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Maybe she is a unique weasel....buuudddyyy



  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    I wasn't sure about the shoes in the previous image, but I love them in your latest update! The head details and her jacket also look great with the new added details.

    Not too sure about the claw sleeves though. They feel to solid and to much as if she's wearing sleeves made out of flesh. The sleeves also feel a bit to short, but I think that's because the elastic part around her wrist is dark and looks as if it's part of the gloves rather than the sleeve. Adding is a tail sounds like a fun plan :D

    Oh and her dark eyes are creeping me out D: and her eyes seem smaller because of it. Think I preferred the previous eyes better.

    Oh#2, seeing how you've already worked on the gloves a bit, I think her fingers are a bit to thin and skinny at the moment.
  • AdamRodgers
    Loving it all, a little Jamie Hewlett but very much more your own. Give us more :)

    Id suggest the problem with the claws might be that they are too regular higher up, giving a more man-made, stitched look whereas I think you might be after a more open, ragged and skinned animal appearance? Might be worth opening them up to the shoulder and perhaps just having them fastened at the wrist?
  • SA_22
    not really feeling the claws... maybe something like on the top of the hood on her forearm, batman style...?

    big zipper looks sick!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Love it Duncan,
    I agree about the claws though, in theory they're great but in execution they aren't quite there. I think they might work better if they were on a part of the sleeve that folded up, kinda like those folding gloves? with a little zip or velcro patch on the bottom.
  • SA_22
    Love it Duncan,
    I think they might work better if they were on a part of the sleeve that folded up, kinda like those folding gloves? with a little zip or velcro patch on the bottom.

    yea like that idea 2! :poly142::thumbup:
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Hey thanks everyone.

    @ MeintevdS : Thanks :). I am planning on more defined cloth folds on the sleeves that I hope will make them look more cloth like. Thanks for the finger crit. I have left her hands, face and hair alone to figure out the clothing. I will jump back onto those and fix them all up once I feel I have locked down the "character"...... I still feel like I am concepting in too many ways :(

    @ AdamRodgers : Thanks. Yeah I have tried the claws just about everywhere and I think I am feeling more comfortable about them now. I am going for a bit of a ragged animal kind of vibe but I also want the Hoodie Monster to have a vibe of his own. Almost like he could close his claws around her wrists and control her arms (which I think breaks if I move them too high or too low)

    @ ScudzAlmighty : haha thanks man. I never tried that hmmm.... might be worth a quick test. Thanks :)

    Moved the claws and made them larger. I think they are working much better now but I will probably still play with them. I like how the look like he could close his claws around her wrists and control her arms (maybe add strength too)


    Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Duuude the wraps make the teeth on the sleeves work man. Looking rad.
  • SA_22
    haha thought you named her after me for a second there :P
    claws look alot better with the wrap around them, fit in pretty gd now!
  • Jigsaw
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    Jigsaw polycounter lvl 12
    Loving this so much. I'm not really on board with the sleeve claws in either incarnation though, I liked the design better without them. Maybe if they were less exaggerated and/or came out closer to her hands?

    I dunno, I think part of the issue is that I can totally buy the hood as a design I could see on a hoodie in real life, while the claws on the sleeve are lacking the same kind of "cute" appeal as the hood, in addition to looking terribly impractical. Maybe having some sort of jagged edge to the end of the sleeves with kind of implied claws instead of huge actual claws jutting out of her forearms could work?
  • woogity
    REALLY cool duncan loving this so far!
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    so coolies ^^ Dig how the hoodies turning out. Feel like there should be more monster stuff goin on is all, ie a monster hoodie backpack or somthin, i dunno tho (would cover up the cool stuff already there and maybe make stuff to noisy).

    Hope you slap some updates down soon tho, textures seem like they could be really fun on this ^____^
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Claws certainly look more interesting that way, but they also look more like weapons than just a quirky/cute accessory. And as Nizza says, a low-slung backpack could be pretty cool.
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    Hell yeah! so cool!
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    i have to agree with the other guys tough, the claws are confusing me a little bit too.
    maybe if you brought them down a little bit, more near the hands insted of on the forearm. anyways. killer stuff! love the huge zipper and those proportions are insanly cool!
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I like it! A lot different that what I'm used to seeing and I love the hoodie idea. I do like the claws but agree maybe a lower placement might look more comfortable and practical. They kinda look like they'd get in the way. I love how it's looking like the monster is actually "alive" and I do get the sense that she's wearing an actual monster. Cool stuff!
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks everyone.

    Decided to put this project on the back burner till I can decide what the fuck I am doing.... I think I have just over complicated her and spent far too much time thinking about the who, what, where, and why, that I am now utterly lost.

    Perhaps some time apart will yield some freshness.


    Thanks for all the help everyone and if I ever get back to her I hope some of those ideas come through especially Nizza's. A backpack would look totally sweet, and I could build a tail into that, which I think would look ACE....but shit like NO shoulder space breaks that idea and I can't think of ways around that without re designing the whole character. BREAKS MY BRAINS. IF I can figure it all out I will totally get back on the horse coz I really wanna finish her.

    ANYWAY thanks everyone.

  • St4lis
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    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
  • danRod
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    danRod polycounter lvl 18
    Love the design!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Looking sweet, hope you come back to it!
  • SA_22
    Hugh wrote: »

    This is just like this in so many ways.

    I was like wait this sounds just like something I've seen in my ref folder.


    think something like this for the sleeves


    and this for the tail would look sick

  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Looks pretty much done. You're right I wouldn't over complicate it.
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the tips everyone.

    Well that hiatus did not last too long (maybe 1 night)

    @ Hugh & SA_22: BIG, BIG, thanks. you totally got me back in. I gave the hands a go, and I dig them but can't say they really working at the moment.

    90% sure I will go with A.

    I also started a quick backpack and I really dig it but I need to add some straps (which I can do now that the puffy jacket has added a little shoulder room). At the moment it is held in place with a couple HUGE buttons which sort of looks ok but too weird to read properly. I will post some screens soon.


    Thanks everyone.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Could you post A showing her whole body? I think A looks good, but might not compliment her proportions as well as B & C. Plus the long thin arms and legs add alot of interest to the character.
  • SA_22
    :) dont worry about it just glad your down to finish it!!

    yea i'm not sure about the thickness of the arms in a.. full shot might help with that tho.

    maybe something like c but having her not wearing the claw part of the hoody, and just have them dangle down?

    edit: saying that i do still really like a after looking at it again
  • woogity
    dunno man personally i really dig 2 but yea 1 is fantastic as well. she is coming out great man keep it coming!

  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks guys.

    I kind of get what you are saying, but I like the top heavy nature to the puffy jacket. Plus with texture work and badges and stuff I think
    it will get better. There is also the fact that the legs are really plain at the moment and I think it will help once they get some wrinkle detail. Having said that I really dig B too. So my arm can ALWAYS be twisted :)

  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    @ dustinbrown : hahaha you are spot on. That is why I stopped working on this chick. Back into it now though, but maybe not for long. I usualyy do photo barge in some stuff but I did not this time around coz I thought I had a solid idea. Should probably do that now before I wear out again. Thanks :)

    @ Hugh : The cloth is done through some alphas and UV unwraps. I will post them up a bit later.

    Started throwing in some bag straps.

  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah I prefer A, the one you have above^ Especially because I think the cloth you had on her sleeves wasn't really working.
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    JGcount wrote: »
    This is already looking dope and I am sure it will end even cooler.

    Can I request a hint of Yo-Landi?

    Die Antwoord - Evil Boy (Explicit Version) - YouTube


    this made my day.
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