Hey guys I am getting ready to put up my portfolio website, but before I do, I have a few questions. How big should my screen shots be on my page ? Is okay that my home link is embeded in my banner ? And should my resume be downloadable or a pdf or both ?
And, yes, a lot of people put their home link in their banner; should be fine. It's usually peoples instincts to click on the banner, anyway, to get back to the home page.
And, the screenshots should be big enough to show all the details. In fact, up to 2000x2000 is perfectly reasonable, and I've seen even bigger ones. But make sure they don't load on the main page that way, or else they may take a while to load. You want a smaller version, that, when you click on it, links to the huge one.
Here is my favorite example of "AWESOME portfolio": http://paulsvoboda.net/
It exhibits all of that.