I am aware of that Justin, and I do agree that the whole MMO market is a very difficult one to stay relevant and profitable in.
I was simply voicing my personal opinion, and I know it might be wrong in many cases.
It is after all just based on my observations and my limited experience in the space as an artist on EvE Online its in first two year of development.
Sadly most of these games have in my opinion, after trying almost all of them, failed to keep players interested for the long haul due to other things than the sub model.
There always seems to be that one thing that just makes you loose interest at one point or another.
World of Warcraft managed to make an excellent mix, as well as being pretty well polished through out.
I left DaoC for WoW on the simple fact that WoW just felt smooth and nice to play in comparison.
The combat, the questing, the areas all felt very inviting and nice.
Same goes for its dungeons and raiding parts. It all meshed together nicely.
On the same note, SWTOR´s dungeons felt ok, but the raiding on release was not that good as an example.
I do hope Carbine succeeds at what they are doing with Wildstar, and I hope the very best for Elder Scrolls Online for the type of gameplay they will be offering.
But I will be the first to admit that I am not 100% right, since as I said, all of this is based on my personal observations and experience with the titles.
I am not going to argue this at all with anyone, as we all have different opinions and some are more valid, and based on more experience than others.
Damn! I just watched their CC breaking video, and I really like how this game is looking. The artwork really looks tremendous. I am a little wary of the subscription model, but I might give it a go.
So glad this went with subs, f2p is great but.. the cash shop becomes more important than the fun and that sucks. Ive had a great time in the stress test weekends, the race across the map and the general humour of the game gives me high hopes (trying not to get too hyped but them devspeak videos get me everytime), the devs (hi to any that browse here o/) made a good call deciding to revamp some of the systems and pushing back the release date imo, make this game (even more) awesome!!
I played it twice and my wife played it once, we both loved it. Were definitely buying it day 1.
We played the level 3-6 content. There was an option to play higher level (24-30) content.
What I liked:
-Animation is fucking phenomenal, especially the players character. So bouncy, lively, and responsive
-Very tight controls, no delay with jump/sprinting/dodging/attacking
-Beautiful art, completely unique races and creatures. Effects were great and the environments are very epic and manage scale incredibly well
-Path-based quests for Soldier/Settler/Explorer/Scientist. I am an explorer and it was fun to jump up around mountains and place satellites down for massive chunks of XP. My wife played Settler and they have lots of extra stuff for you to collect, then use to build
-Combat is awesome! The reticle system works great. What was even more awesome was my wife is not a refined gamer like us and it was fun to see her dodging and evading attacks and attacking right after. She said she felt challenged and rewarded for not being brain-dead while fighting
-You can strip stats off of other gear and place it onto your current gear. So you can get rid of unnecessary stats. Not huge to me, but kind of useful
Did not like:
-The general gameplay is still quite WoW-like. Quest and combat oriented. While the path system is there to augment your experience, it does not replace WoWs quest & combat system. At least you dont have to return to quest givers when youre done, so you can keep moving forward.
-Difficult to see what enemies are hitting you with ranged auto-attacks. Enemies still have an auto-attack (that does not use the reticle system) and its a bit confusing to understand their range at times.
Like I said, day 1 purchase for us
Did anyone else play it? What did you like/dislike?
Pretty cool, always played Healers but Tank's are looking pretty interesting, the combat looks really dynamic! Still hoping for a chance to participate in Beta, if anyone's had any experience with it feel free to let us know your thoughts. Cheers!
On top of that the videos disclaimer is actually a puzzle which was solved recently (had some fun taking part in the irc discussion last night). The answer led to a url extension on the wildstar website that can be seen here - http://www.wildstar-online.com/DHwtH337l.html
It looks awesome but I can't find myself enjoying any game with a subscription model. I've only tried the model once but I always feel pressured to play the game because I'm paying monthly/yearly for it. I'm not a huge MMO gamer in general but at least there are a lot of nice looking F2P MMOs in development (and plenty that are already out) for my kind.
I would like a model where I pay for how much I play. Kind of like a cell phone's 10-cents-a-minute plan (I use this IRL).
