Hey Folks,
So I recently picked up L4D again, I used to be way into it and no matter how many times I played it, the plane crash scene in the finale of the dead air campaign always blew me away.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIPV6DuZ2Cw&feature=related"]Left 4 Dead - Dead Air Plane Crash *Super High Quality* [2x GeForce 280 Super-HQ] - YouTube[/ame]
This got me thinking ... what are you favourite set pieces in game art in released games. They don't have to be animated, it could be as simple as a fountain or a mug on a desk.
P.S. I've really been trying to work on my material definition lately so any good examples of that would be awesome as well

This stage freaks me out everytime I play it.
Shalebridge Cradle. The way it starts, the way it makes you feel like you are in a torture chamber and cant get out unless you kill yourself, the way you get in to the alternate dimension to find out what exactly happened.
Its just amazing.
Ocelot duel!!! I love the whole game. Of course the ending is a great set piece too.
and the city in mirrors edge, and some of the chases.
Ok this video's a bit stupid, but it shows off some of the map's interactivity.
Can I say that Raymond game looks amazing I'm really going to have to pick it up.
Here's another one I always enjoy ...
Spoilers BTW
When I think back on the game, that's the first image that always comes to me.
Fu Steinman!
Mind you, mouse look in an FPS game was new back then, we were used to keyboard only in Doom. So when that insanely big monster started to throw lighting around, I practically forgot how to control the game.