Hi all, this is my first post in polycount forum! I'm a newbie in udk and in 3d/2d art, so I have a bit of questions...
Is lightmass useful? I think light points are the best to have a better atmosphere of the scene... maybe lightmass is used to enlighten big maps such as cities' exteriors?
How instancing meshes exactly works? If I have 400 meshes instanced with 400 tris, i have a scene with 400 tris, or 400*400tris? (I think the first but i'm not sure :O)
How much AO influence final render?
Thanks for the help!
400*400tris, instancing, isn't reducing the tris on screen, what instancing is doing is saving you memory. since with 400 instances of the same mesh, the mesh olny needs to be loaded into memory once not 400 times.
Amount of AO depends on the look your trying to achive and are you talking about the full scene AO as a post processing effect? or are you talking about AO that you baked into your texture maps?
Great! Thanks
I'm talking about the baked AO
Now I noticed another problem...
Why the shadows suck and were cutted? Is it because of low poly count?
Yes and no. While using real time lighting you don't need to bake the shadowmaps and therefore you save memory, but you won't get bounce lighting and the performance is much worse.
Umh, understood. I think i will use lightmass.
But if i want flashing and moving lights, i cannot use lightmass, right?
Dynamic lights can't use lightmass. For the main lighting in your scene (like the sun) you should use lightmass, but then use dynamic lighting in places where you need it.