I would like a $0.75-1 a day plan. This works for them because if someone were to play every day of the month, they'd be paying way more. They would have to play 15-20 days a month to equate to the standard $16/mo... but then if you played only ~10 days a month you'd save money.
it's too close in terms of WoW-clone for me to take a serious look at it really (yes I had a quick go on it). Looks great and I love their sense of humour but it's not enough set apart from wow for me to sub to it.
Update on the new Medic class for Wildstar, the mechanics look pretty exciting from a healing point of view but may end up sticking with an Esper... guess we'll have enough time to try them all out
Update on the new Medic class for Wildstar, the mechanics look pretty exciting from a healing point of view but may end up sticking with an Esper... guess we'll have enough time to try them all out
I would like a model where I pay for how much I play. Kind of like a cell phone's 10-cents-a-minute plan (I use this IRL).
I would like a $0.75-1 a day plan. This works for them because if someone were to play every day of the month, they'd be paying way more. They would have to play 15-20 days a month to equate to the standard $16/mo... but then if you played only ~10 days a month you'd save money.
^ So much this! except .55 cents instead of .75 and they can make money off other things like mounts and any other things they have in mind.
But like most I am loosing interest and wow clone is wow clone no matter how you look at It. The only thing to get people into this is to make it free or worth $ in terms of play-time and monthly cost.
As it sits though sadly I am not interested in the current setup, don't get me wrong I really love the game.
Though I left wow because of the cost, but you'll get other people interested and that's fine.
I am just one of 7 billion of about 2,405,518,376 billion that have Internet divide that by about 2 = 1.200,000,000 that might be able to pay for this monthly game.. me love you long time still.:poly136:
Also if everyone of those people played 1 time 1 day and paid .55c This is your profit:
There were pay per minute & pay per hour online games prior to the monthly sub model. I remember trying to convince my mom to let me get Magestorm or one of the other early Mythic games that ran on the AOL game service that charged by the hour.
You can get some beta keys to play for the weekend right now, MMOhuts has about 2100 left right now.
I don't have time this weekend so somebody can take my key.
Once you get a key, sign up for an account here then sign in and click "Apply A Code" and enter in the code "6CD8-FKRY-TPYF-BSXZ-JPK4" without the quotes.
You can play from April 18th at 7am PDT to April 20th at 11:59pm PDT! This test is for the North American servers.
Alienware Arena is also giving them away. I'm surprised there aren't people jumping over this to be honest. I remember just a few months ago these keys were selling for a lot of money.
Here's another key in case anybody wants to play but doesn't feel like making an account:
That is weird maybe they registered for the keys or purchased the regular/deluxe edition?
Well i enjoyed my little romp around, though wish i had some cash and achievement points for those nice mounts and gears.
Did moose get his, he seemed interested, i'm mogway in game btw, idk what server.
Damn, NA are getting a test this weekend, no love for EU.
Ah I suppose I played 2 weeks ago, I got my test before I decided to buy, which I still haven't because no money these days.
but damn the art style is amazing, reminds me so much of ratchet and clank (my all time favorite game)
As great of a game WildStar is, I don't see the subscription model lasting. It seems like every big name MMO minus WoW and Final Fantasy end up going F2P pretty quickly.
Yeah I was under the impression that the game is available to customers who want to play free of sub, but paying customers would have a faster leveling speed as well as other perks?
Yeah I was under the impression that the game is available to customers who want to play free of sub, but paying customers would have a faster leveling speed as well as other perks?
Don't know about that part. Thought it's like EVE. You have an option of buying the game time with ingame gold.
^lol nice we all know those GFers will pop up for sure but sounds like the new model eliminates them so that's pretty damn cool.
I'm on the hook art style looks too nice to pass up and i abuse the dye stuff every armor upgrade - Best idea ever, let me tell you, also someone hook it up before beta dies i want to see all the dyes or just the best black and red ones, them purps.
Ascendancy (EN PVE)
Eko (EN PVE)
Ikthia (DE PVE)
Kazor (DE PVE)
Stormfather (FR PVE)
Hazak (EN PVP)
Progenitor (DE PVP)
Treespeaker (FR PVP)
Lightspire (EN RP-PVE)
Toria (DE RP-PVE)
Triton (FR RP-PVE)
Right before the last big beta ended I managed to take on a world boss with 14 other random people. Boss had something like 1.4 million health and a 600k shield. Was the most epic experience I have had in an MMO in a looooong time. Also, I was only level 11 when we did it so it wasn't even mid game content. Had a blast, looking forward to doing it again.
