It wouldn't work out of the box due to 3D movies being shot/rendered to give you depth when put in a frame while the rift renders the complete view of the individual eyes. Not sure if I makes sense without a picture though.
Of course you could write a video player that creates a virtual frame to render the movie in but the resolution would be pretty crappy as you would only use part of the screen.
Yeah fov would be the biggest issue, I can see people writing software to make it work, but these are not hd, and they take up you entire field of view.
The Oculus Rift is a set of 2 displays, one for each eye, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get a stereoscopic video split onto each display, but someone is going to have to write some software to do it.
I've been dying to give this a shot, i'm not sure if this is how effect would actually appear but with the head tracking i hope so.
3d is pretty much a cheap gimmick. What you have realise is no matter the data feed you're still projecting to a 2d screen. The idea behind head tracking / VR is the screen is no longer a "screen" but a portal relative to your perspective. It's already 3d in nature.
This explains it a bit better than i could (lets see if i can actually embed this shit)
@Paznos the current version of the Oculus Rift does not have sensors to do head tracking like that, just XYZ rotation, they have expressed the wish to add translation sensors in the future. But the 3d is not a gimmick. Movie 3d is often a gimmick and done in post and the effects exaggerated. But in real life each of your eyes is fed 2d data and the differences between each eyes "image" gives depth perception. That type of head tracking is great for giving the "window" effect, but is only a small part of the entire 3d vr experience, I've head some complaints about the Oculus Rift that the lack of translation sensors makes them feel a bit uneasy/unnatural when doing those movements.
Also that window effect isn't as important when your entire field of view is a display.
The Oculus Rift is a set of 2 displays, one for each eye, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get a stereoscopic video split onto each display, but someone is going to have to write some software to do it.
that would be same as regular 3d as opposed to virtual reality which Oculus Rift is about.
there is no direct control of camera in a 3d movie since it is all pre-recorded.
however for realtime VR it means the VR kit will control the camera in 3d environment.
In response to the very first post, the it is not stated anywhere that the Rift is UDK compatible, we emailed and asked as we ordered 2 Dev Kits for our game, at the moment its only for Unreal licencees. Unity is the safest bet for indies if you want to use the Rift!
Either way... I CANT FOOKIN WAIT!
Oh and Ravenslayer if UDK does support the rift eventually we should have you covered on the horror front!
Indeed it is! I think it could be a good alternative to develop camera translation using TrackIR / Wiimote / webcamera as a complement until support is added in the Oculus kits.
I'd fucking love to see this helmet tech working with Kinect, or any other motion tracking device. Imagine being able to see your virtual body animated using kinect tracking, allowing you to hold a simple gun controller which is being recognized by software and replaced with virtual gun in game. That way for aiming down sights you would need to actually do that in real life with controller, and coolest thing about it is that you could gesture for everyone else to see. Would bring military shooters to new level.
Ahh nice the devkits are going out, ill have to track down someone who ordered one, i really want to see one of these things. Super excited about what this could do for gaming of all kinds. I think these could really elevate experiences like dear esther and such. As well as things like Slipgate just posted.
I saw it at GTC (NVIDIA's conference the week before) also tried it in our offices as several colleagues got one. It is quite remarkable experience, though the low resolution currently hurts it quite some, but the tracking was awesome, felt very natural. The device is very light. Due to lack of res it works better with "close up" objects, distance feels too weirdly blurred. Played some demo where you knights walk by you, was pretty cool.
Given it worked so well you want "more", like not just rotation but head movement
Tried out the Oculus today and I must say it really did surprise me.
Being an old burned out sceptic, and having tried various versions of VR, tracking and 3D equipment, this setup is by a large leap the most natural, and most comfortable bit of hardware I have tried yet.
The 3D effect was really solid on delivering believable depth while not suffering from the usual "double image" syndrome that I get from the Nvidia 3D setup.
The head tracking I thought was really nice, and I tried all the various motion tricks to make my self feel nauseous or uncomfortable without success.
I did feel a little bit of eye-strain, but I suspect that is somewhat fixable via the multiple optional lenses and adjustable headset which I did not tune to fit me.
I saw the inside of a house and could walk around in it and I must say that the Oculus really managed to deliver the illusion of scale and placement.
Walking around and going close to a wall without noticing, then looking quickly at the wall was very much like the real thing of "whoa shit I almost hit that wall!"
I for one cant wait to see how this tech turns out once we have super high res, 120hz+ screens in there.
