Never really started a thread here myself, long time lurker getting over the fear of showing work.
Im working on an indie project and in my free "im bored and don't feel like working on more constructive things" mode I started a new character to sort of casually create.
Im relatively new to 3d and Ive never tried anything like this before so critique would be absolutely excellent.
Anyway the character Ive decided to do is Oshino Shinobu from Bakemonogatari; but in a much LESS stylized form (still stylized but not as much specifically in the face)
Im also particularly good at hard surface so this helmet is going to be nice and interesting

at the moment im just starting to block stuff out so yeah.

The dress will also be fun, never done one like it so im excited for it when i get there.
Do your best to ignore the hands and feet which are terrible placeholders.
neck looks very weird and i think the shoulders are too high.
what do you think?

Face is proving to be super challenging at the moment. Probably because im just not too great at this stylized stuff =(
The indent between upper and lower lip is not supposed to be there, but i was using dynamesh so ill have to retopo to fix it properly.
also no hair yet.

Thanks much in advance from you intimidatingly stellar artists!

how could i forget my terrible hard surface work!

I like how this is looking at the moment. You've got the child-like proportions pretty good, though the biceps & shoulders from the side-view doesn't look "delicate" enough.
thanks; yeah good call im going to work on that as soon as i can.
here are some other shots of the head and a quick block out of where im going to put the hair.
id love some tips on that by the way, hair is going to prove difficult i think.
feet next
Keep it up!
made the changes you recommended, redid a lot about the eyes, and just for you gave her some funny little vampire teeth