My wife and I are having a BLAST with Wildstar so far.
Combat and movement is very tight and responsive. My wife is not a huge gamer and she commented on how easy it is for her to fight (relative to WoW which required a lot of TAB targeting).
The UI is the least impressive bit of the game, but that can always be changed with add-ons.
Congrats and well done to everyone that worked on it!
It's super fun! I am happy to finally play an MMO that I truly enjoy besides WoW. I am constantly running around from random spot to random spot just to look at the art and world.
The Explorer path totally fits my play-style and I love it.
I honestly couldn't stand it for more than 10 minutes.
The hand painted cartoony style graphics and quite bad animations just instantly throwed me out.
Next time I won't even bother checking cartoony, hand-painted games ;s.
I was simply voicing my personal opinion, and I know it might be wrong in many cases.
It is after all just based on my observations and my limited experience in the space as an artist on EvE Online its in first two year of development.
Sadly most of these games have in my opinion, after trying almost all of them, failed to keep players interested for the long haul due to other things than the sub model.
There always seems to be that one thing that just makes you loose interest at one point or another.
World of Warcraft managed to make an excellent mix, as well as being pretty well polished through out.
I left DaoC for WoW on the simple fact that WoW just felt smooth and nice to play in comparison.
The combat, the questing, the areas all felt very inviting and nice.
Same goes for its dungeons and raiding parts. It all meshed together nicely.
On the same note, SWTOR´s dungeons felt ok, but the raiding on release was not that good as an example.
I do hope Carbine succeeds at what they are doing with Wildstar, and I hope the very best for Elder Scrolls Online for the type of gameplay they will be offering.
But I will be the first to admit that I am not 100% right, since as I said, all of this is based on my personal observations and experience with the titles.
I am not going to argue this at all with anyone, as we all have different opinions and some are more valid, and based on more experience than others.
We played the level 3-6 content. There was an option to play higher level (24-30) content.
What I liked:
-Animation is fucking phenomenal, especially the players character. So bouncy, lively, and responsive
-Very tight controls, no delay with jump/sprinting/dodging/attacking
-Beautiful art, completely unique races and creatures. Effects were great and the environments are very epic and manage scale incredibly well
-Path-based quests for Soldier/Settler/Explorer/Scientist. I am an explorer and it was fun to jump up around mountains and place satellites down for massive chunks of XP. My wife played Settler and they have lots of extra stuff for you to collect, then use to build
-Combat is awesome! The reticle system works great. What was even more awesome was my wife is not a refined gamer like us and it was fun to see her dodging and evading attacks and attacking right after. She said she felt challenged and rewarded for not being brain-dead while fighting
-You can strip stats off of other gear and place it onto your current gear. So you can get rid of unnecessary stats. Not huge to me, but kind of useful
Did not like:
-The general gameplay is still quite WoW-like. Quest and combat oriented. While the path system is there to augment your experience, it does not replace WoWs quest & combat system. At least you dont have to return to quest givers when youre done, so you can keep moving forward.
-Difficult to see what enemies are hitting you with ranged auto-attacks. Enemies still have an auto-attack (that does not use the reticle system) and its a bit confusing to understand their range at times.
Like I said, day 1 purchase for us
Did anyone else play it? What did you like/dislike?
Pretty cool, always played Healers but Tank's are looking pretty interesting, the combat looks really dynamic! Still hoping for a chance to participate in Beta, if anyone's had any experience with it feel free to let us know your thoughts. Cheers!
On top of that the videos disclaimer is actually a puzzle which was solved recently (had some fun taking part in the irc discussion last night). The answer led to a url extension on the wildstar website that can be seen here -
I'm starting to really look forward to this game
If anyone was interested in the puzzle and how it was solved -
Hopefully a good deal of us get into the winter beta.
