for drastic actions.

Meet Abe
He is representative of the Impar race. One of the new generation to whom the constant war with the aliens is nothing new, in fact it is the only thing certain. For most of his youth Abe has been part of United Tribes Army and fought endless battles against the aliens. He is one of the best fighters, but decides to leave and go off on his own, because he feels that Impar are fighting a losing battle and someone has to change the rules. He now travels and hopes to find answers to what they are, what they are doing here, and most important, how to stop them.

• What they are - humans
• What they are Doing here - harvesting the extremely precious Nano-Mites that this planets inhabitants depend on
• How to stop them - join forces with other races of planet ____ including, another faction of humans that arrived to help stop the destruction of this planet. ( Space-hippies fighting evil space corporation, essentially :P)


  • Benton
    Nice work. The body needs better topology as you said. But the head is nice. It looked even more kick-ass when I sub-d'ed it.
  • vaidoras
    Thanks a bunch Benton! I am glad I manged to nail the head at least, and that someone cares :\

    There was no update for a while but I promise I do not forget a project so easy. I was very busy with school is all...

    All I did to get further is re-topologize the torso. I know it does not seem much, but for me - it took allot more time that it would for most of you geniuses :poly124:. I reworked the whole thing over and over, I looked at human anatomy and topology examples as well... still it's coming along very slowly.

    Like I said I would like this to be portfolio worthy peace so please don't go soft on me. I am looking into making this into hero character in a video game, I appreciate all advice!

    You can view a 3d mesh on p3d.in or download .obj from my drop box

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Looks pretty cool :)
    The topology looks nice. Is there a target polycount your going for?
    I think you should go in and add loops to areas like the elbows, wrists, shoulders and the knees. These are the areas which are going to act as pivot points for the bones and are the areas which will undergo the greatest deformation with movement. Afterall, the reason why we all need good topology is so that our meshes deform the way theyre supposed to.
    Learning how edge loops work and how they play a part in deformation is a very deep subject and only years of experience under your belt will allow you to get something that works.
    Heres a few links to tutorials made by industry professionals how how you should place your edge loops.
    Again, the links pasted above dont show the only way to make skin/deformation work. These are just examples and should be taken as such. Dont think of these as rules that you cannot ever break. Go and try different things yourself. See what works for you.
    Make a mesh, add a bone pivot real quick and test how it deforms. Then, makes changes, test and repeat.
    Another thing, if thats your low res mesh and not your base mesh which your going to take into any sculpting program, i would definitely recommend going in and adding in triangles. That in itself is an art. Something to look into.
    Another thing. As far as your facial topology is concerned, its pretty awesome. However, the loop on the ridge of the nose should go to the angle of the mouth and then go under the head. The loop im refering to in your model goes straight to the ears. I hope you understood what i meant, if not let me know and ill paint over your mesh. Quick google
    Oh and btw, get rid of that loop on the feet!

    Good luck!
  • vaidoras
    This thread had four months of silence, among other things, my edumacation kept me busy but I am looking at a good amount of free time that the holidays rolled around! I hope to finish this off by the new year.

    Thank you Butt_sahib for your detailed feedback! It might not seem like I used it from what I uploaded now but I really did make allot of changes based on it before I decided to change rails.

    You see when I was working on it in Maya I was teaching myself anatomy and topology at the same time. So I would get the shape I want but then the polygons would be a mess or vice versa and round and round it went. Was very frustrating for me. I was getting nowhere. Then the clouds parted and BAM! I discover Topogun. Now that this project is in ZBrush I can concentrate on the anatomy and worry about topology later! Also because Topogun has nifty snap vert. to reference feature all the topology work I did before is not lost. Good times.

    Also I deleted my first post and made it into current state of the project which includes background story for this character, skim though it and let me know what you think.

    Wish me luck, and thanks in advance! :)

    Here is what I have right now:
    -I will build him in underpants first and then build his gear, I imagine that in the game he would be able to equip items (I do have his gear planned out in detail though)
    -I will wait and gather feedback from you Poly-Counters and couple friends for 2 days, then incorporate it and take it to Topogun. Meanwhile I'll try to work up a concept painting of his gear I am not too embarrassed to put on the web.
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