The only minus I could see was the low screen res (pixelation was highly visable and so was the gridding in the actual screen) and it was a tad blurry at times due to refresh rates in combination with the low resolution.
I know the gridding is supposed to be fixed in their first consumer model. I don't think much else is going to change, slightly larger screens, but same resolution. I can't wait to try one, but I think it's going to be a while before I get to demo one.
I know the gridding is supposed to be fixed in their first consumer model. I don't think much else is going to change, slightly larger screens, but same resolution. I can't wait to try one, but I think it's going to be a while before I get to demo one.
Actually they want a smaller screen because it will reduce weight. The early prototype shown to press had a 5" screen instead of the 7" that the Dev unit comes with just because they couldn't get enough of the screen they wanted to use for production. 1080p is also the goal for the consumer model, and what with the new 1080p cell phone screens that just started hitting the market it seems likely that will be quite possible.
I was able to try it today at work, looking at the Tuscany Demo.
It was a tad fuzzy/low res maybe? But besides that, it was pretty damn amazing. Instantly it was like I stepped into another world and felt part of it.
I did get a little vertigo/sick when I tried to run up stairs. It was a little weird, I expected/wanted to move my legs. It doesn't have that double vision/3D glasses look, it really does look "right". But it depends on how the devs set it up too I bet?
I hear it works with Skyrim partially? I really want to see how that looks. I think this is the future of games. Or I hope so anyways.
After experiencing it though, I could see a game like COD or something scaring the shit out of people. Since you might actually feel in danger and really be immersed in the game.
I tried it and it freaked my brain out. I thought it was pretty awesome, but when I started moving around my body started swaying and my balance got wonky. I think my body was trying to shift my weight around to compensate for movement.
Just fired up Mirror's Edge and though the low resolution of the dev kit takes some getting used to, the mechanics are sound. I found I had to be sat at the PC to 'ground' myself.
After a while your brain adjusts and you get used to the best way to look around using the mouse/head-turns.
Edit: Just read that sad news. Man that's really awful.
Our kit came in the other week.
The demo ZacD posted a video of was quite good, you get a real good sense of depth and scale but man alive do you feel nauseous when moving. That's the major downside to the Oculus at this point in time, that and low resolution.
The rollercoaster demo really made me feel ill. We had one bloke have a go and it looked like was panicking. Legs and arms shaking, uncontrollable spasms and no this was not a fit! Pretty damn funny, wish we had recorded it. He's an oddball though. Another guy, if it were not for one of us catching him, would have fallen over backwards.
I tried it on TF2 and it was quite fun, the UI following your head movement was cool but it was difficult to play any game though. I think the best demo we tried was this racing game.
[ame=""]racing game[/ame]
Good thing about the rift is that there is nothing to install, and for unity it's just a matter of dragging a script onto the camera for it to work.
Oh no. It's always really sad to see someone who had such an amazing future ahead of them go, but even more so when it happens in a senseless and violent way such as this
AHHAHAHAHAHAA £1000? seriously? It's lower res than the release model Rift too, and doesn't include the motion control capabilities. The BS in the description is great too - e.g.
If you’re a gamer, you’ll love the clear mode setting, optimises and enhances lost frames for great clarity of high-speed action
That sony HMD looks terrible. Huge cost aside, 45 degree FOV is way too narrow.
I really want a rift when they release the consumer version. I have a 3x30" setup for sim racing and I would love to replace it with something less GPU intensive than trying to render 12mp.
AHHAHAHAHAHAA £1000? seriously? It's lower res than the release model Rift too, and doesn't include the motion control capabilities. The BS in the description is great too - e.g.
You lose frames because it can't run at 60fps.
This is their old model dude. The new one wont be unveiled till the end of september.
Of course you could write a video player that creates a virtual frame to render the movie in but the resolution would be pretty crappy as you would only use part of the screen.
correct me if i am wrong but virtual reality only works with actual realtime 3d data.
3d movies are just stereoscopic sets of 2d images really.
3d is pretty much a cheap gimmick. What you have realise is no matter the data feed you're still projecting to a 2d screen. The idea behind head tracking / VR is the screen is no longer a "screen" but a portal relative to your perspective. It's already 3d in nature.
This explains it a bit better than i could (lets see if i can actually embed this shit)
Also that window effect isn't as important when your entire field of view is a display.
that would be same as regular 3d as opposed to virtual reality which Oculus Rift is about.
there is no direct control of camera in a 3d movie since it is all pre-recorded.
however for realtime VR it means the VR kit will control the camera in 3d environment.