I would like a $0.75-1 a day plan. This works for them because if someone were to play every day of the month, they'd be paying way more. They would have to play 15-20 days a month to equate to the standard $16/mo... but then if you played only ~10 days a month you'd save money.
Think ill be playing medic, Dem resonators =D The engineer tease looked great tho, the expressions the robots had was amazing.
^ So much this! except .55 cents instead of .75 and they can make money off other things like mounts and any other things they have in mind.
But like most I am loosing interest and wow clone is wow clone no matter how you look at It. The only thing to get people into this is to make it free or worth $ in terms of play-time and monthly cost.
As it sits though sadly I am not interested in the current setup, don't get me wrong I really love the game.
Though I left wow because of the cost, but you'll get other people interested and that's fine.
I am just one of 7 billion of about 2,405,518,376 billion that have Internet divide that by about 2 = 1.200,000,000 that might be able to pay for this monthly game..
Also if everyone of those people played 1 time 1 day and paid .55c This is your profit:
Some pretty thick pre-order rewards.
I don't have time this weekend so somebody can take my key.
Once you get a key, sign up for an account here then sign in and click "Apply A Code" and enter in the code "6CD8-FKRY-TPYF-BSXZ-JPK4" without the quotes.
You can play from April 18th at 7am PDT to April 20th at 11:59pm PDT! This test is for the North American servers.
thank you so very much, been waiting like a crackwhore on the corner.
Here's another key in case anybody wants to play but doesn't feel like making an account:
Well i enjoyed my little romp around, though wish i had some cash and achievement points for those nice mounts and gears.
Did moose get his, he seemed interested, i'm mogway in game btw, idk what server.
Ah I suppose I played 2 weeks ago, I got my test before I decided to buy, which I still haven't because no money these days.
but damn the art style is amazing, reminds me so much of ratchet and clank (my all time favorite game)
If you fancy a party sometime, 'Warden' on Dominion and 'PowerDrain' on Exiles. Some dirty heathen nicked DiSarray
Subscription...why god? WHY??!!!
Don't know about that part. Thought it's like EVE. You have an option of buying the game time with ingame gold.
I'm on the hook art style looks too nice to pass up and i abuse the dye stuff every armor upgrade - Best idea ever, let me tell you, also someone hook it up before beta dies i want to see all the dyes or just the best black and red ones, them purps.
first PM w/ an email I can forward it to gets it.
Farming for cash is as bad as a monthly sub for someone who is time poor.
Give me chunks of time I can purchase and play out when I feel like it.
Avatus (PVE)
Caretake (PVE)
Mikros (PVE)
Orias (PVE)
Stormtalon (PVE)
Thunderfoot (PVE)
Pago (PVP)
Pergo (PVP)
Widow (PVP)
Evindra (RP-PVE)
Myrcalus (Oceanic PVE)
Ascendancy (EN PVE)
Eko (EN PVE)
Ikthia (DE PVE)
Kazor (DE PVE)
Stormfather (FR PVE)
Hazak (EN PVP)
Progenitor (DE PVP)
Treespeaker (FR PVP)
Lightspire (EN RP-PVE)
Toria (DE RP-PVE)
Triton (FR RP-PVE)
Can't wait.
Right before the last big beta ended I managed to take on a world boss with 14 other random people. Boss had something like 1.4 million health and a 600k shield. Was the most epic experience I have had in an MMO in a looooong time. Also, I was only level 11 when we did it so it wasn't even mid game content. Had a blast, looking forward to doing it again.
My wife and I pre-ordered and will be playin' on Saturday!
Combat and movement is very tight and responsive. My wife is not a huge gamer and she commented on how easy it is for her to fight (relative to WoW which required a lot of TAB targeting).
The UI is the least impressive bit of the game, but that can always be changed with add-ons.
Congrats and well done to everyone that worked on it!
It's super fun! I am happy to finally play an MMO that I truly enjoy besides WoW. I am constantly running around from random spot to random spot just to look at the art and world.
The Explorer path totally fits my play-style and I love it.
The hand painted cartoony style graphics and quite bad animations just instantly throwed me out.
Next time I won't even bother checking cartoony, hand-painted games ;s.
I have not played an MMO that had an animation quality even remotely near as strong as Wildstar's.