Every video and article I have seen has consistently stated that each lens is a 640x480 screen.
Have you seen the inside of the Rift? It's two round, fisheye screens.
Either way... I CANT FOOKIN WAIT!
Oh and Ravenslayer if UDK does support the rift eventually we should have you covered on the horror front!
EDIT* A few nice vids here, sorry if its already been posted
Rift needs a remake of this game!
I think this video may have been posted before, but I'm excited that they are really looking to add in positional/translating tracking as well.
bad ass.
I will live inside Hawken, I bet you thought I was going to say Sinful Robot
I'd fucking love to see this helmet tech working with Kinect, or any other motion tracking device. Imagine being able to see your virtual body animated using kinect tracking, allowing you to hold a simple gun controller which is being recognized by software and replaced with virtual gun in game. That way for aiming down sights you would need to actually do that in real life with controller, and coolest thing about it is that you could gesture for everyone else to see. Would bring military shooters to new level.
Given it worked so well you want "more", like not just rotation but head movement
Being an old burned out sceptic, and having tried various versions of VR, tracking and 3D equipment, this setup is by a large leap the most natural, and most comfortable bit of hardware I have tried yet.
The 3D effect was really solid on delivering believable depth while not suffering from the usual "double image" syndrome that I get from the Nvidia 3D setup.
The head tracking I thought was really nice, and I tried all the various motion tricks to make my self feel nauseous or uncomfortable without success.
I did feel a little bit of eye-strain, but I suspect that is somewhat fixable via the multiple optional lenses and adjustable headset which I did not tune to fit me.
I saw the inside of a house and could walk around in it and I must say that the Oculus really managed to deliver the illusion of scale and placement.
Walking around and going close to a wall without noticing, then looking quickly at the wall was very much like the real thing of "whoa shit I almost hit that wall!"
I for one cant wait to see how this tech turns out once we have super high res, 120hz+ screens in there.
The only minus I could see was the low screen res (pixelation was highly visable and so was the gridding in the actual screen) and it was a tad blurry at times due to refresh rates in combination with the low resolution.
But over all... " My god... its full of stars! "
9.5 / 10 for me
Actually they want a smaller screen because it will reduce weight. The early prototype shown to press had a 5" screen instead of the 7" that the Dev unit comes with just because they couldn't get enough of the screen they wanted to use for production. 1080p is also the goal for the consumer model, and what with the new 1080p cell phone screens that just started hitting the market it seems likely that will be quite possible.
120hz is probably still a ways away though.
It was a tad fuzzy/low res maybe? But besides that, it was pretty damn amazing. Instantly it was like I stepped into another world and felt part of it.
I did get a little vertigo/sick when I tried to run up stairs. It was a little weird, I expected/wanted to move my legs. It doesn't have that double vision/3D glasses look, it really does look "right". But it depends on how the devs set it up too I bet?
I hear it works with Skyrim partially? I really want to see how that looks. I think this is the future of games. Or I hope so anyways.
After experiencing it though, I could see a game like COD or something scaring the shit out of people. Since you might actually feel in danger and really be immersed in the game.
I got a little sick after, no puking, just woozy
It's very awesome, though!
After a while your brain adjusts and you get used to the best way to look around using the mouse/head-turns.
Looks good so far.
Our kit came in the other week.
The demo ZacD posted a video of was quite good, you get a real good sense of depth and scale but man alive do you feel nauseous when moving. That's the major downside to the Oculus at this point in time, that and low resolution.
The rollercoaster demo really made me feel ill. We had one bloke have a go and it looked like was panicking. Legs and arms shaking, uncontrollable spasms and no this was not a fit! Pretty damn funny, wish we had recorded it. He's an oddball though. Another guy, if it were not for one of us catching him, would have fallen over backwards.
I tried it on TF2 and it was quite fun, the UI following your head movement was cool but it was difficult to play any game though. I think the best demo we tried was this racing game.
Good thing about the rift is that there is nothing to install, and for unity it's just a matter of dragging a script onto the camera for it to work.
1080p version of the Rift shown at E3.
Oculus Rift Horror Game -- Alone in the Rift, Intense Reaction
AHHAHAHAHAHAA £1000? seriously? It's lower res than the release model Rift too, and doesn't include the motion control capabilities. The BS in the description is great too - e.g.
You lose frames because it can't run at 60fps.
I really want a rift when they release the consumer version. I have a 3x30" setup for sim racing and I would love to replace it with something less GPU intensive than trying to render 12mp.
This is their old model dude. The new one wont be unveiled till the end of september.